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Motion Pictures, 1912-1939: Index
♦Superstition of Walking Under
a Ladder. 1934. *Swat the Fly. 1935. ♦Sweet Cookie. 1933. ♦Symphony in Black. 1935. ♦Take a Chance. 1933. ♦Taking the Blame. 1935. ♦Terror Aboard. 1933. ♦There's Something About a
Soldier. 1934. ♦13 Hours by Air. 1936. ♦Thirty Day Princess. 1934. ♦This Day and Age. 1933. ♦This Little Piggie Went to
Market. 1934. ♦This Woman Is Mine. 1935. ♦Three Cheers for Love. 1936. ♦Three Cornered Moon. 1933. ♦3 Little Swigs. 1933. ♦Three on the Trail. 1936. ♦Thundering Herd. 1933. ♦Till We Meet Again. 1936. ♦Time and Gus. 1933. ♦Time for Love. 1935. ♦Timothy's Quest. 1936. ♦To the Last Man. 1933. ♦Tonight Is Ours. 1933. ♦Too Many Highballs. 1933. ♦Too Many Parents. 1936. ♦Too Much Harmony. 1933. ♦Top Form. 1935. ♦Torch Singer. 1933. ♦Trail of the Lonesome Pine.
1936. ♦Trumpet Blows. 1934. ♦Tune Up and Sing. 1934. ♦Two-Alarm Fire. 1934. ♦Two Fisted. 1935. ♦Two for Tonight. 1935. ♦Uncle Jake. 1933. ♦Underneath the Broadway Moon.
1934. ♦Up and Down. 1934. ♦Vim, Vigor, and Vitaliky. 1936. ♦Virginia Judge. 1935. ♦Wagon Wheels. 1934. ♦Walking the Baby. 1933. ♦Wanderer of the Wasteland
1935. ♦Water Lure. 1933. ♦Water Rodeo. 1934. ♦Way to Love. 1933. ♦We Aim To Please. 1935. ♦We're Not Dressing. 1934. ♦Wharf Angel. 1934. ♦What Makes a Champion? 1933. ♦What's the Answer. 1936. ♦When My Ship Comes In. 1934. ♦When Yuba Plays the Rumba on
the Tuba. 1933. ♦Where's That Tiger. 1933. ♦White Woman. 1933. ♦Wild Elephinks. 1933. ♦Winged Champions. 1936. ♦Wings in the Dark. 1935. ♦Wings Over Ethiopia. 1935. ♦Witching Hour. 1934. ♦Without Regret. 1935. ♦ Woman Accused. 1933. ♦Woman Trap. 1936. ♦Wonder Girl. 1933. ♦You Belong to Me. 1934. ♦You Gotta Be a Football Hero.
1935. ♦You're Telling Me. 1934. PARAMOUNT PUBLK CORPORATION. ♦A Hunting We Did Go. 1931. ♦A Hunting We Will Go. 1932. ♦Accidents Will Happen. 1930. ♦Accordion Joe 1930. ♦Ace of Spades. 1931. ♦Actions Speak Louder Than
Words. 1930. ♦Admission Free. 1932. ♦African Dodger. 1931. ♦Ain't She Sweet. 1933. ♦Alexander's Ragtime Band. 1931.
[♦AH for the Band. 1931. ♦All Sealed Up. 1932. ♦Aloha Oe. 1933
♦American Tragedy. 1931.
♦And the Green Grass Grew All Around. 1931.
♦Animal Crackers. 1930.
♦Antique Shop. 1931.
♦Any Little Girl That's a Nice Little Girl. 1931.
♦Any Rags. 1932.
♦Anybody's War. 1930.
♦Anybody's Woman. 1930.
♦Anything But Ham. 1931.
♦Arabian Shrieks. 1932.
♦Around the Samovar. 1931.
♦Artist's Reverie. 1930.
♦At Home. 1930.
♦Auto-Intoxication. 1931.
♦Babbling Book. 1932.
♦Backyard Follies. 1931.
♦Ballet Class. 1930.
♦Barnacle Bill. 1930.
♦Be Like Me. 1933.
♦Beach Nut. 1931.
♦Beauty Secrets from Hollywood. 1931.
♦Beloved Bachelor. 1931.
♦Betty Boop for President. 1932.
♦Betty Boop Limited. 1932.
♦Betty Boop M. D. 1932.
♦Betty Boop's Bamboo Isle. 1932.
♦Betty Boop's Bizzy Bee. 1932.
♦Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions. 1933.
♦Betty Boop's Ker-Choo. 1933.
♦Betty Boop's Museum. 1932.
♦Betty Boop's Penthouse. 1933.
♦Betty Boop's Ups and Downs. 1932.
♦Betty Co-Ed. 1931.
♦Beyond the Blue Horizon. 1932.
♦Big Broadcast. 1932.
♦Big Pond. 1930.
♦Big Splash. 1931.
♦Bimbo's Express. 1931.
♦Bimbo's Initiation. 1931.
♦Blonde Venus. 1932.
♦Blue Angel. 1931.
♦Blue of the Night. 1933.
♦Boop-Oop-a-Doop. 1932.
♦Border Legion. 1930.
♦Breaking Even. 1932.
♦Bridge It Is. 1932.
♦Bring 'Em Back Sober. 1932.
♦Broadway Romeo. 1931.
♦Broken Lullaby. 1932.
♦Broken Wing. 1932.
♦Building Winners. 1932.
♦Bullmania. 1931.
♦Bum Bandit. 1931.
♦Bun Voyage. 1932.
♦By Appointment. 1930.
♦By the Beautiful Sea. 1931.
♦By the Light of the Silvery Moon. 1931.
♦Cab Waiting. 1931.
♦Camera Trails. 1930.
♦Canine Thrills. 1933.
♦Catch 'Em Young. 1932.
♦Caught. 1931.
♦Cheaper To Rent. 1931.
♦Cheat. 1931.
♦Chess-Nuts. 1932.
♦Chinatown Fantasy. 1930.
♦Chords of Memory. 1930.
♦City Streets. 1931.
♦Cleaning Up. 1930.
♦Climate Chasers. 1931.
♦Clinching a Sale. 1931.
♦Close Farm-Ony. 1932.
♦Cock-Eyed News. 1930.
♦Coffee and Asprin. 1932.
♦Come Take a Trip in My Airship. 1930.
♦Confessions of a Co-Ed. 1931.
♦Confounded Interest. 1930.
♦Conquering Horde. 1931.
♦Courting Trouble. 1932.
♦Cow's Husband. 1931.
♦Crazy Compositions. 1931.
♦Crazy Town. 1932.
♦Dancers in the Dark. 1932.
♦Dancing Fool. 1932.
♦Dangerous Nan McGrew. 1930.
♦Daughter of the Dragon. 1931.
♦Dentist. 1932.
♦ Derelict. 1930.
♦Devil and the Deep. 1932.
♦Devil Sea. 1931.
♦Devil's Holiday. 1930.
♦Dinah. 1933.
♦Discovered. 1931.
♦Dishonored. 1931.
♦Dizzy Dishes. 1930.
♦Dizzy Red Riding Hood. 1931.
♦Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 1932.
♦Don't Play Bridge with Your
Wife. 1933. ♦Door Knocker. 1932. ♦Doubling in the Quickies. 1932. ♦Down Among the Sugar Cane.
1932. ♦Dresden Dolls. 1930. ♦Drifting Along. 1930. ♦Dude Ranch. 1931. ♦Dunker. 1932. ♦Elmer Takes the Air. 1931. ♦Evenings for Sale. 1932. ♦Excuses. 1930. ♦Fair and Square Ways. 1931. ♦False Impressions. 1932. ♦False Madonna. 1931. ♦Fast and Loose. 1930. ♦Fatal Card. 1930. ♦Fighting Caravans. 1931. ♦Fighting Fins. 1932. ♦Finn and Caddie. 1931. ♦Finn and Hattie. 1931. ♦Fire Bugs. 1930. ♦Fit To Be Tied. 1930. ♦Follow the Leader. 1930. ♦Follow Thru 1930. ♦Food for Thought. 1930. ♦For the Defense. 1930. ♦Forbidden Adventure. 1931. ♦Forgotten Commandments.
1932. ♦French Line. 1931. ♦Fur, Fur Away. 1931. ♦Gang Buster. 1931. . ♦Gents of Leisure. 1931. ♦Getting a Break. 1930. ♦Girl Habit. 1931. ♦Girls About Town. 1931. ♦Glow Worm. 1930. ♦Go Ahead and Eat. 1931. ♦Go Ahead and Sing. 1930. ♦Grand Uproar. 1930. ♦Great Pants Mystery. 1931. ♦Grumpy. 1930. ♦Guilty as Hell. 1932. ♦Gun Smoke. 1931. ♦Happiness Remedy. 1931. ♦Harem Scarem. 1932. ♦Hawaiian Fantasy. 1933. ♦Hawkins & Watkins, Inc. 1932. ♦He Learned About Women.
1932. ♦He Was Her Man. 1931. ♦Headache. 1931. ♦Heads Up. 1930. ♦Helping Hand. 1930. ♦Her Future. 1930. ♦Her Wedding Night. 1930. ♦Heritage of the Desert. 1932. ♦Herring Murder Case. 1931. ♦Hide and Seek. 1932. ♦His Price. 1930. ♦His Week-End. 1932. ♦His Woman. 1931. ♦Hollywood Beauty Hints. 1932. ♦Hollywood on Parade. (Serial) ♦Honeymoon Lane. 1931.
LP2359; LP2442. ♦Honor Among Lovers. 1931. ♦Horse Feathers. 1932. ♦Hot Air Merchant. 1930. ♦Hot Saturday. 1932. ♦Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight. 1930. ♦Huckleberry Finn. 1931. ♦Hudson and Its Moods. 1931. ♦Human Fish. 1933. ♦Husband's Holiday. 1931. ♦I Ain't Got Nobody. 1932. ♦I Take This Woman 1931. ♦I Wonder Who's Kissing Her
Now. 1931. ♦I'd Climb the Highest Mountain.
♦If I Had a Million. 1932. ♦I'll Be Glad When You're
Dead, You Rascal, You. 1932. ♦I'm a Wild Woman. 1930. ♦I'm Telling You. 1931. ♦In Again Out Again. 1930. ♦In the Good Old Summer Time.
1930. ♦In the Shade of the Old Apple
Sauce. 1931. ♦Insurance. 1930. ♦Introduction of Mrs. Gibbs.
1930. ♦Ireno. 1932. ♦Is My Palm Read. 1933. ♦It Might Be Worse. 1931. ♦It Ought To Be a Crime. 1931. ♦It Pays To Advertise. 1931. ♦It's All Over. 1930. ♦Jack and the Beanstalk. 1931. ♦Jazz Preferred. 1930. ♦Jazz Reporters. 1931. ♦Jimmy's New Yacht. 1932. ♦Jolt for General Germ. 1931. ♦June Moon. 1931. ♦Just a Gigolo. 1932. ♦Just a Pal. 1930. ♦Just One More Chance. 1932. ♦Kandy Kabaret. 1930. ♦Kick In. 1931.
♦Kitty from Kansas City. 1931. ♦Knowmore College. 1932. ♦Ladies Love Brutes. 1930. ♦Ladies' Man. 1931. ♦Ladies of the Big House. 1931. ♦Lady and Gent. 1932. ♦Lady, You Slay Me. 1930. ♦La Shnaps, Inc. 1930. ♦Laugh It Off. 1931. ♦Laughter. 1930. ♦Lawyer's Secret. 1931. ♦Lease Breakers. 1931. ♦Lesson in Love. 1931. ♦Lester Allen in Paris. 1931. ♦Let Me Call You Sweetheart.
1932. ♦Let's Dance. 1933. ♦Let's Go Native. 1930. ♦Let's Stay Single. 1931. ♦Lighthouse Love. 1932. ♦Lion and the House. 1932. ♦Little Annie Rooney. 1931. ♦Loud Mouth. 1932. ♦Love Among the Millionaires.
1930. ♦Love in the Suburbs. 1931. ♦Love Me Tonight. 1932. ♦Mad Parade. 1931. ♦Madame Racketeer. 1932. ♦Mile. Irene the Great. 1931. ♦Madison Square Garden. 1932. ♦Magnificent Lie. 1931. ♦Make Me a Star. 1932. ♦Make Up Your Mind. 1931. ♦Male Man. 1931. ♦Man from Wyoming. 1930. ♦Man from Yesterday. 1932. ♦Man of the World. 1931. ♦Manslaughter. 1930. ♦Many Moons. 1930. ♦Mariutch. 1930. ♦Marry or Else. 1930. ♦Ma's Pride and Joy. 1932. ♦Mask-a-Raid. 1931. ♦Meek Mr. Meek. 1930. ♦Meet the Boy Friend. 1930. ♦Meet the Senator. 1932. ♦Merrily We Go to Hell. 1932. ♦Million Dollar Legs. 1932. ♦Million Me's. 1930. ♦Minding the Baby. 1931. ♦Minnie the Moocher. 1932. ♦Miracle Man. 1932. ♦Miscast. 1931. ♦Misleading Lady. 1932. ♦Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean.
1931. ♦M'Lady. 1931. ♦Model Women. 1930. ♦Monkey Business. 1931. ♦Monte Carlo. 1930. ♦Moonlight and Romance. 1931. ♦More Gas. 1931. ♦Morocco. 1930. ♦Murder by the Clock. 1931.
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