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Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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30 Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 IT IS VERY PRETTY. ® American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 16Decl904; H54351. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 5Marl909; H123655. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE, scenes 1-3. ® Edison Mfg. Co.; 5Aprl910; J140226-28. IT SERVED HER RIGHT, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 31Mayl911; J156363-66. THE ITALIAN BARBER. © Biograph Co.; Ic llJanl911; J150748. ITALXAN BLOOD. © Biograph Co.; Ic llOctl911; J161479. IT'S A SHAME TO TAKE THE MONEY. ® American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 19Mayl905; H61110. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND. © S. Lubin; 16Septl908; H115774. IT'S UNLUCKY TO PASS UNDER A LADDER. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 10Aprl902; H16352. JACK AND JILL. © Paley 4 Steiner; 6Junel905; H61593. JACK AND JILL. © Sleground Lubin; 28Aprl903; H31233. JACK AND JIM. © George M€lifes. 4Decl903; H38791. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. © Siegmund Lubin; 2Mayl903; H31329. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. © Thomas A. Edison; 20Junel902; H19221. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 16Janl912: J165011-14. JACK JAGGS & DUM DUM. © George M£li6s; 26Octl903; H37292. JACK JOHNSON AND JIM FLYNN UP-TO- DATE. © The Johnson Flynn Feature Film Co.; Ic 20Marl912; J167289. JACK JOHNSON VS. JIM FLYNN CONTEST FOR HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD, LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, JULY 4, 1912. © Jack Curley; Ic 18Julyl912; JI7ig68. JACK JOHNSON VS. STANLEY KETCHELL. SEE World's Championship, Jack Johnson Vs. Stanley Ketchell. JACK THE KISSER, scenes 1-8. © Thomas A. Edison; 4Octl907; H100531-38. JACK THE PEEPER. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 9Junel904; H46934. JACQUES ET JIM. © George MSlifes; 4Decl903; H38793. THE JAIL BIRD AND HOW HE FLEW; a farce comedy escape. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 27Junel906; H79887. THE JAM CLOSET, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 2Marl912; J167019-22. JAMAICA NEGROES DOING A TWO-STEP. © Thomas A. Edison; 12Aprl907' H92576. JAMESTOWN NAVAL REVIEW. © S. Lubin; 10Mayl907; H93526. THE JANITOR'S BOTTLE, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 20Febl909; H123193- 95. JAPANESE ACROBATS. © Thomas A. Edison- 29Aprl904; H45038. JAPANESE FENCING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 21Mayl902; H17973. A JAPANESE PEACH BOY, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; IFeblSlO; J138037-40. JAPANESE SAMPANS. © Thomas A. Edison; 22Junel898: 38248. JAPANESE VILLAGE [Pan American Expo- sition, Buffalo]. © Thomas A. Edison; 31Julyl901; H7330. A JAR OF CRANBERRY SAUCE, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 23Septl910; J145944-47. THE JEALOUS HUSBAND. © Biograph Co.; Ic 12Julyl911; J157529. THE JEALOUS MONKEY. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 80569. THE JEALOUS OLD MAID; or, NO ONE TO LOVE HER. ® The Vitagraph Co. of America; 3Novl908; HI 17826. THE JEALOUS WIFE. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 17Decl907; H103777. JEALOIKY: © The Vitagraph Co. of America; IAprl908: H108125. JEALOUSY AND THE MAN. © Biograph Co.; Ic 21Julyl909; J129609. JEFFREYS (i.e. JEFFRIES] AND RUHLIN SPARRING CONTEST AT SAN FRANCISCO, GAL NOV. 15, 1901—FIVE ROUNDS. © Thomas A. Edison; 9Decl901; H11088. JEFFREYS (i.e. JEFFRIES] IN HIS TRAINING QUARTERS. © Thomas A. Edison; 2Decl901; H10907. JEFFRIES AND CORBETT FIGHT SEE Reproduction of the Jeffries and Corbett Fight. JEFFRIES AND RUHLIN FIGHT. SEE Reproduction of the Jeffries and Ruhlm Fight. JEFFRIES AND SHARKEY FIGHT. SEE Reproduction of the Jeffries and Sharkey Fight. JEFFRIES AND SHARKEY FOR CHAMPION- SHIP OF THE WORLD. SEE The Battle of Jeffries and Sharkey for Championship of the World. JEFFRIES-CORBETT CONTEST. SEE Re- production of Jeffries-Corbett Contest. JEFFRIES-JOHNSON WORLD'S CHAMPION- SHIP BOXING CONTEST, HELD AT RENO, NEVADA, JULY 4. 1910. Photographed by the Vitagraph Co. of America. © J. & J. Co.; Ic 7Decl910. Reel 1. ®J148684. Reel 2. © J148685. Reel 3. © J148686. Reel 4. Rounds 1-4. © J148687. Reel 5. Rounds 5-8. © J148688. Reel 6. Rounds 9-12. © J148689. Reel 7. Rounds 13-15 «. Finals. © J148971. JEFFRIES-SHARKEY CONTEST. Biograph Photographs. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. No 1-8. © 10Novl899; 73505-12. No 9-22. © llNovl899; 73784-97. No. 23-30. © 13NOV1899; 74281-88. No. 31-36. © 15Novl899; 74690-95. THE JEFFRIES-SHARKEY CONTEST. © James H. White; 4Novl899; 72363. JEPHTHAH'S DAUGHTER; a Biblical tragedy. (Vitagraph High Art Film) © The Vila- graph Co. of America; 10Mayl909; H126773. A JERSEY SKEETER. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 16Aprl902; H16644. JERUSALEM DELIVERED. SEE The Crusaders. JERUSALEM'S BUSIEST STREET, SHOWING MT. ZION. © Thomas A. Edison; 17Junel903; H32794. JESSIE, THE STOLEN CHILD. © The Vita- graph Co. of America; 29Octl908; HI 17586. THE JESTER, scenes 1-6. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 6NOV1908; H117953-58. JESUS OF NAZARETH. © Kalem Co. 1. ® 31Julyl912; J171845. 2. © 5Augl912; J171846. 3. ® 5Augl912; J171847. 4. © 5Augl912; J171848. 5. © 5Augl912; J171849. 6. © 5Augl912; J171850. 7. © 5Augl912; J171851. 8. © 5Augl912; J171844. THE JEWELS, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edi- son, Inc.; 30Janl912; J165932-35. A JEWISH DANCE AT JERUSALEM. © Thomas A. Edison; 10Junel903; H32487. THE JILT. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 10Mayl909; H126828. JIM JEFFRIES ON HIS CAUFORNIA RANCH. © Miles Bros.: 8Junel907; H94997. JIM THE MULE BOY. scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 28Marl911: J153743-46. JIMMIE mCKS IN AUTOMOBILE. © Ameri- can Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; Iljunel903; H32500. JIMMIE, THE MESSENGER BOY. © S. Lubin; 17Junel907; H95313. JIM'S ATONEMENT. © Imp Fllroa Co.; 13Mayl912; J169149. JIM'S WIFE, scenes 1-3. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 28Mayl912; J169932-34. JINKS JOINS THE TEMPERANCE CLUB. © Biograph Co.; Ic 24Julyl911; J158070. JOCKEYING AND START OF YACHT(S] AUG. 25TH (America's Cup Races: Reliance and Shamrock HI]. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 4Septl903; H35392. JOCKEYING FOR THE START AUG. 20 [America's Cup Races: Reliance and Shamrock III ]. © American Mutoscope t Biograph Co.; 28Augl903; H35096. JOCKEYING FOR THE START AUG. 22 [America's Cup Races: Reliance and Shamrock HI]. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 27Augl903; H35072. JOE, THE EDUCATED ORANGOUTANG. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 25Augl902; H21308. JOHN BROWN'S HEIR, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 6Decl911; J164294-97. JOHN D. AND THE REPORTER. © S. Lubin; 21Augl907; H98645. JOHN PAUL JONES CEREMONIES [U. S. Naval Academy]. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 2Mayl906; H76576. JOHN SMITH, BARBER. ® Imp Films Co.; 13Aprl912; J168387. THE JOHNIE AND THE TELEPHONE. ® American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 23Decl903; H39904. JOHNNY AND THE INDIANS. ® Centaur Film Co.; 21Mayl909; H127303. JOHNNY'S IN THE WELL. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 20Junel903; H32868. JOHN'S NEW SUIT. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 7Julyl908; H113159.