Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 ri HORSES DRAWING IN SEINE. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 22Augl903; H34988. HORSES DRAWING SALMON SEINE. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 22Augl903; H34986. HORSES LOADING FOR KLONDIKE, no. 9 [Alaska Gold Rush]. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60558. HORSESHOE FALLS—FROM LUNA ISLE [Niagara Falls). © Thomas A. Edison; 24Decl896; 70080. HORSESHOE FALLS—FROM TABLE ROCK [Niagara Falls). © Thomas A. Edison; 24Decl896; 70081. HORSEWHIPPING THE EDITOR: THE EDITOR AT WORK. © American Mutoscope * Bio- graph Co.; 16Decl904; H54349. HORTICULTURAL FLOATS, no. 9. © Thomas A. EdUon; 24Febl898; 13530. HOT MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ® American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 14Janl903; H26947. HOT MUTTON PIES. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 5Septl902; H21513. HOT STUFF. © Biograph Co.; Ic 21Marl912; J167393. A HOT TIME AT HOME. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 2Febl904; H4n49. HOTEL DEL MONTE. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60586. HOTEL VENDOME, SAN JOSE. CAL © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60584. HOUSE CLEANING DAYS; or. NO REST FOR THE WEARY. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 21Octl908; H117311. THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR. SEE The Treasure. THF HOUSE OF CARDS, scenes 1-5. © Edi- son vSg. Co ; 10Decl909: J135937-41. THE HOUSE OF TERROR. © S. Lubin; 6Julyl908; H112820. THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 18Octl910; J146834-37. THE HOUSE OF TOO MUCH TROUBLE. SEE The Flat Dwellers. THE HOUSE ON THE BRIDGE. © S. Lubin; 30Octl908; H117629. THE HOUSE ON THE HILL, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 14Junel910; J142385-88. THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 15Aprl909; H125803. HOUSE TO LET; or, THE NEW TENANTS. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; lFebl908; H105774. THE HOUSE WITH CLOSED SHUTTERS. © Biograph Co.; Ic llAugl910; J144163. THE HOUSE WITH THE TALL PORCH, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 22Marl912; J167606-09. HOW A FRENCH NOBLEMAN GOT A WIFE THROUGH THE NEW YORK HERALD PERSONAL COLUMNS. © Thomas A. Edi- son; 26Augl904; H49524. HOW A PRETTY GIRL SOLD HER HAIR RESTORER. © S. Lubin; 3Septl908; H115286. HOW BELLA WAS WON. scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison. Inc.; 10Marl911; J153238-41. HOW BOBBY JOINED THE CIRCUS, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 23Septl912; J176554-57. HOW BRIDGET MADE THE FIRE. © Ameri- can Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 10Aprl902; H16339. HOW BRIDGET'S LOVER ESCAPED. © Geo. M6Ufes; 26Aprl907; H93043. HOW BROWN GOT MARRIED. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 16Augl909; J133964. HOW BUMPTIOUS PAPERED THE PARLOR, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; I5Julyl910; J143372-75. HOW BUTTONS GOT EVEN WITH THE BUTLER. © American Mutoscope & Bio- graph Co. © 15Julyl903; H33455. © 13Augl903; H34509. HOW CHARLIE LOST THE HEIRESS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 18Marl903; H29470. HOW DUCKS ARE FATTENED. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; llMayl903; H31676. HOW FATHER ACCOMPLISHED HIS WORK, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 15Junel9I2; J170303-06. HOW HAPPY JACK GOT A MEAL. © S. Lubin; 16Decl908; HU9728. HOW HE WAS CURED. SEE The Fresh Air Fiend. HOW HUBBY GOT A RAISE. © Biograph Co.; Ic 8Octl910; J146226. HOW JONES LOST HIS ROLL. © Thomas A. Edison; 27Marl905. Jones Meets Skinflint. H58567. Skinflint treats Jones. H58568. Skinflint's cheap wine. H58569. Invitation to dinner. H58570. Game of cards. H58571. Jones loses. H58572. „,„_, Jones goes home in barrel. H58573. HOW JONES SAW THE BASEBALL GAME. © S. Lubin; 26Octl907; HI01654. HOW JONES SAW THE CARNIVAL. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 20Novl908; H118651. HOW LITTLE WILLIE PUT A HEAD ON HIS PA. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 12Aprl902; H16379. HOW MILUONAIRES SOMETIMES ENTER- TAIN ABOARD THEIR YACHTS. © Ameri- can Mutoscope 8t Biograph Co.; 9Octl905; H67107. HOW MR. BUTT-IN BENEFITS BY CHAUN- CEY'S MISHAPS. © Paley & Steiner; 27Mayl905; H61363. HOW MRS. MURRAY SAVED THE AMERICAN ARMY, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 10Octl911; J160716-19. HOW MOTION PICTURES ARE MADE AND SHOWN, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 27Febl912; J167039-42. HOW OLD IS ANN? © Thomas A. Edison; 15Decl903; H39575. HOW PATRICK'S EYES WERE OPENED, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 20Aprl912; J168493-96. HOW RASTUS GOT HIS PORK CHOPS. © S. Lubin; 25Augl908; HI 15090. HOW SHE LOVES HIM. © Paley & Steiner; 17Marl905; H57772. HOW SHE MARRIED. © Imp Films Co.; 15Janl912; J164477. On same reel with Cotton Industry. HOW SHE TRIUMPHED. © Biograph Co.; Ic 29Aprl911; J154834. HOW SHORTY WON OUT. © Universal Film Mfg. Co.; 15Junel912; JI70268. HOW SIMPKINS DISCOVERED THE NORTH POLE. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 22Augl908; H114988. HOW SIR ANDREW LOST HIS VOTE scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 22Decl911; J164322-25. HOW SPRIGGINS TOOK LODGERS scenes 1-4. ©Thomas A. Edison. Inc.; 19Aprl91l. J154570-73. HOW THE ATHLETIC LOVER OUTWITTED THE OLD MAN. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 18Julyl903; H33541. HOW THE BOYS FOUGHT THE INDIANS, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison. Inc.: 6Julyl912: J170926-29. HOW THE COOK MADE HER MARK. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 17Marl904; H43407. HOW THE DUTCH BEAT THE IRISH © Thomas A. Edison; 15Mayl901; H4371. HOW THE HUNGRY MAN WAS FED, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 17Mayl911. J155844-47. HOW THE KIDS GOT EVEN. © The Vita- "gr*p™C0.rf America; 13Febl909; H122900. HOW THE LANDLORD COLLECTED HIS RENTS, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 17Septl909; J132026-28. HOW THE MASHER WAS PUNISHED. © S. Lubin; 4Decl907; H103308. HOW THE OFFICE BOY SAW THE BALL G?!^ scenes 1-9. © Thomas A. Edison; 10JuIyl906; H8045S-64. HOW THE OLD WOMAN CAUGHT THE OMNIBUS. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 19Decl903; H39710. HOW THE SQUIRE WAS CAPTURED, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 19Augl910; J145119-22. HOW THE TELEPHONE CAME TO TOWN, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 250ctl911; J161702-05. HOW THE TRAMP GOT THE LUNCH, scenes 1-2. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 16Junel909; H128438-39. HOW THE YOUNG MAN GOT STUCK AT OCEAN BEACH. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 18Julyl903; H33538. HOW THEY DO THINGS ON THE BOWERY. © Thomas A. Edison; 31Octl902; H23280. HOW THEY FIRED THE BUM, NIT. © Ameri- can Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 13Junel903; H32627. HOW THEY ROB MEN IN CHICAGO. © American Mutoscope «t Biograph Co.; 10Aprl902; H16335. HOW TIMOTHY ESCAPED. SEE Broke. HOW TO CURE A COLD. © The ViUgraph Co. of America; 8Junel907; H94972.