The Moving Picture World (October 1907)

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528* THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. Rubberneck Reuben, or, Butting in Everywhere COMEDY 254 FEET Send your advance order to your rental agency to-day. If they can't supply you. write us, we'll tellyou some* body who can. Postal brings yon advance list of the very latest Moving Picture subjects every week, free. Moving Picture Machines, Lenses, etc., at Right Prices. Catalogue Free. "65 REELS OF FUTURE FILiS" FINE ORDER—GOOD SUBJECTS about 4 to 5 Cts. Per Foot average Reels Included—Send for List T. J. HARBACH, 809 Filbert St., PMIadelpMa,Pa, .the.delicious grilled chicken. In the mean-I time the chef appears and notices the van-Jj . ishing of the chicken, and at once .accuses! his help as being the delinquent and drives; ' him out of the kitchen. Putting anotherr chicken on the spit, he places that on ths| grill and proceeds to guard the door oil the kitchen while it is cooking. In tht$ meantime the boys who have so much tarn joyed their luscious repast agree to augl ment it, and the younger again descends tcl get another chicken, which he successful:* . accomplishes. The chef has now made \%% his mind that the chicken is" done to a mm and leaving the door goes to the grill, andf! to his astonishment, finds that the secoaH chicken has vanished as did the first r&y suspicions being aroused that the thit|l must have come down the chimney, he set|fl a watch. The boy again appears and, s«|| ing he is discovered, jumps from the gtflj • and is chased about the kitchen by dfl chef, who is finally overcome by falling over a chair, which the boy throws in h ':' way. The chimney sweep # immediate! jumps on the grill and vanishes up chimney, followed by the chef bent upo£| giving him summary chastisement. Tk boy on appearine, at the chimney top it| forms his companion that he is being fclij lowed, and asks for a bucket of watt; standing on the roof; this is handed to I and he immediately proceeds to empty tb contents on the- ascending chef, who | knocked down the chimney by the rapij descent of the water falling on the kitchef floor, vowing vengeance which he is able to Carry out IQUARTERS Machines, Films, Song. Slides, and all supplies for Moving Picture Theatres. Orders 6lled same dav as received. Write for particulars. Price* right. £Lk Q. Oxygen and Hy&ogea \ff\\J In Cylinders. - - - ..... Lime Pencils, Condensate Etc. . Prompt Service, . Seasonable Elates ALBANY CALCIUM LIGHT CO. 26 witrtaa St.'; "* Albany, s.: v. eczmxYH AVB NEW YORK TO DEALERS ONLY Bidensii$§j Lens ijectiveS, &c a9 EASK £2. CO. EJIPERT OPEE2ATOK, owning complete outfit I would like engagement with lecturer or nigh-class moving picture theatre. Can take full charge. High- est references. Prefers New England states. E. A. HALL, Ca Columbia St., Swampscott,Mass 32 Qqeen Street East, Toronto Phone Main 597s. Something E3©w In (Zl| .gjfj Announcement vLill New Original Designs, Beautifully Executed 1 Qsc^*Co!cri1 by one of America's Leading ArtiK. GOMGS II.E.U8TRAYE& All kinds of Lantern Slides made to order ... ONLY.FIBSr-CI.ASS WORK DONS. ^ A. E. WELL9,44 W. 2Sth St., K.Y. ( ysgJg @ B Liadairs Handfeooi o! VaJaabls Informatloi^ Moving Picture Operators and for BsE&mers, etc., etc.. ' By means of this book any man of ordinary sense; :■.■• quickly learn to run a machine with best possible re* This book is a collection of the best materia] off en the cinematograph journals of the 17. S. and Ens augmented by the experimental knowledge and ex£ jenee of the author and several other veteran open' who will present some valuable hints never ^., rublished. Here is one that will save you many da ' ? tell you of a simple device which wilt positively' y f Condensers from Cracking, RAISE ".OP.PORYUF38TV.-For "goo« »an tb - run moving picture parlor on snares. Complete' outfit with/sealing capacity of 300, which can be increased to 500. I have other interests which require my atten- tion. Write for particulars.' S.L.ROSEN. Thames Street; Newport, R. 1. - FECE.0aEKJLLA2 '. C. B. LINDALL, Bar'Harbor, •...-'•.■•;■ Reference: Bar Herbor Savings Bank