The Moving Picture World (April 1908)

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376 THE MOVaNG PICTURE WORLD The Chicago Transparency Co. Manufacturer* of Plata i*4 Mtri Lntera SlUa as. lllwttrtM Ssap •9 DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO. ILL. Frederic. T McLeod Manager Kinetoscopes, Films. Lanterns, Accessories, Edison Supplies. ing vigil. The soldier* fall asleep, the tomb opens and the vision of an Angel appears, revealing tbat Christ, the Saviour of all mankind, has risen from the dead. CHA8. Eft. ©TUBBINS 1028 Main St., - Kansas City WANTED the following second-hand films: "The Bold BanK Bobbers" "The Train WrecKers" Alio fecond>Hond Powers' Camoragraph Address W. 1+EK PERRON 401 N. Main St., RocKy Mount.N.C. LANTERN SLIDES For every purpose m a ri e to order. Illustrated Song. etc. CEO. J. COLDTHORPE &. CO. 244 West 14 th Street, New York erytbing In NEWandS.H. Motion Picture Machines Films* Stereopticoss, Song Slides and Sup, plies. Bame vv&nteo. Catalogues free. HARBACH & CO., 809 Filbert St., Phi la., Paw Situation Wanted—All around electrician and Mechanic, have full set of tools for building M. P. Theatre complete from its inception to' operating same in accordance with underwriter's requirements of this State. References furnished. Electrical Contractor ORR N. SMITH, Brockport, N Y. FOR SALE Power Cameragraph No. 5, strictly new. Price $100. Apply P. KOHNERT 321 Central Avenue- Jersey City, M.J. Moving Picture Theatres... Managers s I have a novelty that will doubloyour ^.c.ipta. Also expert operator. First manager who employs me at a reasonable salary will reap the benefit. Address MAINS Care of Moving Picture World TO PF.AI/HRS ONLY Condensing Lenses, Objectives., £k,®* 9 &c e co. £J©^7 ¥offB KA22N C2. I9*f Brea<3war> • PiC Oxygen and Hydsogea W\*3 Ls CylincJew. - - - Lime Pesjdh, Ccsdeasots, Etc. Prompt Service, Reasonable &&t=3 ALBANY CALCIUM LIGHT CO. 26 William St., Albany. D. •*. OH, MY FEET! (Lublnj— It only lacks a few mlnotes of the time appointed for a young man to be at the home of his fiance. He Is all dressed, but having hurriedly bought a pair of shoes, finds them too small by several sizes and bis corns are "killing him," and he distractedly cuts them with a razor. To add to his troubles, two friends come in, and Instead of assisting him, clnmslly tramp all over his feet. They leave and be starts out, bnt meets another friend, who suggests a remedy usually kept In a saloon, and once Inside he finds It more comfortable to poll a chair up to the bar and rest his feet on the foot-rail, and such Im- propriety the waiter resents by kicking away the chair from under blm. Arriving at the boose where he Is expected, and tottering from pain, his fiance meets him, and, smelling whiskey. Instantly concludes he Is intoxi- cated, and leaves blm angrily. To obtain relief, he cuts the offending shoes with a knife and holds them In his hand, when two young ladles enter, aud they likewise feel Insulted. During tbe dance his fiance will not listen to explanations, and dances with another man. To retaliate, he at- tempts to dance with another girl, bat falls all over himself and the girl. Papa enters, and, smelling bis breath, be furiously orders him oat. On the front steps he throws bis shoes In the ratter, hails a cab and drives home. w>« sweet- heart discovers the shoes In front of tbe bouse and follows him home, where be Is now complacently sitting with bis feet in a basin. She understands. He understands. They understand. BEG PARDON (Labia).—Mr. Brown Is a very awkward but at the same time a Terr polite gen- tleman. While In a ball-room he dances mostly on the feet of tbe ladles, but "begs pardon," and leaves tbe ball In great consternation. While going home be meets with many accidents. He rung over a policeman, throws down a Chi- nese laundryman, and gets Into all kinds of trouble. He politely "begs pardon" every time, but is chased by tbe Infuriated sufferers. He falls down an open cellar door, strike, a barrel of powder and comes up again In a most pitiable condition. In bis politeness he even says "beg pardon" to tbe powder barrel, and no doubt has been forgiven. THE WRONG OVERCOAT (Lnbln).—A young husband is going to a banquet of the "Bachelors' Club." He arrives at the club and proceeds to mske merry with "the boys." Mr. Getrlch, accompanied by bis wife and daugh- ter, come out of a department store, heavily laden with bundles. Wife and daughter ask him to put their Tells and gloves in his pocket, which be does. He then leaves them, also going to tbe dab. Five boars later the young bnsband has accumu- lated a considerable "Jag." and taking Mr. Get- rich's overcoat by mistake, departs from the club. He gets home at last, and not wishing a lecture at ■1 A. M.. prepares to camp on tbe sofa. Wifey waited up for him, and while picking np his over- coat finds the gloves and veil of another woman. Explanations are of no avail, and sbe administers a sound tonsTue-thraabing. which la Interrupted by tbe arrival of Mr. Getrlch. who wants bin overcoat and returns the other fellow's. Joy now follows the heart-rending spectacle: the young husband and wife kiss and make np and everybody Is again happy. W TT.T.TT 'g. PARTY (Lnbln).—Willie Invited bis boy and girl friends to a party. They all come. Willie presents each one with a Teddy bear. He then treats then to a "Punch and Judy" chow, after which be shows them what tricks tbe Teddy bears can do. The boys and girls enjoy tbe show immensely. Willie Is a real artist. He can make the Teddy bears do anything but talk, and we are not sure If be cannot do this also. After tbe show Is over, Willie Invites bis little friends to a luncb. Ton, too, are Invited. Please do come. Pathe Freres Issue ten subjects: HARRY, THE COUNTRY POSTWATT.—Having sold a team of oxen at the fair, a cattle dealer Is seen returning with his wallet bulging out with money. During the ^business transaction, how* ever, tbe farmer has been spied by two footpads, who. conscious of tbe big booty to be gained, shadow him to a lonely spot, and having knocked him down, depart with the plunder. Harry, the postman, coming on the scene a few moments later. Is endeavoring to recall the man to life and Is extracting a dagger from the prostrate body when two passing policemen see blm pull out the d>. ger and therefore arrest blm. His guilr u Jj apparent that the honest letter-carrier i s con rlcted. We follow him to Sing Sing, where w» see him toiling bravely, and an emeote b.-eaain- out, risking bis life In bis endeavors to sure f", guardian. He succeeds in knocking down the re- hellions convict, and Is being praised by the bad officer for his brave action, when a letter Is brouctt in informing the high official that it has bees proved tbat Harry Is Innocent and must be re- leased at once. He Is seen departing, congrttn- lated by all tbe detention officers, and the last scene shows us the letter-carrier reinstated in hhi old position and being greeted warmly at ererr door be stops at to deliver a message. THE POACHER'S WIFE.—Bound on one of L!» every-day perilous expeditions, a poacber takes leave of bis wife, and calling his friend they set off for the forest. While they are at work lajlrg their nets and traps, tbe wife Is busy flirting with the gamekeeper, and the guilty couple are seen strolling In the under-scrub, holding each oth- er's hands lovingly. Arriving at a crossing, tbe gamekeeper takes leave of bis sweetheart, and. coming npon the husband poacher, is ready to shoot him down, but remembering the man's re- lation to tbe woman be loves, be goes bis way. When meeting the poacher's partner, he arrest* him. Not being successful In his hunt, the has. band Is soon seen returning to bis wife, and as be stoops to kiss ber sees a letter concealed to ber ,apron. Be snatches it away unnoticed, and the unfaithful woman taking leave, he follow?, concealing himself until he comes to the meeting place of the lovers. Seeing them embracing and madly Jealous, cocks bis gun, shoots his rival and pushes him down a bottomless ravine. A DISASTBOT/S OVERSIGHT.—Prizes for tie year's work having been distributed at tbe high school, Mr. and Mrs. Livehappy are rewarding their young boy for bis many books and medals .by giving him a good dinner. After the meal is over they set forth for a relation's house to show their friends what a clever, promising boy their son is. and in their excitement and hurry lean the house, forget tbe running tap in tbe bath- room. The next scene shows them all gathered in a gay circle, when, tbe old lady remembering the running ■ faucet. Jumps from ber chair, rashes out into the street, with .Monsieur and son follow. lng In her wake. After several mishaps they reach their dwelling and notice to their horror that the water is rushing out of the front window. They dash up tbe stairway, nervously open tbe door and find tbat their fears were well founded. for the whole apartment Is one big lake, in which chairs, beds and tables float about In tbe most terrifying manner. The last scene shows tbe whole household floundering in the miniature sea In an effort to save their goods and chattels. UNDER I H E LIVERY.—A young man and bis wife are seen presenting credentials to a rich nobleman, and they evidently are very good ref- erences, for the husband is engaged at once as gamekeeper and tbe young woman as lady's maid. Delighted at finding employment, our yoong couple go forth to their new- quarters and tbe gamekeeper starts on bis duty at once, leaving his life companion to look after the cottage. She Is busily working when the door Is opened stealth- ily, and tbe nobleman's son, a dashing young dot, enters and in a passionate declaration tells her that he loved ber from the very moment be set eyes on her at bis father's house. Sbe beta? very pretty and young, and used to compliments, laughs at the young man's advances, and Instead of dis- couraging him, leads him on. resolving within her- self to dismiss blm after a flirtation. But. as the old saying goes, it Is dangerons to play with fire. and soon we see tbe young woman falling in her own trap and becoming desperately In lore with tbe youth. Things go on quietly for a time, ontil one day on a bunting expedition, tbe younc belr, aiming carelessly at a passing hare, shoots down the gamekeeper. Brought back to bis cottage, the livery man Is being attended by his wife, when the lady of the castle, having beard of tbe acci- dent comes laden with delicacies for the allios servant. The young wife profits by her mistress presence to go oat for a cecond to catch a glimpse of her waiting lover. The ardent youth, perceiv- ing her, takes her in his arms, bat at that moment the wounded keeper, seized with a dyiiu; man's intuition, rises from his chair and opens the window, and. seeing his wife clinging lovingly to his young master, reaches for bis gun, and In Inst effort shoots tbe unfaithful woman dead. WOBKHAN'S REVENGE.—Having been dis- missed for loafing by bis foreman, a poor workman POWERS' CAMEBAI wUh all Bregg aei caaMtajJWT*ti ftasa. FILK ED1E0N EXEZSmON All latest eubjects always on hand. OrjexstaTSSXtd rt' , rrii*i C3,and trims fu rni s h ed for Sundays and all other ocmvTn—i. Send for lists and prices. F. J. HOWARD, 564 Washington Street, Boston. Mass. EsTABUStrcD 1E31 (Opposite Adaas House)