The Moving Picture World (1907)

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694 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. locker. Very quickly they wash, several gathering around a tub at once, and then the decks are mopped. After their wet clothes are hung on' a line, the men go to exercise,- running, work on the horizontal bar, foot calisthenics and handbalancing by some. Then they line up for mess, and after receiving their rations settle about in groups. This done with they, demonstrate i.the manner of loading 'guns" of all sizes, the entire process being gone through up to. the depositing of the huge' shells. The next view is that of a sixteen-oared boat manned by a crew of tars, tearing away from the ship, and then cutting the water on a trip back again. The men are next seen lined up on the forward deck in their regulation togs; several officers pass be- tween the straight lines and inspect the jackies, after which they march away. The last picture is another view of the big battleship under way. enters with a grip. - But while the bride embraces her dear uncle, the groom seeks a means of escape,, for the -newcomer is none other than his former landlord. In a twinkling the old man recognizes him, and there is a grand melee. But the last pic-, ture shows him giving his blessing to the young couple, the groom begging many par- dons. "On the Grass." A young man and his sweetheart are seated on the grass, ap- parently on a little outing. They take a handkerchief as a shield and are about to kiss when the kerchief is knocked from be- tween them by the saber of a stout gen- darme who had been an unseen witness. He immediately orders the young man be off and takes charge of the girl. He seems to be rather attracted by her grace and charm, and removing his cumbersome sash, hat and saber, begins to make love to her. The girl objects violently, but afterward decides to humor him. Soon the ill- matched couple are sitting on the grass, spooning. Meanwhile the girl's companion happens along, appropriates the gendarme's divested regalia, and just as his sweetheart is about to be kissed beneath the handker- chief he brings the sword down on it. The gendarme rises, beholds the sash, hat, etc., and promptly flees in alarm, leaving the couple to their emhraces. "An Uncle by Marriage." A boarding- house keeper is dozing in his hammock, when a mischievous young man, a boarder, cuts the rope and upsets him. He prom- ises to even matters, but fails to do so. When he is next seated under a window with a young lady the boarder drops a fish • ing line and lifts*his wig off. Not content, the boarder leads him a merry chase for the wig. Several people join the old man and when hfc almost catches the fellow he is repulsed by a stream from a hose. The young man with the wig next jumps into a boat, and the pursuer, in attempting to follow is upset into the water. Again, after this, he falls off a bridge. Bald-headed and disgusted he is fished out; filled with anger, he writes out an offer of $i,ooo re- ward for the capture, dead or alive, of the mischievous boarder. The next scene is laid six months later. The young man is marrying. He signs the contract, and all are ready to go to church. A messenger enters, and hands a note from the bride's'rich uncle reading that he is on his way- and will be present at the mar- riage of his dear niece. Everybody is pleased, and they are now gathered iij church, when the door opens and a man "Manners arid Customs of Australia." The first view of this film shows the Hawkesberry River and the steel bridge spanning it. This is followed by a view on the busy Rue a Melbourne, after which several types of uncivilized Australians are shown, one of them being pictured throw- ing the boomerang. Now is seen a large ostrich farm, a big herd of the fine birds being in view." The manner of plucking the plumes out of the tails is demonstrated, a powerful bird being cornered against *&J fence for this purpose. He puts up a ter- rific struggle, and the men are forced to drop a black hood over his head to get the feathers, which are ,now shown. The next scene is the killing of scores of rabb'ts. which infest and destroy the Australian crops. Dogs and huge cl'ibs wielded by boys figure here. The last pictures show several typical wild horses, the cowboys try- ing to mount them, suffering several shak- ings-up in the attempt. Kinetoscopes, Films, Lanterns, Accessories, Edison Supplies. CHA8. ftfl. ©TEBSBWS 1028 Main 8t., - Kanoac City FINE FILMS FOK SALE Private stock in fine condition and many equal to new. These are not worn out Ni.kelodeon films; perfor- ations perfect. E. H. SMITH, vilVSke BROOKLYN Write; do not call New FI1 7 CENTS per FOOT We have 20,000 feet of absolutely new films, all late subjects, at the above price, owing to a cancellation of an export order. Condensers, Lenses. Motion Picture Machines and Snpplies at reasonable price* ACME EXCIAMGE 133 3d AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. am WE ARE THE ONLY In Optical Projection Goods in the. United States We manufacture and job The Moti- ograph and Opligraph Motion Picture Machines, Model "B" Calcium Gas Outfit, Enterprise Lanterns, Inter- changeable Chromotrophes for an nouncements. etc.. Arc Lamps, Cal cium Jets, Lantern Slides, Lecture Sets, and all other accessories. We Are Exclusive Agents for OXONE and OXYLITHE Oxygen Gas! Chemicals. Genre Transparency Com- pany's and other song slides.' We Are Chicago Agents for Song Slides made by the Elite Lantern Slide Company, of New York, and are Chicago Distributors For. Motion Picture Films We carry in stock all talking mach- ine records and music available for Illustrated Songs. OUR SPECIALTY Is High Grodo Goods and Prompt Service. Write yonr dealer for particulars. nterprlse Optical Mfg. Go, 154 Lade Streat. Cfelcago 1 SEZZ2il Man who can do good single act for re- fined audiences, and run M. P. machine, One show daily. Steady work; sure pay, State lowest and "all" first. Sissy or drunk ard—no. We pay expenses. Answer quick. O. S. &L, Box 824 CuieMfJEAPOLis, raicjn. I - Situation WantQd-ByoacxpericacedoperiUin j can run any kind of machine, and also do electnt wiring. Indiana or Ohio preferred;can givesuiub'.t I recommendations. HOMER JOHNSON, 1906PiMfc Street, Port Wayne, Ind. . Position Wanted—Ae operator, by honest, ic-, dastrious young man, non-saofcer nor drintoi skilled in use 02 Edison machine; also electrieiiA Salary $15.00. Hieheet references. FRED B, PERRYMAN, 504 State Street, Bristol, Tenn., cart of Fairyland Theatre. gRAOt MARK leatheroic O PATENTED 3KWS8I TRUNKS FOR MOVING PICTURE MACHINES and CASES to carry U2-3t4-5 or 6 Reels = SOLE MAKERS— i LEATHEROID MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 532 Broadway, NEW YORK