The Moving Picture World (January 1908)

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heart of Iter's. ..Wilfred Denver swears reveBg£/alsd; A sfeairt3'in parisujt of Wnre, Spider, the gentlemanly cracksman, has. gone to the .War«a-;home• to comniit>a" robbery,'.' end.' white ia? the act ot. doing so, WtJfrcid'Denver!appears, -with .revol- ver in Hand. He is overpowered aarj chloroformed by Spider, who takes his revolveri from him and places it: ofl- ihe ; ' table. At this moment Geoffrey. Ware returns unexpectedly: "and is ' shot .by Spider with Denver's pistol. When Den- ver comes to and discovers Ware is shot, finding his*'pistol with one barrel fired, "he thinks he committed a murder. He rushes home to tell ,hi8 ; wife what he had done, and she, and her faithful old servant Jakes help him to escape' Den-' ver goes to the silver fields of South America, where he eventually becomes a millionaire. During thf* time he has lost trace of his family. A vision reveals to him that.Spider is the'real murderer. He immediately starts for home. He finds his child on the stree't in.rags. She guides him to the humble home of his wife, who is on the verge of starvation. Husband and wife aire once more hap- pily reunited. He'brings his dear one to their old home, surrounded with every comfort and luxury that wealth can pro- vide. After many disappointments, Den- ver finds the murderer. - Spider tries to bargain with him for silence, but Denver refuses. Spider is denounced as the mur- derer by Corkett, one of his former pals, and Dehver and his family live happily thereafter.' THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD ! - *3 ■ ft fr 2 . ,: . U P ■ : F i V «££» R Wm 07 Main Street? WOGHK8TEH, W. V. Pictnrea adapted from Gen. Lew .Wallace's famous book F02 RENT. OKOKA PSaCEJTTACE E. eiCHBVLAUB CfciHscoS&c Ohio .a;*i-tbd 1 Man .who caa do good single act for re- fined audiences, and run M. P. machine. One show dally. Steady work; sure pay. State lowest and "air* first. Sissy or druak- ard—no. We pay expenses. Answer quick. ©. 3. m., Bo* 034 mmnsiKPous, mi tO;.S|Sf Mo-piasf Picture Machines, Slides, Rfeeostat3; Big Bargains;: I ajso ■■ m&oafacture ?* Double ' Lantern Slide Cajrrier for the trade. L j'SAftS, 81 «ass88$ti, H.Y. KlnGtoeeopeSf Films, Lanterns, Access©?!©©, Edison Supplies. C'HAS. M. StEBSINS I ©28 Main St., > Kansas City The Chicago Transparency Co. Manufacturer* of Piste ooj Col.itai Uatso 8K£a osd HkaudM Set 49 CSASJOOSRN STREST CHICAGO, I ' . 1'rederkit T. McLeod, Manijier GxpOtionood ©porator and Manager owiuoe Movraa Picture omfli at pros«Dtdi»«nffSff<:d. Strictly aoberand reliable. Add«r»G«:c,T.WIN'STA Trent Vale Street, But Liverpool. Ohio. rANljEY, MR. MANAGER or OPERATOR : Keep a record of the Films and Songs you use. Send a postal with your name, address and name of Theatre, and 1 will mall yon absolutely Free a Film and Song Tabulator. H.8. M1LUKEN' 29© River St. - Troy, N.V. Oxy&en and Hydrogen 'to. CySJadtess. - - - lee, : '''' Hei M K o atit. aat— LCRJM U6IITCtt. Pro^a] (Situation W»P»OeJ-By an eiperienced operator; . cam run any Una at machine, and atao da elefitrle •ailing. IoJU5nnorO»u>ptefcTt^;cancftrecuiut>t« recenftoendotieaa. HOMSR JOHNSON, toad Rise Strut. Fort Wayne, fott" OpOMStaP—Baoerienced 4 rears; prefer. New Yorfa Statu, Can do own nqtairios machinist. Salnry not lr«, than t JAMBS PEARSON.Boi 3 s.Percy, P». _ and thanfao. vririnc; lalto WBntOCr—Br two experienced operator* nod men, who will bo TO DBAI.BRS OWI.T ; Condensing Lenses, KAMH <S» CO. . SO^ a«»e>flMav£'ay # - Www T<ot?9S . out of employtaeat at t&e firit of the year, a position la :be riucborg diatrkt. ISota. arc practical electrician* nod all round mechanic.; alsoftare toola feral! repair work. Stuary.fi4.Mta Sjj.noper week. Reference U rtqalred. FKSDA. TAYLOR and ROY E. CONKtB. tot jth Stace'^ Bta,tttr Falh, Pa. • ■ Situation W»nt«*-2«pcrt MWOM-Md Kloc. iriciao. Rctereaoest. Salary.0»*. t~ WOODWARD. 1709 BrigaWa Kosd, Pittstntrs, Pa. OS>9f9t9ir on?* ai©«rt«rtol«n»t^ib«fty.^C. WAXi.15, i«aCayaQaSt.. Braniiord, Oncano, Can. After having tried oil other service, try the one tbat lias. niore satisfied coistomcrs than a!5 otii'er combined exchanges. ABSOLUTS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ' JPJl(iCBS'/REASONABfLE ' • .ABSOLUTELY NO "JUNK laSSOLiMI FSL1 Sll. Of SEW Ml • Ul East .234 Street, New York City KOCH ESTER .OOT1CB: a* Srate St.. €hm& Film Exctiange 7£7 &'9Xain St.* 2*®® Angelas, Call. Evayihin^ in the Moving Picture line i | jj ftt PlrwBaUOver'tfeeWffM-i-^; Song Slides and all supplies for the lantern ASS iVfskes- oT Moving Picture fflackiaws • a--.- • ■ -