Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 63 A TRIP TO BERKELEY, CAL. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 23Junel906; H79820. A TRIP TO MARS. © Slegmund Lubin; 4Mayl903; H31340. A TRIP TO MARS, scenes 1-3. ® Edison Mfg. Co.; 18Febl910; J138566-68. A TRIP TO SALT LAKE CITY. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 5Junel905; H61569. TRIP TO THE MOON. © S. Lubin; 26Junel899; 41525. TRIUMPHAL BRIDGE, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; llMarl903; H29163. TROOP B 15TH U. S. CAVALRY BAREBACK SQUAD IN THE MONKEY DRILL AT FORT MYER, VIRGINIA. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 14Janl910; J137402. TROOP SHIPS FOR THE PHILIPPINES (Spanish-American War]. © Thomas A. Edison; 22Junel898; 38210. TROOPS AT EVACUATION OF HAVANNA [Spanish-American War]. © Thomas A. Edison; 20Janl899; 7258. TROOPS EMBARKING AT SAN FRANCISCO [Spanish-American War]. © Thomas A. Edison; 22Junel898; 38256. TrtDOPS MAKING MILITARY ROAD IN FRONT OF SANTIAGO [Spanish-American War]. © Thomas A. Edison; 3Septl898; 52059. TROUBLE IN HOGAN'S ALLEY. © Ameri- can Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 13Augl903; H34515. THE TROUBLES OF A BUTLER, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 29Novl911; J164362-65. TROUBLES OF A FLIRT. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 20Marl908; H107707. TROUBLES OF A MANAGER OF A BUR- LESQUE SHOW. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 19Janl904; H41027. THE TROUBLES OF A STRANDED ACTOR. © S. Lubin; 27Novl908; H118913. THE TROUBLES OF AN AMATEUR DETECTIVE. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 12Junel909; H128249. TROUBLES OF TOO ARDENT ADMIRERS. © S. Lubin; 9MarI908; H107117. THE TROUBLESOME BABY. © Biograph Co.; Ic 21NOV1910; J147936. THE TROUBLESOME FLY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; lMayl902; H17228. A TROUBLESOME SATCHEL. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 14Aprl909; H125729. TROUT FISHING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 9Decl902; H24877. TROUT FISHING, RANGE LEY LAKES. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 3Janl906; H71525. TROUT POACHERS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 9Decl902; H24878. IL TROVATORE (VERDI) © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 5Febl909; H122576. THE TRUANT; or. HOW WILLIE FIXED HIS DAD. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 3Augl909; J130311. THE TRUANTS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 4Aprl907; H92290. TRUE HEARTS ARE MORE THAN CORONETS. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 2Aprl908; H108160. TRUE LOVE NEVER RUNS SMOOTHLY, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 24Septl909; J132345-47. A TRUE PATRIOT. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 9Septl909; J134300. TRUE 'TILL DEATH. © G. M^lifes, Inc.; 16Aprl912; J168168. THE TRUER LOVE. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 10Mayl909; H126777. THE TRY OUT, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 31Janl911; J151545-48. TRYING TO FOOL UNCLE. © Biograph Co.; Ic 12Julyl912; J171147. TRYING TO GET ARRESTED. © American Mutoscopie & Biograph Co.; 31Marl909; H125118. TUB RACE. © Thomas A. Edison; lSeptl903; H35325. A TUMULTUOUS ELOPEMENT. © Geo. M6Ufes; 10Novl909; J134155. TUNNEL NUMBER THREE. ® American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 22Aprl902; H16926. THE TUNNEL WORKERS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 10Novl906; H84943. TUNNELING THE CHANNEL. © Geo. M«lifes; 5Julyl907; H95991. TURKISH DANCE, ELLA LOLA. © Thomas A. Edison; 70ctl898; 59210. TURNED TO THE WALL, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 21Aprl911; J154797-800. TURNING OVER A NEW LEAF, scenes 1-3, [4-6]. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 26Decl908; H120402-07. TURNING THE TABLES. © Biograph Co.; Ic 10Decl910; J148648. TURNING THE TABLES. © Thomas A. Edi- son; lSeptl903; H35327. TURNING THE TABLES, 4 scenes. ® Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 30Septl911; J160341-44. TURNING THE TABLES; or. WAITING ON THE WAITER. ® The Vitagraph Co. of America; 21Aprl908; H109580. 'TWEEN TWO LOVES. © Independent Moving Picture Co.; 28Septl911; J160311. TWELVE IN A BARREL. © S. Lubin;. Ijulyl901; H5694. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY TRAMP; or, HAPPY HOOUGAN AND HIS AIRSHIP. © Thomas A. Edison; 27Janl902; H13363. 25TH INFANTRY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 21Mayl902; H17963. TWENTY MULE TEAM, ST. LOUIS EX- POSITION [Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion]. © American Mutoscope & Bio- graph Co.; 24Mayl904; H46315. TWENTY YEARS IN SING-SING. ©America's Feature Film Co.; Ic 20Decl911; J163759. TWIN BROTHERS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 14Aprl909; H125730. THE TWIN TOWERS, scenes 1-4. ® Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 25Aprl911; J154801-04. THE TWISTED TRAIL. © Biograph Co.; Ic 28Marl910; J139618. 'TWDCT LOVE AND DUTY. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 9Julyl90B; H113233. 2 A. M. IN THE SUBWAY. © American Muto- scope II Biograph Co.; 20Junel905; H62448. TWO AFFINITIES; or, A DOMESTIC REUNION. ® The Vitagraph Co. of America; 29Octl908; H117588. TWO BOTTLE BABIES. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 9Augl904; H48984. TWO BROKEN HEARTS; the story of a worth- less husband and a faithful dog. © The Vita- graph Co. of America; 2Octl908; HI 16418. THE TWO BROTHERS. SEE Francesca Di Rimini. TWO BROTHERS OF THE G. A. R. © S. Lubin; 28Mayl908; H111142. TWO COMPANIES, ROYAL CANADIAN REGIMENT. © American Mutoscope & Bio- graph Co.; 16Aprl902; H16643. THE TWO CONVICTS. © Ingvald C. Cos- Ic 22Aprl912; J168441-42. TWO COUSINS. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 15Julyl909- J134164. * TWO CRAZY BUGS. © Geo Mglifes; 29Julyl908; H113974. THE TWO FLATS, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 3Janl912; J164568-71. THE TWO HEROES, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 26Aprl911; J154972-75. TWO HOURS AFTER CHICKENS LEAVE THE SHELLS. © American Mutoscope & Bio- graph Co.; 22Aprl902; H16923. TWO IS COMPANY, THREE A CROWD. ® Paley & Steiner; 27Octl904; HS2168. TWO KNIGHTS IN A BARROOM, scenes 1-5. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 3Aprl912; J168011-15. TWO UTTLE DOGS. © S. Lubin; 13Junel908; H111813. TWO LITTLE SHOES. © S. Lubin; 15Junel908: H111859. TWO MEMORIES. © Biograph Co.; 22MaylS09i H127384. TWO OF A KIND, scenes 1-3. ® Edison Mfg. Co.; 10ctl909; J132748-50. TWO OFFICERS, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 18Augl911; J159386-89. TWO OLD CRONIES. © American Mutoscope «t Biograph Co.; 24Febl903: H28558. TWO ORPHANS OF THE G. A. R. © S. Lubin; 27Novl908; H118911. TWO RUBES AT THE THEATRE. © S. Lubin; 7Marl901; H1773. TWO SAILORS .4ND A GIRL. SEE For Her Sake. TWO SEEDY RUBES: THEY HAVE A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN. © S. Lubin; 26Octl906; H84213. THE TWO SIDES. © Biograph Co.; Ic 3Mayl911; J154897. TWO SIDES OF THE WALL. © S. Lubin; 15Junel908; Hin860. THE TWO SISTERS. SEE Avenged.