Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 69 WRECK OF THE BATTLESHIP "MAINE" [Spanish-American War], © Thomas A. Edison; 21Aprl898; 25323. WRECK OF THE "VIZCAYA" [Spanish- American War). © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 24Aprl903; H30726. THE WRECKERS OF THE LIMITED EX- PRESS. © S. Lubin; 3Febl90G; H72770. WRESTLING AT THE N. Y. A. C. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 7Novl905; H68324. WRESTLING PONIES. ® American Mutoscope Co.; 7Janl897; 3556. WRESTUNG PONY AND MAN. ® Ameri- can Mutoscope Co.; 19Decl896; 69097. WRESTLING YACHT. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; llNovl902; H237B2. THE WRIGHT BROTHERS' AEROPLANE, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 20Augl909; J130901-03. A (W)RINGING GOOD JOKE. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 22Janl903; H27377. A WRINGING GOOD JOKE. © Thomas A. Edison. © 28Aprl899; 29258. © 28Decl900; D23738. • A (W)RINGING GOOD JOKE: ARRIVAL OF DAD. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 16Decl904; H54357. WRINKLES REMOVED. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 5Septl902; H21500. THE WRITING ON THE BLOTTER, scenes 1-4. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 3Marl911; J152740-43. THE WRONG BURGLAR. © S. Lubin; 10Decl908; H119481. THE WRONG FLAT. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 28Junel907; H95638. THE WRONG GRIP. © S. Lubin; 21Julyl908; H113741. THE WRONG OVERCOAT. © S. Lubin; 9Marl908; H107121. THE WRONG ROOM. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 22Marl904; H43562. THE WRONG WEIGHT. © Universal Film Mfg. Co.; 13Julyl912; J170754. YACHT RACE—FINISH. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 25Junel903; H32947. THE YACHT RACE FLEET FOLLOWING THE COMMITTEE BOAT "NAVIGATOR" OCT. 4TH. © Thomas A. Edison; 9Octl901; H9498. YACHT RACE—START. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 20Junel903; H32869. YALE FOOTBALL TEAM AT PRACTICE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. © American Mutoscope Co.; 7Janl897; 3531-32. YALE LAUNDRY. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 30Octl907; H101B25. A YANKEE MAN-O-WARSMAN'S FIGHT FOR LOVE, scenes 1-5. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 30Janl908; H105R81-85. A YARD OF FRANKFURTERS. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 17Junel903; H32789. A YARD OF PUPPIES. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 28Augl903; H35094. THE YARN OF THE NANCY BELL, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 6Marl912; J167220-23. THE YELLOW PERIL. © American Muto- scope & Biograph Co.; 3Marl908; H106924. YENS YENSEN, THE SWEDISH BUTCHER BOY; or, MISTAKEN FOR A BURGLAR. © The Vitagraph Co. of America; 29Octl908; H117589. THE YIDDISHER BOY. © S. Lubin; 27Novl908; H118914. A YORKSHIRE SCHOOL, scenes 1-3. © Edison Mfg. Co.; 29Aprl910; J141046-048. YOU WILL SEND ME TO BED, EH? © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 28Octl903; H37382. YOUNG AMERICA, © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 19Augl903; H34808. YOUNG MEN'S BLAINE CLUB OF CINCIN- NATI [McKinley Inaugural Parade]. © Thomas A. Edison; 15Marl897; 17405. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, scenes 1-4. © Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; 15Novl911; J162503-06. THE YOUNGER BROTHER, scenes 1-4. © Thos. A. Edison, Inc.; 25Julyl911; J158329-32. YOU'VE GOT TO LOVE ME A LOT. © Lubin Mfg. Co.; 16Febl909; H122987. ZIGOMAR. © Eclair Film Co.; Ic 6Novl9H; J162893. ZIGOMAR VS. LE ROUGUIN, parts 1-4. © Eclair Film Co.; Ic 18Aprl912; J168481. THE ZULU'S HEART. © American Mutoscope & Biograph Co.; 25Septl908; H116155. 259157 O - 53 - 6