The Moving Picture World (1908)

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5i8 THE MOVING PICTURE WORJ-D Latest Films of all Makers BIOOHAPH. Mixed Babies 550 ft. 'Ostler Joe 877 ft. The Romance of an Egg...;..617 ft. Thompson's Night Oat.. 713 ru_ A Night of Terror 832 ft, His Day of Best 801 ft. When Knights Were Bold 905 ft. The Music Master SOU ft. Tbe Sculptor's Nightmare U7U ft. The King's Messenger S7C ft. Hulda's Lovers 398 ft. EDISOH. The Blue and the Grey 1000 ft. The Painter's Revenge 745 ft. Sklnny's Finish.... 60S ft. Curious Mr. Curio 880 ft. Tbe Gentleman Burglar 1000 ft. Bridal Couple Dodging tbe Cameras 785 ft. The Merry Widow Walts Craxe.705 ft. Nero and the Burning of Borne 1080 ft. Tale the Autumn Leaves Told.820 ft. A Country Girl's Seminary life and Experiences 1000 ft. Animated Snowballs 796 it. Stage Memories of an Old ES8ANAY. The Little Madcap... GOO ft. The Tragedian 400 ft. Just Like a Woman 5O0 ft. I Can't Bead English 450 ft. Tbe Gentle Sex 750 ft. Ad Animated Doll 750 ft. Peck's Bad Boy 1000 ft. Don't Poll My Leg 425 ft. James Boys In Missouri 100U ft. A Lord Fur A Day 889 ft. Hypnotising Motuer-ln-Law 502 ft. Juggler Juggles 418 ft. KALEM COMPANY (INC.). Sailor In Philippines 835 ft. Man Hunt ...815 ft. An American Soldier - ■ Tbe White Squaw Kidnapped for Hate Dolly, the Circus Queen ■ - With the Fleet In 'Frisco 900 ft. Night Blders 815 ft. Tbe Underdog 725 ft. The Moonshiner's Daughter.. .80S ft. Scarlet Letter 900 ft. KLETWE OPTICAL COMPANY. The Old Actor 480 ft. The Paralytic's Vengeance 614 ft. Faithful Governess Rewarded. .517 ft. Penniless Poet's Luck 790 ft. Cast Off by His Father 557 ft. Usefulness at an End 560 ft. The Saloonkeeper's Nightmare.430 ft. Held for Hansom 760 ft. A Poor Knight and the Duke's Daughter 820 ft. The Effective Hair Grower 224 ft. Tbe Cat's Revenge .227 ft. Clarinet Solo 117 ft. Magic Dice 187 ft. Three Sportsmen and a Hat. .387 ft. Mr. Brown Has a Tile Loose..254 ft. Carnival at Nice S57 ft. Battle of Flowers In Nice 224 ft. Mischievous Dlabolo 1S7 ft. Tbe Marriage of a French Soldier 847 ft. Unlucky Lock 240 ft. Warsmen at Play., 800 ft. Rugby Match 300 ft. Brver Avon 284 ft. Sammy's Sucker 357 ft. River in Norway 247 ft. A Mean Man 284 ft. Bxpeaslve Marriage 440 ft. Mr. Farman's Airship 354 ft. Magical Salt of Armor 180 ft. Artificial Preparation of the Diamond .'...837 ft. Around the Coast of Brlttany.274 ft. Bed Man's Revenge 607 ft. School Boy's Joke 3S7 ft. Inventor's Son's Downfall 574 ft. Student's Predicament 634 ft. The Persistent Beggar 227 ft. Hedge Hog Coat 217 ft. Tbe Minstrel's Sacrifice 767 ft. Remorseful Son 487 ft. The Castle Ghosts 850 ft. Oxford and Cambridge Boat Bace 180 ft. Steel Industry 310 ft. Lost Pocketbook 724 ft, Tbe Winning Number 400 ft. Youthful Samaritan 860 ft. Tbe Carnival at Nice 354 ft, Tne Basket Maker's Daugh- ter 560 ft. Canine Sagacity 384 ft. Scotland 000 ft. An Extraordinary Overcoat...877 ft. Pond of His Paper 174 ft. Running for Office 384 ft. Thirty Tears After 060 ft. Awkward Orderly 364 ft, Ui am Is Capricious 834 ft- A Oood Thief 617 ft. Tbe i/ervene 3tatoea. 90 ft. The Oncle from America 894 ft. Bogus Magic Powder.........227 ft. Tommy Has the Spleen.......304 ft. Tbe Bargeman's Son 610 ft. Dreams and Realities.........307 ft. Country About Borne 354 ft. Environs of Naples ...240 ft. Sldly Illustrated 744 ft. Tbe Wand Has Lost Its Magic.217 ft. The Boxing Englishman 180 ft. My Cabby Wife 350 ft. Gathering Indian Figs 194 ft. Peasant's Difficulties in Society.490 ft. Maneuvers of Artillery 490 ft. Tbe Memory of His Mother.. .500 ft. H"FT,TKB. Side Show Wrestlers 485 ft. Hunting Teddy Bears 308 ft. The Miser 900 ft. Curiosity Punished 564 ft. Up-to-Date Clothes Cleaning.. .210 ft. Justinian's Human Torches.... 187 ft. A Fake Diamond Swindler... .588 ft. A Lover's Haslng 468 ft. Catholic Centennial Parade...950 ft. A Lover's Basing 468 ft. In the Barber Shop 180 ft. A Mistaken Identity 355 ft. Tbe Prophetess of Thebes 458 ft. Long-Dlstance Wireless Pho- tography 366 ft. PATHS PBKKKfl. Tracked by the Police Dog....328 ft. Messenger's Mistake 328 ft. Joyous Surprise 606 ft. Tbe Ragpicker's Daughter 738 ft. Drama m tbe Tyrol 623 ft. Misadventures of a Sheriff 508 ft. Music and Poetry 377 ft. Dynamite Duel 442 ft. A Tiresome Play 426 ft. Brazil—The Cascades ..213 ft. Don Juan 1.082 ft. Arabian Dagger 495 ft. Justice of tbe Redskin 557 ft. Lady Barrister 524 ft. Family of Cats 393 ft. Fish Preserving at Astrakhan.393 ft Mrs. Pimpernell's Gown :.541 ft. Tormented by His Mother-ln- Law 344 ft. Weird Symphony 398 ft. Fire! Fire! 641 ft. An Occasional Porter 328 ft. Lucky Accident 492 ft. A Complicated Duel 328 ft. Athletic Woman 754 ft. Burglars* New Trick 426 ft. Anti-Hair Powder 459 ft. Hide and Seek 180 ft. Story of a Foundling 426 ft, in a Submarine ...524 ft. Legend of a Ghost 1016 ft. End of a Dream 459 ft. Unfortunate Pickpocket 344 ft. A Good Medicine 459 ft. All for a Bird 278 ft. Poverty and Probity 557 ft. Fashionable Hat 844 ft, Imperial Canal 262 ft. Blind Woman's Story 688 ft. Mountaineer's Son 469 ft. Pretty Dairymaid 888 ft. Artist's Inheritance 893 ft. Stolen Sausage 295 ft. sun; An Honest Newsboy's Reward.745 ft. Two Little Dogs 210 ft. Mephlsto's Affinity ..635 ft. Adventures of Mr. Troubles.. .271 ft. Tbe Hand of Fate.. 670 ft. Magnetic Vapor 845 ft. The Miner's Daughter 915 ft. Two Brothers of the G. A. B.COO ft, Robbie's Pet Rat 400 ft. The Greed for Gold 900 ft. Tbe Near-Slghted Professor.. .310 ft, A Gallant Knight 685 ft. Why He Signed the Pledge...825 ft. Tbe Magnetic Eye 305 ft, A Gallant Knight 585 ft. The Near-Sighted Professor...310 ft. The Magnetic Bye 806 ft. Why He Signed the Pledge...825 ft. The Circus Boy..............518 ft. Tbe Tale of a Pig 895 ft. The Automatic Lanndry 861 ft. The Cause «f All the Trouble.905 ft. The "Merry Widow" Hats 568 ft The Bride's Dream 825 ft. GREAT NORTHERN FILM CO. A Chance Shot.. 858 ft. Two Gentlemen. ." 265 ft. The Pupa Changes Into a But- terfly 469 ft. The Will............... 375 ft. Mr. Drawee (comic) 410 ft. The Flight from the Seraglio. .625 ft Winter Maneuvers of the Nor- wegian Army ..SIB ft. Sports of All the World 574 ft. Emperor Nero on the Warpath.280 ft. Honor Lost—Everything Lost..669 ft. Dog-Training 294 ft, A Misalliance 760 ft. Tbe Champagne Bottle 157 "ft. A Modern Naval Hero 713 ft. Ihles and Antonio (Boxers)...250 ft. Lion Hunting 694 ft. RTT.Tf*. Damon and Pythias East Lynne ■ i Not Yet, Bnt Soon The Shadow of the Law ■ In the Nick of Time ——— Summer Boarders Taken In...828 ft. Troubles of a New Drag Clerk.470 ft. The Blue Bonnet 925 ft. Blp Van Winkle 1000 ft. Tbe Holy City 1685 ft. The Man In the Overalls 850 ft. A Noble Jester; or, "Faint Heart Never Won.Fair Lady.650 ft. Gratitude 285 ft. Circumstantial Evidence; or. VITAGRAFH. An Innocent Victim -wo ft. When Casey Joined the Lodge.333 ft, Romeo aud Juliet .015 ft. The Braggart; or. What He Said He Would Do and What He Beally Did Do 4:10 ft. The Two Traveling Bags; .. .420 ft. The Salt Did It; or, If You Want to Catch a Bird Pat Salt on Its Tall 4<a tt WILLIAMS, BROWN A BABX1. The Faithless Friend 523 ft The Man and His Bottle 350 ft The Boarder Got the Haddock.Sio ft. Tricky Twins 2t» ft. Painless Extraction 2S5 ft Father's Lesson 600 ft, Hunting Deer. 355 ft The Prodigal Son 696 ft Catching a Burglar 52S ft Nasty Sticky Stuff soe ft Professor Bounders' Pills 380 ft, Leap Year; or. She Would Be Wed .' 345 ft Tbe Interrupted Bath.........175 ft. The Gambler's Wife 540 ft Doctor's Dodge 250 ft The Great Trunk Mystery 502 ft, Freddie's Little Love Affair...345 ft The Mission of a Flower....360 ft Lasy Jim's Luck 485 ft A Sacrifice for Work 340 ft The Greedy Girl 250 ft. Portland Stone Industry 450 ft Tell-Tale Cinematograph 400 ft Latest Song Slides. GENRE TRANSPARENCY CO. Because of Yon. Merry Mary. Marry -Me. Sweethearts In Heaven. Dear Alabama. Bathing. Night "Time Is the Right Time to Spoon. While iou Are Mine. Good-Bye, Annie Laurie. In My Merry Oldsmobile. GLOBS SLOB 00. Baby Darling. * That LittleSunny Southern Girl of Mine. Swinging in the Old Rope Swing I Love Yon So. When Vacation Days Are Over. Common Sense. CHICAGO TRANSPARENCY 00. When the Apple Blossoms Bloom. Pansy Mine. The Way of the Cross. A little Cozy Flat, Just to Remind Yon. Hearts and Eyes. A High Old Time In Dixie. We Can't Play With You. Monterey. Last Night. I'm Jealous of You. Dear Old Iowa. ' QOIDTHOEPE. I Want You. Are You Sincere? Don't Worry. Summer Time. In Spring Time When the Roses Bloom. When the Fields Are White with Daisies. Don't Worry. Rosea Bring Dreams of Too. Yon Splash Me and ril Splash Yon. From Egypt to Zululand. THE ELITE LANTERN SLIDE 00. Sweet Sixteen. Stop Making Faces at Me. Sweet Polly Primrose. If They All Had a Heart Like Yon, Gypsie Ann. / When Autumn Tints the Green Leaves Gold. When You Love Her and She Loves You. Don't Worry. BE WITT C. WHEELER. Bonita. The Town Where I Waa Born. Are You Sincere? There Was Never a Girl Like Yon. What Does It Meant Mary. My Heather Queen. The Story tbe Picture Blocks Told. Mary Blaine. Love Days. Take Me to the Ball Game. Take Your Girl to the Ball Game. I Am Afraid to Go Home la the Dark. 800TT & YAH ALTERA. There Never Was a Girl Like Too. Somebody I Know and You Know, Too. When the Nightingale 4a Nestlni, Sweet Irene. By the Old Oaken Bucket, Louise. It Might Have Been. Girl from the Golden West. The Corn la Waving, Annie. Two Little Baby Shoes. VAN AT.T.TW CO. I'm Afraid to Come Home In tit Dark. I Miss Yon Like the Roses Mat the Rain. Smart" Just Because He Couldn't Sinj "Lore Me and the World li Mine," When It's Moonlight, Mary Dirl- in», 'Neaih the Old Grape Arbor' Shade. 7 1 HENRY B. INGRAM. Where the Catskllls Lift Their Sum- mits to the Sun. Money Won't Make Everybody Happy- Mollie, Come Jump on the Trolley. Among the Valleys of New England. Anchored. Love's Old Sweet Song. I'm Longing: for My Old Greta Mountain Home. Lenore. On Bunker Hill, Where Warren Fell. On the Banks of the Wabash. The Holy City. .. " . . ' The Little Old Red School-home On the HilL There Stands a Flag, Let Thes Touch It If They Dare. A. L. SIHPEOH. You'll Be Sorry Just Too Late. Billy, Dear. Childhood. Won't Yon Walt, NeUle Dear? Don't Ever Leave Me. Dolly. A Little Bit o' Sugar Cane. True Heart. Hoses Bring Dreams of You. Hoo! Bool Ain't Yon Coming oat To-night. Just Someone. Santiago Flynn. When Yon Wore e Pinafore. In Monkey Land. Dear Old East Side. Won't Yon Be My Baby Boy 7 Dear Old Comrade. Over tbe Hills and Far Away. Ycra'se just a little hit o sugar cane. LA PINE. Will You Always Call Me Honey? I Wish I Had a Girt. _ . Maybe I Was Meant for You, Dear- Poor Old Girl. She's My Girl. I'd Like to Call on You. Base BaH.