Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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Table of Contents Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 Claimant Index .... Page 1 71 Foreword Motion Pictures, 1894-1912, is a catalog of those copyrighted works identified as motion pictures by Howard Lamarr Walls which were produced dur- ing the pioneer period of the motion picture indus- try. Inasmuch as this catalog includes informa- tion supplied by Mr. Walls which does not appear in the records of the Copyright Office, it is not con- sidered a part of the regular Catalog of Copyright Entries, Cumulative Series. It supplements, how- ever, the two volumes in the Cumulative Series, Motion Pictures, 1912-1939 and Motion Pictures, 1940-1949. These three volumes, together with the current issues of the Catalog of Copyright En- tries, Third Series, Parts 12-13, Motion Pictures and Filmstrips, comprise an unbroken record of the copyright registration of motion pictures and, also, an extensive although incomplete record of motion picture production in the United States through the entire history of the industry. The catalog lists 8,506 works, representing ap- proximately 6,000 titles, which were registered in the Copyright Office as photographs and identi- fied as motion pictures by Mr. Walls. In making this identification, the record books in the Copy- right Office were searched for the years 1893 through 1913. The first such registration found is the Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze, January 7, 1894, copyright date January 9, 18! and the last is the Feast of Belshazzar, copyrig date January 23, 1913. Twenty-four motion p tures were registered in Class J, photographs, 1 tween August 24, 1912, the effective date of t amendment to the copyright law establishing clas for motion pictures, and the end of the year 19 These twenty-four motion pictures are listed in t catalog. Familiarity with the individuals and organi tions connected with the production of motion p tures during the pioneer period was essential the identification as motion pictures of works reg tered as photographs in the Copyright Office. ^ WaUs is uniquely fitted to make this selection, is at present Curator of the Motion Picture Coll tion of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts a Sciences. Previously he was for several years the staff of the Copyright Office and during tl period was interested in the records of early moti pictures which existed in the files of the Office, eluding the paper prints which were deposited the time of the registration of many of these moti pictures. Later he became Curator of the Moti Picture Collection of the Library of Congress a Reference Assistant in the Motion Picture Di sion. He has had, therefore, long and intens