The Moving Picture World (November 1907)

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57© THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. I GAUMO vul FUNNY! FUNNY! FUNNY I Absentmindedness!!! Did you ever see a man boating in. his own bedroom ? Well, we guess you'll smile when you do. Length. 395 1'eet-. 12 CENTS PER FOOT THE NEW RHEOSTAT Saves 30% current. Half the heat. No danger of fire. Steady Light. 60 amps $35. 30 " 25. 312 HIGH AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO ——■——■—■ III 1 -.-:>■. ■■■■■.— If i -•.-. . ■~ 1 ~ m THE WILLIAM H. SWANSON & GO. Of Having" What You Wan t," "When Ycu Went it: Has won for this, the biggest of all film renting houses its much merited reputation. , WILLIAM H. SWAN50N has purchased the interest oO»'S_f<jrmer partner and the business which has been the most extensive or its kind in the world, has been enlarged in every way. We will, in order to get personally acquainted, as well as present the opportunity to prospective customers ol looking the ground over fully, pay one-half your transportation within a radius of seven hundred miles of our Chicago office, it you place your film contract with us. This applies only where you actually come to see us and we must be advised by letter, or wire, of your coming. BRANCHES ARE BEINO ESTABLISHED in a number of the largest cities throughout the United States. OUR SOUTHERN OFFICE: Wm. H. Swanson Dixie Film Company, at New Orleans, La. Opened 'September 19th, lesse C. Kelley, Manager. NEW YORK CITY, Room 1212, 116 Nassau Street. George F. Parker, Manager. . LooKt Our New Proposition Of renting entire outfit, consisting of choice of eithtr Power or Edison Machine, operator and film changes, will interest all film users as it relieves our customer of all worry and responsibility. Let us do the worrying, we have expert picture men to do that for you. We assume all express charges, iurnish all condensers, carbons, take care ot your repairs and require from you no Film Bond. THIS OUTFIT AND THREE CHANGES OP FILM. $60.00 FOUR CHANOES. - 65 00 Swanson takes the worry off vour shoulders and furnishes you with the Box Office winners. A two cent stamp will get you acquainted with him. WM. H. SWANSON <SL CO., 77-79 South Claris. Street, Chicago, 211. Chicago, III. N.B.— I, personally, can truthfully state that WM. H. SWANSON & CO. have a Car-load of Moving Picture Machines in stock.—F. C. McC AR AH AN, Chicago Manager, The Biilbontd. ■■ ■■■■ ■" ' " ■'"»» '1 '.. '.I'VLB, 1, 1 K i:;m zzz: ~ ~' : - ";■'■ , : , J_ ■wiBWttW." ■ i,. - ■•„■ 1 , V.V -!■--:■ ..'..' JA-f&i' ' ' '■■ "irmsirca \U KINET05C0PE5 NEW UNDERWRITERS'MODEL PRICE, $175.00 Approved by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters' and the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity Includes among other improvements a new automatic Shutter, Improved Lamp House, Upper and Lower Film Mag.-i.-ine. New Style Rheostat, New Enclosed Switch, Improved Take-up Device, New Revolving Shutter and Asbestos Covered Cord Connection. Edison Exhibition Model «. • • $115.00 With Film Magazines and Improved Take-up Device 135.00 Edison Universal Model ■ « • • • 75.00 Any Exhibition Model can be fitted with the Underwriters' improvements at small cost. Complete catalogue, describing alt mocels and parts, with prices, sent on request. NEW • LATEST FEATl RE SUBJECT MIDNIGHT RWE OF PAUL REVERE Class A. Length 915 Peet. Price S127.25 For compete synopsis .send for circular No. 884 OTHER NEW FILMS JACK THE KISSER—Class A. Length 753 Feet. Price SI 13.25. For complete synopsis send for circular No. 831. A RACE FOR MILLIONS—Class A. Length 975 Feet. Price $1-46.25. For complete synopsis send for circular No. 828. THE RIVALS—Class A. Length 780 Feet. Price SI 17.00- For complete synopsis send for ciruular No. 827. STAGE STRUCK—Class A. Length 785 l-cet. Price $ 117.70. For complete synopsis send for circular No. 829. NINE LIVES OP A CAT-Claao A. Length 955 Feet. Price $143.25. For complete synopsis send for circular No, 824. Edison Films depend entirely for their success upon their cleverness. They are never coarse or suggestive. The talent employed is the best obtainable, and the quality of material and workmanship of the highest. ,These new subjects are ready for immediate shipment, 1LDISON MANUFACTU Main Office and Factory, 72 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N.J. NEW YORK OFFICE, 10 Fifth Avenue - - CHICAGO OFFICE, 304 Wabash Avenue Office for the United Kingdom: 25 Clerkenwell Road, London, E.G., England SelUno- Atvenrs* j THE KINETOQRAPH CO., 41 East 21st Street, New York; 18 Agents. ^ QEORQE BRECK# 5S0-5S4 Grove St., San Francisco, Cal, - DEALERS IN ALL.PRINCIPAL CITIES •*** .«SSajKS3£3£2EHaffiir*- ?•[*■*. fr-Vy ..'.^