The Moving Picture World (1908)

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506 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD Travel Lectures an Moving Picture Theatres In sets of ia or more, beautifully colored, artis- tic lantern slides, many of them with lecture readings. RENTAL PRICE $1.00 PER WEEK AND UPWARDS Show your patrons the grandeur of the YELLOWSTONE, YOSEMITE, NIAGARA FALLS, GRAND CANYON and SWITZERLAND Show them what Uncle Sam is doing at PANAMA, in the PHILIPPINES and with the GREAT BATTLESHIP SQUADRONS Flash before them the wonders of LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN and ST. PETERSBURG Seventy-five sets to pick from. List on application. also send us your orders for CONDENSERS CARBONS OBJECTIVES REWINDER5 PARTS OF EDISON AM) POWERS' MACHINES tnd OUR NEW FIRE. PROOF BOOTH Try Our Independent Film Service Don't run the same films as your competitors FEATURE FILMS, NEW SUBJECTS PROMPT SERVICE ^———■■— g ■ WHMIHIII I M WILLIAMS, BROWN <& EARL© Dept. P, 918 Chestnut St., Philadelphia* Pa. Licensee under the Biograph Patents All purchasers and users of our films will be protected by the American Mutoscope & Biograph Company mm Motion Pictures AST THE BIG. AUDITORIUM OF CHICAGO under the direction of HENRY LEE, GEORGE W. LEOERER and GEORGE KLEINE All eyes Have been focussed upon this C0LL0SSAL AND UNPRECEDENTED ENTERPRISE INTEREST IS NATION "WIDE > ARTISTIC RESULTS NEVER BEFORE ACHIEVED Our' correspondence from all parts of the United States shows a degree of interest among managers, theatre owners and motion picture users which far exceeds our utmost expec- tations. The uplifting influence which the Big Auditorium enterprise is exercising in all directions is strikingly apparent Everyone of our rental branches, addresses as below, is in a position to furnish the subjects used at the Auditorium, which are out of our regular stock, although selected with great care by Mr. Henry Lee: with the exception of those subjects made for Mr. Lee personally during his travels. The vast stock which "Kosmik Films Service" has to offer makes it a simple .matter to select 5500 feet weekly of the choicest scenic, industrial, comedy and dramatic films. What is KOSMIK FILMS SERVICE ? It is the film rental service furnished by the Kleine Optical Co. at New York, Chicago, Denver, Des Moines, San An- tonio, St. Louis, Seattle, Indianapolis, Birmingham, Boston, Montreal, Winnipeg, St. John—the product of the best Euro- pean film manufacturers together with the films made by the Biograph Co. of New York. All KOSMIK subjects are of the highest class morally and photographically, while they lose nothing of interest on this account. KOSMIK FILMS ARE CLEAN FILMS Stories, of rape, seduction, illegitimate children, infidelity, in- decencies and obscenity are barred—none to be found in Kosmik Films. Read what Mr. Lee has to say about Kosmik Films: Auditorium Theater, June 2, 1909. GEOHGE KLEINE. ESQ., Kleine Optical Company, Chicago. 111.: Dear Sir—I want to thank you for the sympathetic help you hare given m* in the preparation of the Mimic World at the Auditorium. The success achieved is In a very large measure due to you. I have girdled the globe many times, have seen the best development of film creation, and have taken ninny subjects myself. The present condition of the field In America makes your position unique. No other firm could offer the wonderful subjects that you have given me. and I frankly admit that the success of my Initial undertaking In the exploration of advanced motography Is strictly due to yon. Frankly, it would be impos- sible for me. or for any exhibitor, to give a great performance of tills character without the Kleine Optical Company and what they can give yon. France and Italy are to-day the greatest creators and producers.In the world. and you have the key of this product You are at liberty to give any form of publicity to my letter, which is written In a spirit of gratitude. Your* always, HENRY LEE. LICENSEE UNDER THE BIOGRAPH PATENTS .w YORK Sixth Ave 0 All purchasers and users of our rilms will be protected by the Americrn Mutoscope & Biograph Co £5S ©t&£© Street BOSTON 637 Wccblagton St., Boylstoa Bids. SEATTLE McEiIbora Bids. ; ■ <■■ \i: MONTREAL, CAN. La Potrle BIdg. BIRniNOHAAl 2008 3d Avenue, Harrington Bide- ■ WINNIPEa 12 Canada Life Bids. DES HOINES Commercial BIdg, ST. LOUIS 023—5 Commercial BIdg., 6th and Oliver Sts. INDIANAPOLIS DENVER Traction BIdg. Boston BIdg. ST. JOHN, N. B. 94 Prince William St., Stockton Building