The Moving Picture World (November 1907)

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THE ; MOVING ' PICTURE' ^fcftLD. f- 635 We are sole American agents for HEPWOKTH A1FGVC0. CRICKS & SHARP R. W. PAUL tiozh se@ in this Review ^ ^ ^ WRITE for LISTS .jS TRADE SUPPLIED WILLIAMS, BROWfl & KRLi Dcporttsent P 918 Gbestoaf St.. PHILACELPHIA,0.S.A. f AC! Ozygen and Hydrogen W^ In Cylinders, - - - Lime Pencils* Condensers, Etc. Prompt Service, Reasonable- Bates ALBANY CALCIUM UGH? CO. 26 miilem St., Aibcny, 8. Y. TO DEALERS ONI.Y Condensing Lenses, Objectives? Jk©_ 9 ^e» KASZN <8fc 194 Bsroaaawtay, • CO. How Y©_*K S^'i'GscnlbQ Mow anTicl THE MOVING PECTtTRE WORLD R INT1WC fnr QCMLfTr A-&4/VS StfC CESS PATHE HEW PASSIOH PIL,AY also for the new Biblical Film THE PR©OH<OrAIU 3®M mmmE&tm & co. 130 E. 8tb Stress, Cfisaciimati, 0. WAeaYd© TO BUY FOR CASH 300 FOLDING CHAIRS SUITABLE FOR M.P. THEATRE. Send Lowest Cash Price. CHAIRS, 115 Kaplan Avenue, Jamaica, N.Y, - WILLIAM t J. MORTON of Philadelphia, M.P. Operator, who worked at Teutens Theatre, Rockaway Beach, last summer. Send your address to H. J. 1 TEUTEN, 115 Kaplan Avenue, Jamaica, N.Y. Have a position open for you. SITUATIONS WANTED.— operator Ex- penenced, prclers working in States of Indiana, Ohio or Illinois. LEWIS SLICK, uo-20th St., Elwood, Ind. OPERATOR and MANAGER, at present disengaged; reference*. Address, W. M. LEBERT , o Davis St. L.I. City, N.Y. Position Wanted — Movin* Picture Photo- grapher, experienced in every detail of the business. Can buildand manage studio and laboratory. Address EXPERT, care Moving Picture World. At liberty— An Expert Movinc Picture Operaror. strictly sober and reliable. Road or local job. GEO. M. BILHL, Mt. Pecn, Reading, Pa. Paul Dsnson, care General Delivery, Santa Barbara, Calif., exerienced M. P. Pianist and Illus- trated Song Singer, isopen for engagement. Pacific Coast preferred. Operator —UK months experience, desires situa- tion. JOHN GROSS, Room 7, 156 Sullivan Street, New York City. Telephone, 8338 Stuyvesant Real Renters of FILM OF QUALITY What's the answer ? SUCCESS I Drop in and see us: 50 Union Sq., N. Y. City We Mil everything pertaining fo the (loving Picture Business. STCREOPTICONS, Moving; Picture Machines, Slides, Rheostats; Big Bargains. I also manufacture Double Lantern Slide Carrier for the trade. WALTER L. ISAACS, 81 Nassau St., N.Y. Films and Song Slides 75 thousand feet of fine stock, 8c and up. No worn-out film 200 sets of song slides, 15o each slide. New list. Have you seen the new announcement slide. Jast thet aing for 5c theatres and advertising. Send 2c stamp for sample. G. GALLOT, 70 Christopher St., N.T. City Film Review. woa its way bjr sheer merit Iat9 tki soafldence of its advertisers and readers, it is now acknowledged to be the leading journal of the trade In America. WE SET THE STANDARD—OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW. We want names and addresses of ireryone connected* with the profession any capacity—Manufacturer, Dealer, r, Operator, Photographer, Qllde- •afcer, Lecturer, Singer, Trick and Story "Iter, etc, etc. We have the largest mailing list of the »re In the world, but It la not yet com- : 'st9 and we want your help to make It H you desire to receive copies regu- (and you cannot afford to miss one) two dollars for one year-to the only "y newspaper that caters to your In- MOVING PICTURE WORLD, P. O. Boit 450, New York. liflTERH SLIDE PLATES! The Imperial Brand is used by the largest and leading men in the trade. Low Prices. SENDFOR A FREESAMPLENOW We carry an assortment of all popular sizes (mounted and un- mounted) of imported goods. CET OUR PRICES NOW. _ ! We are agents for all patent de- velopers and largest importers of purest sodas. CET SAMPLES AND SPECIAL PRICES NOW. G« GENNERT 24-26 E. 13th Street NEW YORK 53-55 Lake Street CHICAGO wtmtamtmfam m Pathe Freres issue this week, "Modern Hercules at Work." The hallway and stairs of a boarding-house are shown and the various lodgers are seen ascending the stairs to go to their respective quarters. After they are all in, two burglars jimmy their way into a room and the next set of pictures show what is transpiring orr each floor. Beginning in the .cellar, an old man is seen sampling wine from huge kegs. On the floor above a lodger is giving his friends a little dinner. Above them the burglars are working, and on the top floor a strong- armed circus performer is going through his exercises with numerous heavy weights. He lifts one and then another mass of metal and he finally raises a huge dumb- bell above his head. Suddenly he wavers, his arms give way ■and the dumbbell goes tearing through the floor where the bur- glars are at work, then goes right through that floor and on top of the diners, tearing through that floor also, finally landing in the cellar. The strong man follows through each hole. The gymnast gathers himself together, takes his dumbbell and ascends the stairs to the hall. Here pandemonium reigns, the lodgers running about as if a hurricane had struck the building. On learning the iden- tity of the bolt, which shot through the building, they are about to do the gymnast violence when he sees the two burglars trying to get out of the building and by grasping ^them both and holding them for the police he wins the better Will of the lodgers whose floors and ceilings he had broken. V ?tlpsjand;.P§wos-.p£.a Hat." A lady and\