Motion Picture Magazine, May 1914 (1914)

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What Is the Title of This Picture? This magazine recently offered a gold prize for the best title and descrip- tion of this picture. The contest is now closed, and from the thousands of interesting and clever answers received the judges are now engaged in selecting the winners. Varied, unique and curious are some of the titles suggested—for examples: The Percolator, The Cure, The Pilterer, He Who Enters Here Leaves All Care Behind, The Self-Forgettery, Sunshine Palace, The Reformer, The Inversion of Spirits, The Magic Magnet, The Rest Cure, Satisfied, The Peacemaker, The Cure-Ail, Rescued from the Blues, The House of Miracles, Darkness and Dawn, The Place of Optimism, The Human Re- finery, Sadness and Gladness, Life's School, The Road to Happiness, The Secret Is Within, The Burden Lifter. The People's Paradise, Anticipation and Realization, The Great Panacea, The Last Copy, The Mill of Good Fellow- ship. The Change, Two Doors, From Shadow to Sunshine, Sold Out, and The Transformation. It will be observed that all of these titles are appropriate. Miss Florence E. Rice, of 510 Eastern Avenue, Toledo, sends us a medicine bottle with the picture pasted on it, and a verse labeled "The Cure": They leave care and anger at the door, And when it's over wish for more. All are smiling as they come out, Even the baby forgets to pout. You will agree. I'm very .sure. The Motion Picture is the cure. It is quite clear that the picture shows the following points: 1. Those who are going into the theater are in bad humor. 2. Those coming out are happy. 3. The Motion Picture Magazine is on sale. 4. Two men are wrangling in front of the box-office (perhaps because they cant get a seat, or a magazine, or perhaps because they are cross and quarrelsome). 5. The feature photoplay is "The Rescue." 6. A lame man coming out does not use his crutch. 7. All classes attend pictures—young and old, strong and feeble, rich and poor. 8. Motion Pictures attract crowds. It is for the judges to say whether all of these points should be included in the winning solution, but perhaps the winner will have discovered something in the picture still more worthy of note. While the picture tells a story, it is for the winner to tell that story in a superior way, and, judging from the following clever titles and descriptions that have been drawn at random from the pile, the winning solution will indeed be worth reading about in the June issue. 89