The Moving Picture World (November 1907)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. 621 TO DEALERS ONLY W Condensing Lenses, I Objectives, Ac, Ac. KAHK I 194 Btroaeflwoy, & CO. GAS Ozygen and Hydsogea In Cylinders* - - - Urns Pencils, Coadencow* Etc. Prompt Service, Reasonable Rntca ALBANY CALCIUM LIGHT CO. 26 \vniioa St.* Aloaay, H. 7. StalbscsHilb© Blow as&dl lovini has won its way by 8hec? merit iato t&3 confidence of its advertisers and readers. It is now acknowledged to be the leading Journal of the trade In America. WE 8ET THE STANDARD—OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW. We want names and addresses of everyone connected with tbe profession la any capacity—Manufacturer, Dealer, Renter, Operator, Photographer, Slide* maker, Lecturer, Singer, Trick and Story Writer, etc., etc. We have the largest mailing list of the above in the world, bat it is not yet com- plete and we want your help to make it eo. If yon desire to receive copies regu- larly (and yon cannot afford to miss one) esnd two dollars for ono year to the only weakly newspaper that caters to your in- t fi rssts MOVING PICTURE WORLD, 1 • P. O. Box 450, New York. LANTERN SLIDE PLATES! The Imperial Brand is used by the largest and leading men in the trade. Low Prices. SEND FOR A FREE SAMPLE NOW V We cany an assortment of all popular sizes (mounted and un- mounted) of imported goods. CET OUB PRICES NOW. ©HEftlOGALS ! We are agents for all patent de- velopers and largest importers of purest sodas. CET SAMPLES AMD SPECIAL PRICES NOW. Q. QENNERT 24-26 B. 13th Street NEW YORK 63-55 LaUc Street CHICAGO .WANTBD TO BUY FOR CASH 300 FOLDING CHAIRS SUITABLE FOR M.P. THEATRE. Send Lowest Cash Price. CHAIRS, us Kaplan Avenue, Jamaica, N.Y, WILLIAM J. NORTON of Philadelphia, M.P. Operator, who worked at Teuten s Theatre, Rockaway Beach, last summer. Send your address to H. J. TEUTEN, 115 Kaplan Avenue, Jamaica, N. Y. Have a position open for you. SITUATIONS WANTED.— operator, Ex- perienced, prefers working in States of Indiana, Ohio or Illinois. LEWIS SLICK, uo-soth St., Elwood, Ind. OPERATOR and MANAGER, at present disengaged; reference*. Address, W. M. LEBERT, q Davis St. L.I. City, N.Y. a moment of indignation gives his annoyer a well-directed punch in the jaw. He then proceeds to the interior of the hotel, where he applies for shelter, being followed by the man he struck. A young-cavalryman engages in a game of faro with "Pike," the proprietor and an all-around gambler, and after repeated losses realizes that he has been cheated. In a few moments there is the flash of guns and the cavalryman sinks to the floor, severely wounded. A lynching party is quickly organized, a rope is passed around the gambler's neck and he is dragged along by a cowboy on horseback. Arriving at a tall tree, the rope is thrown over a limb and in another mo- ment all would be over but for the arrival on the scene of the parson and "Pike's" little daughter, who has led him there. It requires great persuasion to accomplish his release, and through the assistance of a friendly Indian he is given a horse- and rides away with his child, while the parson harangues the crowd, finally swaying them until they accompany him arm in arm from the scene. The next scene shows '^Bike," who has been very near to death,, in his rude cabin, surrounded by wife and child. The parson enters and finally "succeeds in saving one who was very far from the fold. "Pike" bows his head in prayer and promises to lead a better life. The final scene shows how the right man in the right place may work wonders. The parson has actually captured the entire out- .fit. "Pike" and his family enter. He is now a different man and promises to be a good citizen. The parson is the real stuff with them, and all show their great affec- tion for him in characteristic Western style. — Lubin. Brown is a baseball fan. He goes out to see the game Before going to the base- ball game he takes a few highballs, so when he comes to the field he sees things. The players run the bases backward; they make a home run over the third base and first base to the play, and instead of the player being thrown out, he is thrown in. After the game is over, Brown is taken home by a fnend, and, as usual, the friend gets all that is coming to him by Mrs. Brown, who thinks he is responsible for Mr. Brown's condition.— Lubin. FILM $25 per REEL SUnriER BOARDERS - 913 FEET BURQLBR5 AT WORK .966 " PAIRY STORIES ... 918 •• STEEPLECHASE- ... 943 - Film, S3® and $40 .5SS. SCO TO 1.000 FEET ON A REEL MOSTLY FEATURE, LIST MAILED SECOND-HAND SONG SETS, $3.00 UP HARBACH&CO., 809 Filbert St., Philadelphia. Pa. PRINTING for PATHE NEW PASSION PLAY also for the new Biblical Film THE PRODIGAL SON MSMMEGAN ® €0. 130 E. 8th Street, Cincinnati, 0.