Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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32 Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 KING OF THE DETECTIVES. © American Mutoscope (t Biograph Co.; 13Augl903. H34526. KING, THE DETECTIVE. © Independent Moving Picture Co.; 2Novl911. J162089. THE KINGDOM OF THE FAIRIES. SEE The Fairyland. THE KING'S DIAMOND. © S. Lubln; 21Julyl908; H113737. THE KING'S MESSENGER. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 28Aprl908; HI09927. THE KING'S PARDON, scenes 1-6. © Edi- son Mfg. Co.; 28Novl908; H118950-55. THE KING'S POWER, no. 1-2. © Ingvald C. Oes; Ic 7Decl911; J163444-45. THE KISS. © Thomas A. Edison; 9Marl900; D5532. A KISS AND A TUMBLE. © American Mutoscope «t Biograph Co.; 10Septl904; H50323. A KISS IN THE DARK. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 14Janl904; H40866. KISS ME. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 27Febl904; H42B03. KIT CARSON. © American Mutoscope t Biograph Co. 1. © 21Septl903; H35886. 2. © 21Septl903; H35888. 3. © 21Septl903; H358B5. 4. © 21Septl903; H35887. 5. © 21Septl903; H35872. 7. © 21Septl903; H35873. 8. © 21Septl903; H35883. 9. © 21Septl903; H35884. 10. © 9Octl903; H36653. 11. © 21Septl903; H35876. THE KITCHEN MAID'S DREAM. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 16Octl907; H10U75. KITTY'S HOLD UP, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 15Junel912; J170307-10. THE KLEPTOMANIAC. © Thomas A. Edison; 4Febl905. Arriving at police station. H&6408. Court room scene. H56409. Tableau. H56410. Home of thief. H56411. Stealing bread. HS6412. Leaving store, H56413. Superintendent's office. H56414. Interior of department store. H56415. Arriving at store. H56416. Leaving home. H56417. Arriving at police station in patrol wagon. HS6418. THE KLEPTOMANIAC. SEE The Cleptomaniac. A KNIGHT FOR A NIGHT, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 24Septl909; J132305-07. THE KNIGHT OF BLACK ART. M«li%s; 4Janl908; H104847. © Geo. A KNIGHT OF THE ROAD. © Biograph Co.; Ic 21Aprl911; J154608. A KNOT IN THE PLOT. © Biograph Co.. Ic 28Mayl910; J141733. KOHN'S BAD LUCK. © S. Lubin; 10Augl907; H97968. "KRONPRINZ WILHELM" DOCKING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 12Junel902; H18898. "KRONPRINZ WILHELM" WITH PRINCE HENRY [OF PRUSSIA) ON BOARD ARRIVING IN NEW YORK. © Thomas A. Edison; 26Febl902; HI4496. LADDIE, scenes 1-5. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 5C)ctl909; J132805-09. LADIES' SADDLE HORSES. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; llMarl903; H29157. LADIES' SADDLE HORSES. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60567. THE LADY AND THE BURGLAR, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 9Augl910; J145127-30. LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET. © Imp Films Co. 16Mayl912; JI69341. LADY BARBERS. © S. Lubln; 9Novl908; H118064. LADY BOUNTIFUL VISITS THE MURPHYS ON WASH DAY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 4Septl903; H35395. LADY HELEN'S ESCAPADE. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 14Aprl909; H125727. LADY JANE'S FLIGHT; a 17th century romance. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 15Julyl908; H113390. LADY MARY'S LOVE, no. 1-2. © Ingvald C. Oes; Ic 9Novl911; J162644-45. Tm I ADY OR THE TIGER, scenes 1-8. Ts^on iSrg. Co.; 25Novi908; H118884-91. LAKE LUCERNE. SWITZERLAND. © Thomas A. Edison; 17Junel903; H32793. THE LAMP EXPLODES. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 5Septl902; H21498. THE LAND OF DARKNESS; or, THE GREAT MINE DISASTER. © Eclair Film Co.; Ic 3Mayl912; J168890. THE LAND OF PROMISE. © Imp Films Co.; 9Mayl912; J169038. LANDING OF U. S. TROOPS NEAR SANTI- AGO [Spanish-American War]. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 31Decl902; H2S968. LANDING WHARF AT CANTON. © Thomas A. Edison; 22Junel898; 38234. THE LANDLADY'S PORTRAIT, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 20Febl909; H123198- 201. LA LANTERNE MAGIQUE. © Geo. M6Ufes; 9Decl903; H39154. A LARGE HAUL OF FISH. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 14Janl903; H26949. LARKS BEHIND THE SCENE. © Thomas A. Edison; 17Febl899; 13535. THE LASSIE'S BIRTHDAY, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 8Novl910; JI47697-700. LASSOING STEER. © Thomas A. Edison; 24FeblB98: 13567. THE LAST CARTRIDGE; an incident of the Seoey rebellion in India. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 17Decl907; H103776. THE LAST CALL. © S. Lubin; 16Septig08: H115775. THE LAST DEAL. © Biograph Co.; Ic 29Janl910; J137856. THE LAST DROP OF WATER. © Biograph Co.; Ic 29Julyl911; J158241. THE LAST LESSON, parts 1-2. © Socirfta' Anonima Ambrosio; Ic llAprI912; J168056-57. THE LAST OF THE FRONTIGNACS, parts 1-3. © Soci^ta'Anonima Ambrosio; Ic llAprl912; J168053-55. THE LAST OF THE G. A. R. PARADE AT ROCHESTER. © Independent Moving Pic- ture Co.; 90ctl911; J161096. On same reel with The Sentinel Asleep. THE LAST RESOURCE. © New York Motion Picture Co.; 26Julyl912; J171701. THE LAST ROUND ENDED IN A FREE FIGHT. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 22Janl903; H27384. LAS VEGAS [i.e. LA VIGA] CANAL, MEXICO. © Thomas A. Edison; i6Aprl902; H16656. LAS VEGAS [i.e. LA VIGAJ CANAL, MEXICO CITY. © Thomas A. Edison; 24Febl898; 13554. THE LATE SENATOR MARK HANNA. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 20Febl904: H42495. LATHROP SCHOOL, CALISTHENICS. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 2Mayl904: H45152. LATINA CONTORTIONIST. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 21Novl905; H688B3. LATINA, DISLOCATION ACT. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 21Novl9a5; H6B886. LATINA. PHYSICAL CULTURE POSES, no. 1-2. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 21Novl905; H68884-85. LAUGHING BEN. ® American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 18Aprl902; H16727. LAUGHING GAS. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 2Novl907; H101950. LAUGHING GAS, scenes 1-6. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 6Decl907; H1033B2-87. LAUNCH OF JAPANESE MAN-OF-WAR "CHITOSA." © Thomas A. Edison; 10Marl898; 16427. LAUNCH OF LIFE BOAT. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60570. LAUNCH OF BATTLESHIP "CONNECTICUT." © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 4Octl904; H51257. LAUNCH OF SURF BOAT. © Thomas A. Edison; 250ctl897; 60575. LAUNCH, U. S. BATTLESHIP "KENTUCKY." © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 18Junel903; H32833. LAUNCHING, no. 2. © Thomas A. Edison; 10Marl898; 1643S. LAUNCHING A STRANDED SCHOONER FROM THE DOCKS [Galveston, Texas, Hurricane and Tidal Wave]. © Thomas A. Edison; 24Septl900; D18562. LAUNCHING OF THE BATTLESHIP "RIVA- DAVIA," scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 180ctl911; J161653-56. LAUNCHING U. S. S. "ILLINOIS." © Ameri- can Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 26Febl903; H28676. LAURA COMSTOCK'S BAG-PUNCHING DOG. © Thomas A. Edison; 6Mayl901; H4086. LAWN PARTY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 5Septl902; H21505. LAZY BILL HUDSON, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 18Septl912; J176511-14. LAZY FARMER BROWN, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 22Julyl910; J143679-82.