The Moving Picture World (1907)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. 709 frmn Carlo Kossi. This is a subject issu- trating an incident in the life of a hunter in the guest; for game. The introductory scene shows us the typi cal abode of the hunter in the mountain dis trict and tne affectionate leave-taking of the hunters astbey start ot^t upon their mission We follow^ them as they scale the cliffs and ford the mountain torrents, carrying with them guns, ammunition, ropes and other ne cessary equipment. Reaching a summit they scan the" mountain side with the aid of a telescope in the search of game, and sight ins a mountain goat they are about to dis patch him when the animal moves out oi range in the protection of a sheltering bor der, all unawares of the respite to life the $ 5 a Fill AMERICAN A^USEMEIIT GO. l&ain Street, ^©©BSESTEEt, m. V. gods had meted out to it This necessi tates a hurried scampering over more dan gerous cliffs and down precipitous declines until they are again afforded a favorable position from which, to pluck off their pre} The .unerring -aim of the hunter is awarded and we can see the goat, peacefully feeding on the mountain side and entirely oblivious to the danger to which it is exposed, fall and roll down from precipice to precipice The hunters are now seen scurying along in their anxiety not to lose sight of their prize, regardless of the dangers to which they are exposing themselves. By means Of .a rope one of the men is let down to the ledge oh which the carcass of the goat is found resting. After properly fastening the rope to the feet of the animal he deftly climbs the rope to a place of safety and now the prize is drawn up where it is fast ITERfl SHOE PLATES! The Imperial Brand is used by the largest and leading men in the trade. Low Prices* 3E&DFQE2 A FS2SE SAMPLE KOW I We carry an assortment of all popular sizes (mounted and nn- mounted) of imported goods. GET OUE3 PRICES E30W. CHE I We axe agents for all patent de- velopers and largest importers of purest sodas. GET SAMPLES AE3S3 SPECIAL PRICES NOW. Q, GENNERT 24-26 S. lSth Street NBW YORK E3-E3 JLaSe Street CHICAGO ened to "a long pole and borne upon the shoulders of the men the homeward journey is undertaken. Evening has now set in and in the moonlight they stride along with careful and steady step, proud of the suc- cess of their day's labor. Reaching home, the game is conspicuously displayed to the admiring gaze of the mistress, who compli- ments her spouse very affectionately upon his prowess. BEN iUR Pictures adapted from Gen. Lew Wallace's famous book FOR RENT OR ON A PERCENTAGE E. EICHENLAUB CMHlcothe ... Ohio •„r-, .....u.,!!.,.., —--.,,.,.,., ■ „ .;.....,., Man who can do good single act for re- fined audiences, and ran M. P. machine. One show daily. Steady work; sure pay. State lowest and "all'' first. Sissy or drunk- ard—no. We pay expenses. Answer quick. D. S. ES3-, Sox 824 M1MKEAPOLIS, MINN. Situation Y/gmted—Byanexperiencedoperalor; can run any kind of machine, and also do electric wiring. Indianaor Ohio preferred; can givemitable recommendations. HOMER JOHNSON, 1906 Pine Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. Position Wanted -A * operator, by honest, in- ■ dustrious young' man, non-Scaoker nor drinker; skilled in use of Edison machine; also electrician. Salary $15.00. Highest references. FRBD E. FERRYMAN, s°+ State Street, Bristol, Tenn.,care of Fairyland Theatre. Operator—Experienced 4 years; prefers New York ^iate. Can do own repairing and wiring; also machinist. Salary not less than $20. JAMES PEARSON, Box 35. Percy, Pa. V/antOd—By two experienced operators and repair- men, who will be out of employment at the first of the year, a position in the Pittsburg district. Both are practical electricians and all round mechanic*; also have tools for aU repair work. Salary $1500(0 $35.00 per week. Reference if required. FREDA. TAYLOR and ROY E. CONKLE, 8ai 7th Street, Beaves Falls, Pa. TRUNKS FOR MOVING PICTURE MACHINES and CASES to carry 1-2-3-4-5 or 6 Reels SOLE MAKERS ~~*—~ LEATHEROID MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 332 Broadway, NEW YORK The Imperial Moving Picture Co. WM. S, MILLtBEN, Mgr/ ti. 8. 'Pfaoae 184 301 Hlver Street, Room 304 - Troy, N. Y FILM MENTAL SERVICE E$ot the Cheapest—but the ©est. BVOERVTHINC I BB fl9©W MC PICTURES. Power's Camerappfts and leeesssries In Stuck Gotoes-sil sizes Msis, mi tpisiitlif 9 en tati. WHITS -. — 'PHQ^E ==W1J1R ILatont Films Good Service afional Film Co. FIE*M EEMTERS 100 Gfiswold Street. Detroit, Mich. Moving Pictare MacMnes. Parts and Supplies