Motion Pictures 1894 to 1912 (1953)

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88 Motion Pictures, 1894-1912 LUBIN MANUFACTURING COM- PANY. 1909. Cont'd. Old Army Chest. Old Hall Clock. Old Man's Bride. Original Cohens. Our Country In Arms. Pagliacci (Leoncavallo). Peaches and Cream. Persistent Jane. Puzzle-Mad. Queen of the Ranch. Right To Labor. Romance of Engine 999. Roommates. School for Lovemaking. She Would Be an Actress, Sideboard Folding Bed. Slip Powder. Smile, Smile, Smile. Smuggler's Daughter. Sporting Blood. There Never Was a Girl Like You. Thirteenth at the Table. Through Darkness to Light. Through Jealousy. Through Shadow to Sunshine. Torero Song "Carmen" (Bizet). Trovatore (Verdi). True Patriot. Two Cousins. Under the Steam Hammer. Unexpected Guest. When the Flag Falls. Why the Mail Was Late. Wifey Away, Hubby at Play. Woman Hater. You've Got To Love Me a Lot. MACFEE, EDWARD DANIEL, Jr. 1909. American Fleet in Hampton Roads, 1909. After Girdling the Globe. MASKO FILM COMPANY. 1912. Resurrection. MELIES (G.) INC. 1912. True 'Till Death. MELIES, GEORGE. 1903. Apparition. Ballet Master's Dream. Bob Kick, I'Enfant Terrible. Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid. Chauldron [i. e.. Chaudron] Infernal. Damnation of Faust. 10 Femmes dans un Parapluie. Drawing Lesson. Enchanted Well. Enchanteur Alcrofrisbas. Extraordinary Illusions. Fairyland. Faust aux Enfers. Illusions Fantasmagoriques. Infernal Caldron. Inn Where No Man Rests. Jack and Jim. Jack Jaggs & Dum Dum. Jacques et Jim. Jupiter's Thunder-Bolts. Lanteme Magique. Magic Lantern. Master Magician Alcrofrisbas, Melomaniac. Monster. Mystical Flame. Oracle of Delphi. R6\e d'un Maitre de Ballet. Revenant. Spiritualist Photographer. 10 Ladies in an Umbrella. Tom Tight et Dum-Dum. Tonnerre de Jupiter. Witch's Revenge. 1904. Animated Costumes. Apparitions Fugitives. Astonishing Frame. Au Clair de la Lune, Barber of Sevilla. Christmas Angel. Clock Maker's Dream. Cook in Trouble. Faust et Marguerite. Firefall. Fugitive Apparitions. Grotto of Surprises. Imperceptible Transmutations. Impossible Voyage. Mermaid. Moonlight Serenade. Pret^ pour un Rendu. R6ve de L'Horloger. Roi du Maquillage. Simple Simon's Surprise Party. Sirene. Sorcellerie Culinaire. Terrible Bourreau Turc. Terrible Turkish Executioner. Tit for Tat. Untamable Whiskers. Vanishing Lady. Wandering Jew. Wedding by Correspondence. Wonderful Rose Tree. 1905. Angler's Nightmare. Automobile Chase. Black Imp. Chloroform Fiends. Crazy Composer. Crystal Casket. Enchanted Sedan-Chair. King of Sharpshooters. Life Saving Up-to-Date. Lilliputian Minuet. Living Playing Cards. Mr. Dauber 4t the Mystifying Picture. Palace of the Arabian Nights. Rip. Scheming Gambler's Paradise. Stop Thief; Tower of London. Ulysses and Giant Polyphemus. Unexpected Fireworks. Venetian Looking-Glass. 1906. Chimney Sweep. Desperate Crime. Flirting by the Sea Side. Hilarious Posters. Maestro Do-Mi-Sol-Do. Merry Frolics of Satan. Mix-Up in the Gallery. Mysterious Retort. Olden and New Style Conjuring. Road Side Inn. Soap Bubbles. Spiritualistic Meeting. Tramp and the Mattress- maker. Who Looks, Pays. Witch. 1907. Angelic Servant. Bakers in Trouble. Bewildering Cabinet. Chopin's Funeral March. Delirium in a Studio. Drink; Eclipse. Forester Made King. Good Glue Sticks. Hamlet. How Bridget's Lover Escaped. Mischievous Sketch. New Death Penalty. Robert Macaire and Bertrand Behind the Scene. Rogues' Tricks. Satan in Prison. Seek and You Shall Find. Shakespeare. Sightseeing. Skipping Cheese. Story of Eggs. Tunneling the Channel. Under the Seas. 1908. At the Hotel Mix-Up. Broken Violin. Buncoed Stage Johnnie. Catholic Centennial Celebra- tion. Curiosity Punished. Dream of an Opium Fiend. Fake Diamond Swindler. Forester's Remedy. French Cops Learning English. Fun with the Bridal Party. Genii of Fire. G«od Luck of a Souse. Grandmother's Story. Helping Hand. Honeymoon in a Balloon. Humanity Through Ages. Hunting the Teddy Bear. In the Barber Shop. In the Bogie Man's Cave. Incident from Don Quixote, Indian Sorcerer. Justinian's Human Torches. King and the Jester. Knight of Black Art. Little Peacemaker, Lively Pranks with a Fake Python. Long Distance Wireless Photog- raphy. Love and Molasses. Love Tragedy in Spain. Lover's Hazing. Magic of Catchy Songs. Mischances of a Photographer. Miser. Mishaps of the New York- Paris Race. Mistaken Identity. Mystery of the Garrison. Night with Masqueraders in Paris. No Trifling with Love. Not Guilty. Old Footlight Favorite. Oriental Black Art. Pageant, Dedication, Festival. Prophetess of Thebes. Rude Awakening. Sideshow Wrestlers. Tricky Painter's Fate. Two Crazy Bugs. Two Talented Vagabonds. Up-to-Date Clothes Cleaning. Why That Actor Was Late. Woes of Roller Skaters. Wonderful Charm. 1909. Cinderella Up-to-date. Count's Wooing. Fatal Ball. For Sale — a Baby, For the Cause of Suffrage, Fortune Favors the Brave. Hypnotist's Revenge. Living Doll. Mrs. & Mr, Duff, Red Star Inn, Stolen Wireless. Tumultuous Elopement. MILES BROTHERS. 1905. Nelson-Britt Prize Fight. Nelson-Britt Prize Fight for Lightweight Championship, San Francisco, September 9th. 1905. No Bill Peddlers Allowed. 1906. Gans-Nelson Contest, Gold- field, Nevada, September 3rd, 1906. Head-on Collision at Brighton Beach Race Track, July 4th, 1906. O'Brien-Bums Contest, Los Angeles. Cal.. Nov. 26th, 1906. Trip Down Mount Tamalpais. 1907. International Contest for the Heavyweight Championship: Squires vs. Burns, Ocean View. Cal,, July 4th, 1907. Jim Jeffries on His California Ranch. Panorama, Crowds at Squires- Burns International Contest, from Center of Ring, Colma, July 4th, 1907. Panorama, Crowds at Squires- Burns International Contest, from Moving Picture Stand, Colma, July 4th, 1907. Shriners' Conclave at Los Angeles, Cal., May. 1907, Squires, Australian Champion, in His Training Quarters. MONOPOL FILM COMPANY. 1911. Dante's Inferno. Honner's Odyssey, N NATIONAL FILM DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1912. Dante's Progress and Expe- riences Through Paradise. Dante's Progress and Expe- riences Through Purgatory. Paradise. Purgatory. NEW YORK MOTION PICTURE COMPANY. 1912. Battle of the Red Men. Blazing the Trail. Cell No. 13. Deserter. Double Life. His Nemesis. Indian Massacre. Last Resource. Lieutenant's Last Fight. Mysteries of Soul. Snowball and His Pal. War on the Plains. NEW YORK MOTION PICTURE COMPANY. INC. 1912. Crisis, Outcast. Post Telegrapher. NORDISK FILMS COMPANY. 1912. Flying Circus. OES, INGVALD C. 1911. Aviator and the Journalist's Wife. Ballet Dancer. Dead Man's Child. Girl Behind the Counter. In the Hands of Imposters. King's Power. Lady Mary's Love. Misguided Love. Temptations of a Large City. Victim of the Mormons. 1912. Aeroplane Inventor, Aviator's Generosity. Black Chancellor. Call of a Woman. Convicts No. 10 and No. 13. Dangerous Play. Desdemona, Fatal Lie, Fire of Life. Fisherman and His Sweet- heart. Homeless. Little Railroad Queen. Love and Friendship. Love in the Tropics.