The Moving Picture World (1907)

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664 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. it HIGH iRADE RMAN ARCO The new Carbon for Moving Picture Machines Quality Unexcelled L. £. FRORUP <& CO. Sole Importers 235 Greenwich Stjroet, BIEW YOSK ■■(■■ 11 ' " .--^a^'^-^ Harry Davis' Film Exchange 347 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. SELLS " Second Hand Films in First Class Shape RENTS Latest, Best & Newest Moving Pictures Made and all the Paraphernalia. GUARANTEE SATISFACTION MtJ-JHVK ' 1 ".^ THE WILLIA1 H. SWABS0E9 & CO. HABIT Of Having " What You Want," "When You Want It" Has won for this, the biggest of all film renting houses its much merited refutation. WILLIAM H. SWANSON has purchased the interest of his former partner and the business which has been the most extensive of its kind in the world, has been enlarged in every We will, in order to get personally acquainted, as well as present the opportunity to prospective customers of looking the ground over fully, pay one-half your transportation within a radius of seven hundred miles of our Chicago office, it you place your film contract with us. This applies only where you actually come to see us and we must be advised by etter, or wire, of your coming. BRANCHES ARE BEING ESTABLISHED in a number of the largest cities throughout the United States. OUR SOUTHERN OFFICE: Wra, H. Swanson Dixie Film Company, at New Orleans, La. Opened -Septexrfber iQth, Jesse C Keliey, Manager. NEW YORK CITY. Room 1212, 116 Nassau Street. George F. Parker, Manager. LooR! Our Now Proposition Of renting entire outfit, consisting of choice of either Power or Edison Machine, operator and film changes, will interest all film users as it relieves our customer of all worry and responsibility Let us da the worrying, we have expert picture men to do that for you. We assume all express charges, furnish all condensers, carbons, take care of your repairs and require from you no Film Bond. THIS OUTFIT AND THREE CHANOBS OP FILM. $60.00 FOUR CHANGES. - s*5 CO Swanson takes the worry of? vour shoulders and furnisheSyou with the Box Office winners. A two cent stunp will get you acquainted with him. WM. H. SWANSOH <& CO., 77-79 South ClarK Street, Chicago, Ell. Chicago, Ili_ y.B. —I, personally, can truthfully state that WM. H. SWANSON & CO. have a Car-load of Moving Picture stock.—F. C. McCARAHAS, Chicago Manager, Tk, Billioatd. " in South Walnut street, was crowded, with patrons, an ex. pensive film, "The Passion Play," caught fire and was burned The Vaudelle concern carried the fire insurance with the Globe and Rutgers Company, but the latter. refused to pay for the burned film, contending that the film was the property 0 f » Chicago film exchange, and merely rented to the Vaudelle Com- pany, and that while it had been burned it was not the propem of the local theater and therefore was not insured. The insur- ance company on these grounds flatly refused to pay one cent for the loss of the film. The Vaudelle was compelled through a con- tract with the film exchange to settle for the film. The proprietors of Munrie moving picture theaters are great]? interested in the outcome of the suit, as they likewise might lose considerable money by a similar experience. The film ex- changes demand and are given a money guarantee that all their property shall be returned in a good condition. If a decision is rendered favorable to the insurance company it will mean thai the theatrical people will be without protection in the matter c; films, and that each film destroyed in any manner will be then- loss. *' * * Most commendable indeed in the trend of the moving pictun shows towards the goal of enlightenment and education. Elmira, in the past year,_ has had all sorts of pictures offeree for the purpose of attracting nickels from their pocket hiding places, and the experience of the year has shown the picture ma- chine men that the people are demanding a higher class o pictures. This was demonstrated recently when the "Passion Play" turned away hundreds of people eager for the education thai came with the witnessing of the reproduction. • And more n cently it has been further demonstrated when "Paul Revere'; Ride" proved o'ne of the most successful films ever offered t this city. . ..' - Now there are following some other pictures of educationi historical and literary interest. And so the picture machines are coming to their own. Thei real value and usefulness has been found. Along these lines fbi can make for good just-as potently as, by the offering of thox films-which have been proscribed by the authorities, they cat make for evil. Let us have more of this sort of thing. Let the promoters o the picture machine enterprises really enter the ranks of th educators and work to uplift the minds pf the people at large. This is but the opening wedge for the introduction of machim as part of our regular educaWmal system. It may be safely pre dieted that a few years hence will see their incorporation in th schools as part of the essential paraphernalia for the instnictii of pupils in matters historical. So long as the little picture theaters throughout the countri break away from the silly and the sensational pictures and offo those which are of real value and of live interest they will I* deserving of the support necessary to make them profitabl* enough to insure their continuance.—Elmira (N. Y.) Gazette. . * * * Lynn, Mass.—Moving picture houses, of which there are tes in file city, will not be permitted to open their doors hereafta on Sundays until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, according to ■ edict issued by Mayor Barney, and if any proprietor attempt to defy the order the police will be prepared to immediately clc* the so-called theaters. In addition to fixing the hour at whid performances must begin, Mayor Barney stated that he ■■ not permit Sunday evening entertainments of any descriptta unless • the entire proceeds are devoted to charitable purposes The intervention of the Mayor in the moving picture house mud die created excitement among the managers, and before tfc trouble, which has been brewing for the past three weeks, i adjudicated it is very probable that the Mayor will inform tfe picture house proprietors of the details of the stipulations ■ which they must conform. It is claimed that the picture liou"* have kept many people away from religious services and I number of patrons of such amusement places has grown so latf that the Mayor felt certain restrictive measures were necessa? * * * The question whether a license should be granted the Alha bra, a moving picture theater at 20 Munroe street. Lynn, Mas conducted by Henry Goldberg, has been decided by Sllg Barney in favor of Goldberg. Frank S. Whitten, of whom Go* berg leased the building, and W. H. White, another occupy asked that Goldberg should not get a license, because the insuf ance rates of their property were increased by having a move" picture place nearby. Mayor Barney decided to grant the beers/ the State Building Inspector having ruled that the place was sail * * * The State Department. of Wilmington issued certificates • incorporation to the Quaker City Amusement Company, anotw