The Moving Picture World (1907)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. 711 ;■>,;■ rrreriTOffi-ffaH : and Films The MOTIGGRAPH No. Model 190S Sic nine The Latest—The 2m FlicEeriess Pictures—Steady Picmres—Brilliant Pictures Designed, built tnd especially adapted for the heavy and exacting work of the aawaUas&e require- ments of the travel inj ex- hibitor. T&e Now Cone Shut' tar eaveo 30 to 45$ of the non-expos- ure. Fiidiej eliminated. Hoe New Quick Sh'Jt Rewte^.The film is re- wound in 2 minutes from the main crank without re- moral of reels or magazines, ^- The Automatic Safety Fire-proof Shatter u the only one that is safe and reliable. 5tlde Carrier Swiss saves one-third of the light, hence so ranch brighter pictures. AU V/orklcs Parts Enclosed saves care and wear and gives better results. Ma- chine will last twice as long. A Steadier Picture because accurately made. Has a perfect Tafce-up that's different from the others. ArC Lamp with all hand wheel adjust- ments; result—better pictures. Has LW-Oif V/ldo Open Lamp House. Both side and top full open. ts especially adapted for use with Motor. ts entirely fire-proof. It Is simple, strong, rigid, artistic and dur- able, and projects a picture that is astou- bhingly better than other machines. It furnished with the Gibraltar Swlveled Adjustable Iron Pedes- tal Stand. Solid as a rock—picture projected" where. you want it. If you have a machine, throw it out and install the Motiograph. The investment is about 50 cents per day for one year. Equal to twelve new pat- rons or twelve present ones re- tained, figure it either or both ways. We are also agents fur the Model B Calcium Oss Outfit, which is almost in- dispensable to the Traveling Exhibitor, ana a great emergency convenience to th« 5 Cent Theatre in the absence of electricity. Tho New Interchangeable Chrorno- trope Announcement is a Five Cent Theatre novelty of great value. Our New Skeleton Double Dissolviag Stereopttcon, with right angle arc lamp for dissolving song elides should be made a port of every Five Cent Theatre equipment. v\ E SELL ALL MAKES of Motion Picture Machines, and everything re- quired by the optical projectionist. Send for oar Big Cos»- plota Catalog. It's Free. Asnusosnerat Supply Co. 133 Chemical BanH Bldg., Chicago 32S2E- —~r-rjLS^-. yWHIUMJMW -'HIW.h J. ,. - 333 siiM&mimm&tik* LATEST FEATURE SUBJECTS LAUGHING B»iS«w«aip»ia»»GMa»i»aVi*«W*ia«i< I a., - No. 6336 I Cede, Veerboot Leestb, S7S feci Class A Price, S86.2S For complete synopsis send for circular No. ?g3E "usee-ST ©g§?©g?n Christinas No. 6225 Code, Vatertaell Length, 8C0 feet Clans A Price, S120.00 For complete synopsis send for circular No. PARSIFAL Richard Wagner's (Masterpiece No. 6049 Code, Veqoant Length, i ,970 feet Special Price 5335.73 For complete synopsis send for circular No. 333 GOLLEGE GHUR9S1 No 633S Code, Veeawertel Length, 700 feat Class A Price, 8105.00 For complete synopsis send for circular No; £23 OTHER FEATURE FILMS: No. 6228—THBBB AMERICAN B8AUTIBS, No. 2 (Band Colored Complete)* Cede, Veaabaa* 85 Feet Price 524.50 For complete synopsis send for circular No. 337 No. 6334-THE TRAINER'S DAUGHTER Class A Code, Veen. werlcsr 800 Feat Price 3123.00 tor complete synopsis send for circular No. 338 No. 6333—MIDNIGHT RIDE OP PAUL RBVBRE Class A Code, Veenwator 918 Feet Prtes £137.23 For complete synopsis send for circular No. 334 No. 6332—JACK THE KISSER Class A Code, Veenrook 758 Peat Price $113.28 For complete synopsis send for circular No. S31 No. 6331—A RACB FOR MILLIONS Class A Code, Veea&rond 974 Feet Price 9146.25 For complete synopsis send for circular No. 823 No. 6330—THB RIVALS Class A Code, Vacogrraver 7S0 Feei Pries $117.00 For complete synopsis send for ciruular No. 827 EB3 UNDERWRITERS' MODEL Price, $175.00 Jntiwedl Ly tlia Uot? 7o?U Board of Eire IMamriccra and the Department of Water Sappl7. Gas and Electricity Includes, among other improvements, a new Automatic Shutter, Im- proved Lamphouse, Upper and Lower Film Magazines, New Style Rheo- stat. New Enclosed Switch, Improved Take-np Device, New Revolving Shutter and Asbestos-covered cord connection.' EDISON EXHIBITION MODEL - $115.00 SAME wlt6 FILM HA6AZIHE and IMPROVED TAKE-UP 135.00 EDISON UNIVERSAL MODEL 75.00 Any exhibition model can be fitted with the Underwriters' improve- ments at small cost. Complete catalogue, describing all models and parts, with prices, sent on request. EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY: 72 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. NEW YORK OFFICE CHICAGO OFFICE- 10 Fifth Avenue 304 Wabash Avenne OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 25 Clerkenwell Road, London, E. C, England SELLING AGENTS: The Kinetograph Company, 41 East 21st Street, New York. George Beck, 550-554 Grove Street, San Francisco, Cal DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES ■ > H»0u!»au,i %z^a0r*s&»»*fr****!* j