Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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18 Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 THE ENGAGEMENT RING. © Blograph Co.; Ic llMBrl912: J167110. ENGINE AND PUMP. ® American Mutoscope Co.; 7Janl897; 3537. THE ENGINEER. © S. Lubin; 16Septl908; H115777. THE ENGINEER'S ROMANCE, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 7Janl910; J137017-20. ENGUSH LANCERS CHARGING (Boer War]. © Thomas A. Edison; 28Aprl900; D9116. ENGUSH STAG HUNT. © Imp Films Co.; 18Mayl912; J169377. THE ENGLISHMAN AND THE GIRL. © Bio- graph Co.; Ic 2IFebl910; J138587. AN ENGLISHMAN'S TRIP TO PARIS FROM LONDON. © American Mutoscope & Bio- graph Co.; 28Octl904; H52229. ENOCH ARDEN, part 2. © Biograph Co.; Ic 17Junel91I; J156633. ENOCH ARDEN, parts 1-3. © Biograph Co.; Ic 13Junel911; J156550. EPILEPTIC SEIZURE. © Walter G. Chase. 1-6. © 10NOV1905; H68449-54. 7. © 16Novl905; H68797. EPILEPTIC SEIZURE, no. 9. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 14Aprl906; H75692. EQUAL TO THE EMERGENCY, scenes 1-4 © Edison Mfg. Co.; 5Julyl910; J143141-44. AN EQUINE HERO, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; UFebiaiO; J138277-80. ERADICATING AUNTY. © Biograph Co.; 28Mayl909; H127700. ERUPTION OF MT. VEStTVIUS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 2Mayl906; H76577. THE ESCALTA, MANILA. © American Mutoscope t Biograph Co.; 19Augl903; H34817. THE ESCAPE FROM BONDAGE, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison. Inc.; 26Julyl912; J171941-44. ESCAPE FROM SING SING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 7Febl903; H27977. THE ESCAPE FROM SING SING. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 30Septl905; H66725. AN ESCAPE FROM THE FLAMES. © American Mutoscope i Biograph Co.; 6Aprl904; H4420B. THE ESCAPED LUNATIC. © American Mutoscope y. Biograph Co.; 12Janl904; H40805. THE ESCAPED LUNATIC, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 13Septl911; J159988-9I. THE ESCAPED MELODY. © Lubln Mfg. Co.; 5Marl909: H1236S4. EISKIMOS IN LABRADOR, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 13Decl911: J164278-81. ESPLANADE DES INVALIDES (Paris Expo- sition). © Thomas A. Edison; 9Augl900; Dt6379. ESQUIMAUX GAME OF SNAP-THE-WHIP [Pan American Exposition, Buffalo]. © Thomas A. Edison; 9Augl901; H7499. ESQUIMAUX LEAP-FROG (Pan American Exposition, Buffalo]. © Thomas A. Edison; 9Augl901; H7500. ESQUIMAUX VILLAGE (Pan American Exposition, Buffalo). © S. Lubln; 10Julyl901; HSe86. THE ESQUIMAUX VILLAGE (Pan American Exposition, Buffalo). © Thomas A. Edison; 31Julyl901; H7327. THE ETERNAL MOTHER. © Biograph Co.; Ic 13Janl912; J164577. ETHEL'S LimCHEON, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 3Septl909; J131484-86. EUGENE WRAYBURN, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison. Inc.; 30ctl911; J160724-27. EUROPEAN REST CURE. © Thomas A. Edi- son; lSeptl904; H49807. AN EVENTFUL EVENING, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 24Janl911; J151479-82. EVERY DAY IS SUNSHINE WHEN THE HEART BEATS TRUE. © S. Lubln; 2Octl903; H36486. EVERY ROSE HAS ITS STEM, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; llMayl912; J169294-97. EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER, scenes 1-5. © Thomas A. Edison; 22Novl905; H68947-51. EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER (BLACK- FACE). © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; lNovl905; H68149. EVERYBODY WORKS BUT FATHER (WHITE- FACE). © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 13Octl905; H68124. EVERYBODY WORKS BUT MOTHER. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 3ODecl905; H71424. EVERYTHING COMES TO HIM WHO WAITS, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison. Inc.; 21Febl912; J166650-53. THE EVICTION. ® American Mutoscope t Biograph Co.; 23Junel904; H47465. THE EVIDENCE WAS AGAINST HIM. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 10Aprl902; H16343. THE EVIL ART; or, GAMBLING EXPOSED, parts 1-3. © Eureka Feature Film Co.; Ic 7Augl912; J172399. THE EVIL THAT MEN DO. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 28Augl909; J131117. THE EVOLUTION OF MAN—AN EDUCATED CHIMPANZEE. © S. Lubin; 10Julyl901; H5887. EVOLUTION OF THE JAPANESE; from a curio-box to a world power in 50 years. © S. Lubin: 7Aprl905; H58984. THE EX-CONVICT. © Thomas A. Edison: 19Novl904. Leaving home. H53489. The bvrglary. H53490. Discharged. H53491. Looking for employment. HS3492. Discouraged. H53493. Desperation. H53494. A friend at last. H53495. The rescue. H5349B. EX-CONVICT NO. 900, scenes 1-7. ©Edison Mfg. Co.; 16Octl908; HI 17094-100. EXAMINATION DAY AT SCHOOL. © Bio- graph Co.; Ic 30Septl910; J145990. EXCAVATING FOR A NEW YORK FOUNDA- TION. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.: 25Novl903: H38561. EXCAVATING SCENE AT THE PYRAMIDS OF SAKKARAH. © Thomas A. Edison; 17Junel903; H32799. EXCAVATION FOR SUBWAY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; llMarl903; H29161. EXCHANGE OF MAIL AT RURAL P. O., U.S.P.O. © American Mutoscope U Bio- graph Co.: 22Augl903; H34982. EXCURSION BOATS. NAVAL PARADE (Span- ish-American War; New York City Welcome to Admiral Sampson's Fleet after Battle of Santiago Bay). © Thomas A. Edison; 3Septl898; 52052. AN EXECUTION BY HANGING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 12Decl905; H69962. EXECUTION OF A SPY. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 9Decl902; H24896. EXECUTION OF CZOLGOSZ, WITH PANO- RAMA OF AUBURN PRISON (Leon Czolgosz, President McKinley's Assassin). © Thomas A. Edison; 9Novl901; H10605. EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY. © Independent Moving Picture Co.; 23Novl911; J162975. "EXEMPT" OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. © Ameri- can Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 24Aprl903; H30747. EXHIBITION DRILL, NEW YORK FIREMEN, UNION SQUARE. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 17Junel904; H47294. EXHIBITION OF PRIZE WINNERS. © Thom- as A. Edison; 350ctl897; 60595. EXPELLED FROM THE CLUB: THE LADIES OF THE CLUB. © American Mutoscope i Biograph Co.; 16Decl904; H54332. EXPERT BAG PUNCHING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 28Julyl903; H33886. EXPERT GLASS BLOWING, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 8Octl909; J133000-02. THE EXPIATION. © Biograph Co.; Ic 23Octl909; J133582. EXPLODING A WHITEHEAD TORPEDO. © Thomas A. Edison; 12Mayl900; D10161. THE EXTENSION WARDROBE. © S. Lubin; lJulyl901; H5693. EXTRAORDINARY ILLUSIONS. © George M«llfes; 6Novl903; H37668. EYES THAT SAW. © Gaumont Co.; 29Julyl912; J171761. THE FACE AT THE WINDOW. © Biograph Co.; Ic 18Junel910; J142395. THE FACE AT THE WINDOW. © S. Lubln; 25Septl908: H116151. THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 18Julyl908; H113619-22. FACIAL EXPRESSION. © Thomas A. Edison; 27Janl902; H13362. FADED FLOWERS. © Lubin Mfg. Co.: 8Aprl909: H125493. FADED ULIES. © Biograph Co.; 12Junel909; H128253. THE FAILURE. © Biograph Co.; Ic 8Decl911: J163469. FAINT HEART NEVER WON FAIR LADY. SEE A Noble Jester. A FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY. © Thomas A. Edison; 28Junel899; 42265.