Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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20 Motion Pictures J 1894-1912 FENTON OF THE 42ND, scenes 1-4. © Edi- son MXg. Co.: 14Decl909; J136005-8. FERRYBOAT AND TUG PASSING GOVER- NORS ISLAND, NEW YORK HARBOR, no. 128. ® American Mutoscope Co.; 4Febl897; 9265. FERRYBOAT ENTERING SUP. © American Mutoscope <t Biograph Co.; 9Decl902; H24887. THE FEUD AND THE TURKEY. © American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.; 3Decl908; H119109. A FEW MINUTES WITH STEEPLEJACK LINDHOLM. © Independent Moving Picture Co.; 30Octl911; J162088. On same reel with His Dress Shirt. THE FICKLE SPANIARD. © Biograph Co.; Ic 3Mayl912; J168889. 15TH INFANTRY. © American Mutoscope <t Biograph Co.; 21Mayl902; H17970. FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK. © Thomas A. Edison; 5Marl897; 15443. A FIFTY MILE RAMBLE THROUGH THE THOUSAND ISLANDS, ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 17Janl912; J165003-06. A FIGHT FOR A BRIDE. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 7Decl905; H69579. THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. © American Mutoscope «i Biograph Co.; 16Julyl908; H113480. A FIGHT FOR LOVE. SEE The Other Fellow. FIGHT IN THE DORMITORY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 27Febl904; H42805. FIGHTING BLOOD. © Biograph Co.; Ic lJulyl911; J157258. THE FIGHTING CIGAR. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 17Junel909; H128496. THE FIGHTING PARSON. © S. Lubin; 9Novl908; H118063. FIGHTING THE FIRE. © Thomas A. Edison; 27Novl896; 64785. FIGHTING THE FLAMES (An Attraction at Coney Island]. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 28Julyl904; H48619. FIGHTING THE FLAMES. DREAMLAND [An Attraction at Coney Island). © American Mutoscope «i Biograph Co.; 12Augl904; H49061. FIGHTS OF NATIONS. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 18Febl907; H90564. A FILIPINO COCK FIGHT. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 21Mayl902; H17972. FIUPINO SCOUTS, MUSICAL DRILL. ST. LOUIS [Louisiana Purchase Exposition). © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 17Junel904; H47292. FIUPINOS RETREAT FROM TRENCHES [Spanish-American War). © Thomas A. Edison; 5Junel899; 37444. THE FINAL SETTLEMENT. © Biograph Co.; Ic 3Marl910; J138843. FINE FEATHERS MAKE FINE BIRDS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 25Augl905; H64926. FINE FEATHERS MAKE FINE BIRDS. SEE Borrowed Clothes. THE FINISH OF BRIDGET MCKEEN. © Thomas A. Edison; lMarl901; H1493. FINISH OF FUTURITY. 1901. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 21Mayl902; H17971. FINISH OF THE FIRST RACE, AUG. 22 [America's Cup Races: Reliance an Sham- rock ni). © American Mutoscope & Bio- graph Co.; 27Augl903; H35070. FINISH OF YACHT RACE, AUG. 25TH [America's Cup Races: Reliance and Sham- rock m). © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 4Septl903; H35397. FINISHING TOUCHES. © American Muto- scope «t Biograph Co.; 14Junel902; H19017. FIRE. ADAMS EXPRESS OFFICE. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 6Aprl904; H44210. FIRE AND FLAMES AT LUNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND [An Attraction at Coney Island). © Thomas A. Edison; 15Augl904; H49193. THE FIRE-BUG. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 5AugI905; H64038. FIRE DEPARTMENT, FALL RIVER, MASS. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; llJunel903; H32501. FIRE DEPARTMENT, NEW HAVEN, CONN. © American Mutoscope Co.; 7Janl897; 3535. FIRE DEPARTMENT, N. Y. CITY, 1ST AND 2ND ALARMS. © American Mutoscope Co.; llNovl896; 61794. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK CITY, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 6Janl911; J150735-37. A FIRE IN A BURLESQUE THEATRE. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 22Marl904; H43565. FIRE IN NEW YORK'S BOWERY. © S. Lubin; 4Octl905; H66871. THE FIRE OF LIFE, parts 1-2. © Ingvald C. Oes; Ic 23Aprl912; J168484-85. FIRE RUN, COLON FIRE DEPARTMENT UNDER COCOANUT TREE. © Thomas A. Edison; 12Aprl907; H92570. FIREBOAT "NEW YORKER" ANSWERING AN ALARM. © Thomas A. Edison; 20Mayl903; H32036. FIREBOAT "NEW YORKER" IN ACTION. ® Thomas A. Edison; 20Mayl903; H32035. THE FIREFALL. © Geo. M«llfes; 29Decl904; H55064. FIRESIDE REMINISCENCES, scenes 1-5. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 23Janl908; H105415- 19. FIRING BY SQUAD, CATLING GUN. © Thomas A. Edison; 20DecI897; 71220. FIRING 10 INCH GUN. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 24Aprl903; H30721. FIRING THE CABIN. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 21Septl903; H3S880. FIRING THE COOK. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 2Novl903; H37500. FIRST AVENUE, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, no. 8. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60554. THE FIRST BABY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 28Julyl904; H48626. THE FIRST QUARREL. © S. Lubin; 3Augl907; H97637. THE FIRST SLEIGH-RIDE. ® Thomas A. Edison; 8Janl897; 3846. A FISH STORY. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 12Novl907; H102386. FISHER FOLKS. © Biograph Co.; Ic 18Febl911; J152253. THE FISHERMAN; or, MEN MUST WORK AND WOMEN MUST WEEP. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 7Septl909; J131469. THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SWEETHEART, parts 1-3. © Ingvald C. Oes; Ic 22Marl912; J167403-05. FISHERMAN, EELS OR SNAKES. © Paley & Steiner; 20Janl905; H58277. FISHERMAN'S LUCK. © Thomas A. Edison; 20Septl897; 52618. FISHERMAN'S WHARF. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60562. FISHING AT FARALONE ISLAND. © Thomas A. Edison; 6Janl902; H12584. FISHING INDUSTRY AT GLOUCESTER, MASS., scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 31Decl909; J136740-43. FISHING SMACKS. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60563. FITZIMMONS AND RUHLIN FIGHT. SEE Life Motion Photographs of the Fitzsimmons and Ruhlin Fight. FITZSIMMONS AND SHARKEY FIGHT. SEE Reproduction of the Fitzsimmons and Sharkey Fight. FITZSIMMONS-JEFFRIES FIGHT. SEE Reproduction of the Fitzslmmons-Jeffrles Fight in Eleven Rounds Showing the Knock Out. FITZSIMMONS-O'BRIEN FIGHT. SEE Impersonation of the Fitzsimmons- O'Brien Fight. A FIVE CENT TROLLEY RIDE. SEE On a Good Old Five Cent Trolley Ride. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. © Bio- graph Co.; Ic 23Augl911; J159203. FIVE MINUTES TO TRAIN TIME. © Ameri- can Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 12Aprl902; H16388. THE FLAG. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 25Junel903; H32942. FLAG DANCE. © American Mutoscope h. Biograph Co.; 21Mayl903; H32079. FLAG OF DISTRESS. © Imp Films Co.; 20Janl912; J164579. On same reel with I Wish I Had A GlrL FLAGS AND FACES OF ALL RACES. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 22Decl905; H70570. FLAGSHIP "NEW YORK" [Spanish-American War). © Thomas A. Edison; 22Aprl898; 25562. A FLASH OF LIGHT. © Biograph Co.; Ic 20Julyl910; J143387. THE FLAT DWELLERS. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 2Febl906; H72723. THE FLAT DWELLERS; or. THE HOUSE OF TOO MUCH TROUBLE. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 20Aprl907; H92837. THE FLEET STEAMING UP NORTH RIVER [Spanish-American War; New York City Wel- come to .Admiral Sampson's Fleet after Battle of Santiago Bay). © Thomas A. Edison; 3Septl898; 52047.