Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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Copyright Office - The Labrary of Congress MOTION PICTURES. 1894-1912 ERRATA AND ADDENDA Page 1 71 The following lists of corrections and additions to Motion Pictures . 1894-1912 have been compiled by the staff of the Copyright Office from information gathered and generously contributed by Miss Eliz- abeth Franklin of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences during the course of twosununers' work on the paper print collec- tion of the Library of Congress. The corrections cover both typo- graphical errors and variances between information on the paper prints and in the record books of the office. Mr. Howard L. Walls was limited to the record books in making his original selection. Most of the additions consist of films not readily identifiable as such from the record book entries, since before 1912 motion pic- tures were registered simply as photographs. ERRATA Page 16 DISCOVERIES OF BODIES. For DISCOV- ERIES read DISCOVERY. 23 GIRLS SWIMMING. For SWIMMING read SWINGING. 32 LAS VEGAS [i.e., LA VIGA] CANAL, MEX- ICO. For LAS VEGAS read LAS VIGAS. 32 LAS VEGAS (i.e., LA VIGA) CANAL, MEX- ICO CITY. For LAS VEGAS read LAS VIGAS. 34 LITTLE LILLIAN, TOE DANSEUSE. Omit TOE. 38 MINING OPERATIONS, PENNSYLVANIA FIELDS. For PENNSYLVANIA FIELDS read PENNSYLVANIA COAL FIELDS. 42 OLD GENTLEMAN SPRINKLES. For SPRINKLES read SPINKLES. 45 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE CHAMPS ELYSEES. © Thomas A. Edison; Page 29Augl900: D18581. should be D18582. Registration number 48 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY. Should be PRES- IDENT MCKINLEY LEAVING OBSERVA- TORY, MT. TOM, HOLYOKE, MASS. 50 REILY'S LIGHT BATTERY F. For REI- LY'S read REILLY'S. 51 REVIEW OF CADETS, WEST POINT. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 8Julyl903; H33283, H33387. Second reg- istration number should be H33287. 54 SCENE IN THE SWISS VILLAGE AT PARIS EXPOSITION. © Thomas A. Edison; 29Augl900; D18582. Registration number should be D18581. 60 lOTH U. S. INFANTRY, AND BATTALION LEAVING CARS. For AND read 2ND. 64 AN UNEXPECTED FEMALE. Should be AN UNPROTECTED FEMALE, N0.2. ADDENDA AN AFFAIR OF HEARTS. © Biograph Co.; 23Mayl910; J141593. ATLANTIC CITY FLORAL PARADE. © Percival L. Waters; 22Junel904; H47449. CASEY AND HIS NEIGHBOR'S GOAT. © Thomas A. Edison; 3Octl903; H3650I. THE CHARIOT RACE. 22Novl907; H102798. © Kalem Co.; THE AUTO-SOMNAMBULIST Press; 18Aprl906; H75818. BEFORE THE BALL. 18Aprl906; H75820. BOLD BANK ROBBERY 25JiUyl904; H48436. February 1956 © Winthrop © Winthrop Press; © Lubin Mfg. Co.; CHEST AND NECK DEVELOPMENT. © Winthrop Press; 18Aprl906; H75807. CLOWN JUGGLER. © Winthrop Press; 6Septl906; H82617. THE COLONEL'S FRIEND. © Frank Graham; 12Julyl905; H63I57. date January 9, 1894, Belshazzar, copyright /enty-four motion pic- ss J, photographs, be- ; effective date of the law estabHshing classes end of the year 1913. ctures are listed in this viduals and organiza- duction of motion pic- ;riod was essential to )ictures of works regis- >opyright Office. Mr. ike this selection. He vlotion Picture CoUec- ition Picture Arts and .8 for several years on )ffice and during that ecords of early motion : files of the Office, in- ich were def)osited at F many of these motion Curator of the Motion 3rary of Congress and Motion Picture Divi- de, long and intensive