Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 ei WHAT ARE THE WILD WAVES SAYING SISTER?. © American Mutoscope & Bio- graph Co.; 28Augl903; H35097. WHAT BOYS WILL DO. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 17Junel903; H32784. WHAT BURGLAR BILL FOUND IN THE SAFE. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; PJanl904; H40722. WHAT DEMORALIZED THE BARBER SHOP. © Thomas A. Edison. © 16Decl898; 73465. © llSeptl901; H8587. WHAT DRINK DID. © Biograph Co.; 28Mayl909; H127702. WHAT HAPPENED IN THE TUNNEL. © Thomas A. Edison; 6Novl903; H37683. WHAT HAPPENED ON TWENTY-THIRD STREET NEW YORK CITY. © Thomas A. Edison; 21Augl901; H7985. WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 24Febl903; H2B560. WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO AND WHAT HE REALLY DID. SEE The Braggart. WHAT ONE SMALL BOY CAN DO. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 16Aprl908; WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR OLD? © Biograph Co.; Ic 15Febl911; J152019. WHAT THE CARDS FORETOLD, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 7Decl909; JI35764-67. WHAT THE DAISY SAID. © Biograph Co.; Ic 13Julyl9I0; J143189. WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED. © Biograph Co.; Ic 7Augl912; J172003. WHAT'S YOUR HURRY? © Biograph Co.; Ic lNovl909; J134043. WHEN A MAN LOVES. © Biograph Co.; Ic 9Janl911; J150480. WHEN CASEY JOINED THE LODGE. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; lJunel908; HI 11202. WHEN KINGS WERE THE LAW. © Biograph Co.; Ic 20Mayl912; J169418. WHEN KNIGHTS WERE BOLD. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 13Mayl908; H110S06. WHEN LIPS ARE SEALED. © S. Lubin; 5Augl908; H114300. WHEN MA GOES SHOPPING. © S. Lubin; 16Decl908; H119730. WHEN OUR SHIP COMES IN. © S. Lubin; 3Septl908; HI 15287. WHEN PASSION BLINDS HONESTY, parts 1-3. © Ingvald C. Oes; Ic 3Febl912; J165548-50. WHEN RUBEN COMES TO TOWN, scenes 1-4. ©Edison Mfg. Co.; 14Augl908; H114567-70. WHEN SHE WAS ABOUT SIXTEEN, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 31Julyl912; J171952-55. WHEN THE FIRE-BELLS RANG. © Bio- graph Co.; Ic 13Mayl912; J169194. WHEN THE FLAG FALLS. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 2Augl909; J132278. WHEN THIEF MEETS THIEF. SEE Levitsky's Insurance Policy. WHEN WE WERE IN OUR TEENS. © Bio- graph Co.; Ic 19Augl910; J144497. WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE. © Ameri- can Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; lMayl902; H17227. WHEN WIFEY HOLDS THE PimSE STRINGS. © Biograph Co.; Ic 25Septl911; J160415. WHEN WOMEN VOTE. © S. Lubin; 25Marl907; H91921. WHERE BREAKERS ROAR. ©American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 15Septl908; H115623. WHERE IS MY WANDERING BOY TONIGHT? scenes 1-7. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 9Janl909; H121437-43. WHERE PATHS MEET. © Imp Films Co.; lAprl912; J167694. WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 21AprI909; H126018. WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY. SEE The Determined Lover. WHERE'S THAT QUARTER. SEE His Week's Wages. WHICH WAS THE HAPPIEST TIME IN YOUR LIFE? © S. Lubin; 16Decl908; H119731. WHILE STROLUNG IN THE PARK. © Amer- ican Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 12Janl904; H40804. WHIPPING BEAR. © Charles J. Jones; 15Janl906; H71991. WHIRLPOOL RAPIDS—FROM CANADIAN SHORE [Niagara Falls]. © Thomas A. Edison; 24Decl896; 70079. THE WHITE CAPS. © Thomas A. Edison; 14Septl905; H65546. THE WHITE CHIEF. © S. Lubin; 6Julyl908; Hn2824. WHITE FOX MOTOR BOAT. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; lJunel906; H78532. WHITE HORSE RAPIDS. © Thomas A. Edi- son; 4Aprl900; D7246. THE WHITE MAN'S FIRST SMOKE; or, PURITAN DAYS IN AMERICA. © The Vita- graph Co. of America; 27Julyl907; H97262. THE WHITE ROSE OF THE WILDS. © Bio- graph Co.; Ic 27Mayl911; J155961. WHITE ROSES. © Biograph Co.; Ic 24Decl910; J149494. THE WHITE SAVIOR. © Universal Film Mfg. Co.; 27Julyl912; J171840. WHITE WINGS ON REVIEW. © Thoma? A. Edison; 20Mayl903; H32033. WHITLER'S WITLESS WANDERINGS, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 15Octl909; J133434-37. WHITTIER SCHOOL, CALISTHENICS. © American Mutoscope fc Biograph Co.; 2Mayl904; H45148. WHO GETS THE ORDER? scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 22Marl911; J153485-88. WHO GOT THE REWARD? © Biograph Co.; Ic 8Janl912; J164468. WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN? © Siegmund Lubin; 28Aprl903; H31232. WHO LOOKS, PAYS. © Geo. M61ifes; 27Marl906; H75006. WHO NEEDED THE DOUGH? © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 20Marl908; H107708. WHO PAYS FOR THE DRINKS? © American Mutoscope «t Biograph Co.; 28Octl903; H37379. WHO SAID CHICKEN? © American Muto- scope i Biograph Co.; 24Aprl903; H30738. WHO SAID CHICKEN? © S. Lubin; 10Julyl901; H5885. WHO STOLE JONES' WOOD. © S. Lubin; 17Octl908; H117119. WHO WEARS THEM? © Imp Films Co.; 10Febl912; J166568. THE WHOLE DAM FAMILY AND THE DAM DOG. © Thomas A. Edison; 31Mayl905; H81456. THE WHOLE WORLD KIN, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 24Junel909; H128780-82. WHO'S BOSS OF THE HOUSE? © S. Lubin; 24Julyl907; H97081. WHO'S GOT THE RED EAR? © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 24Febl903; H28552. WHO'S WHO. © Edison Mfg. Co. Scene 1. © 16Aprl909; H125908. Scent 2 © 16Aprl909; H125909. Icene 3. © 16Aprl909; H125910. WHY CURFEW DID NOT RING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 6Marl903; H29000. WHY FOXY GRANDPA ESCAPED A DUCKING. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 6Julyl903; H33401. WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 28Septl909; J132348-51. WHY HE GAVE UP. © Biograph Co.; Ic 5Decl911; J163420. WHY HE SIGNED THE PLEDGE. © S. Lubin; 18Aprl908; H109520. WHY JONES DISCHARGED HIS CLERKS. © Thomas A. Edison; 9Janl900; D780. WHY KRAUSMYER CAN'T SLEEP. © Sieg- mund Lubin; llAugl899; 51688. WHY MR. NATION WANTS A DIVORCE. © Thomas A. Edison; lMarl901; H149S. WHY MRS. JONES GOT A DIVORCE. © Thomas A. Edison; 17Janl900; D1727. WHY PAPA CANNOT SLEEP, no. 108. © American Mutoscope Co.; 4Febl897; 9246. WHY PAPA CAN'T SLEEP. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 13Junel903; H33409. WHY THAT ACTOR WAS LATE. © Geo. M«lifes; 18Marl908; H107644. WHY THE CHECK WAS GOOD. © Independent Moving Picture Co.; llE>ecl911; J163608. WHY THE COOK WAS NOT FIRED, ©S. Lubin; 7Aprl905; HS8983. WHY THE MAIL WAS LATE. © Lubin Mfg Co.; 8Aprl909; H125500. THE WIDOW AND THE ONLY MAN. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 8Septl904; H50221. THE WIDOW'S CLAIM, scene 1. © Universal Film Mfg. Co.; 13Augl912; Jl72202. A WIFE'S AWAKENING. © Independent Mov- ing Picture Co.; 9Novl911; J162417. A WIFE'S DEVOTION. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 7Aprl908; H108471.