Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 109 GANOT'S PHYSICS—continued. JBO Fig. 008, 804 Determining freezing end boiling points on the 'Ther- mometer 181 H BOB Divided item Ther- 183 188 808 Matthieaoa's Difle- rontlel Thermometer 807 Breguet’s Uetellio Therm omater 808 Maximum end mini- mum Thermometer* 800, 810 Size* Thermo- meter end detail 811 Oontrao'edboranaxl- mum Thermometer k 187 Page 390 Table el remarkable I temperature* p IBS Pig. 313, 818 Measurement of co-efficient of linear V expulsion. Lavoisier 4 Laplaoc** method E. 180 „ 814 Roy 4 Rameden , B r . method f 190 Page 808 Table of co-efficient* of linear expansion f 101 Fig. 818 Gridiron pendulum 003 „ 816,817, 318,819 oompen- T- Bating atrip pendu- - lum and oompensat- t' icg balance wheel 830 Apparent and real expansion 391 Coefficient of abso- lute expansion of mercury 692 WeigbtThermometer 823 Hope'* Apparatus showing temperature of maximum density of water ■, mw „ 834 Coefficient of expan- aim of gases. Guy Louse's method ' im .. 826 Regnault’s method. Hot bath 336 Reerault'g method. Cold chamber 827 Relation between temperature volume and pressure 201 Page 820 Table cl Coefficients i‘ . of expansion of gases 802 Fig. 828 Determining density $83 Page 824 TaSie** of relative density of gasee Fig. 838'Uniting point „ 681, 3E2 Influence of pres- sure on melting point Bunsen's andKelvin's experiments i, 833, 834'Lowering of the :,vn • £' 193 ?. 106 ; J 196 ?" £ 107 *312 fa18 - u's and Helmholts's experiments 833 Coefficient of Mole- cular depression 886 Retardation of the point of solidlfloatlon 837 Buperluaion of phos- phorus 338 839 Change of volume on solidification and and Formation of vapour in vacuum 342,843 Saturated and tm- saturated vapour 844, 346 Pressure of aquo- 214 Fig. 816 Pressure above 100° Regcault's method 216 „ 347 Pressure above and below 100°ReguauU's 216 Pago 848 Table of pressure of vaocurs of different liquids 217 Fig. 848 Pressure in two com- municating vessels at different tempera- tures 218 „ B49,330 Ebullition and boiling points of liquids 219 Page 330 Table of boiling points 320 Fig. 831 Water at 100»0. with- out boiling 221 „ 352 Influence of pressure on coiling p int 222 „ 653 Fraokiin’sexperimeut 323 „ 834 Measurement of heights by boiling point 224 „ S3S Behaviour of con- densed gases at dif- ferent temperatures 223 ,, 867 Critical temperature 226 „ 358 Papin's digester 227 „ 359,360 Cold due to evsp- oration 228 n 661,882 Carrd'a freezing apparatus 229 „ 368 Carry's Ioemaking machine 230 ,, 864 Still 2S1 „ 366 Leibig's condenser 262 „ 366 Apparatus for deter- mining the a'oobollc value of wines 233 367,868 Safety tube 284 „ 869 Liquefaction of gases, Faraday’s Tube 235 „ 870,371 Liquefaction of gases, Bian chi's apparatus 236 „ 872, B73 Liquefaction of gases, Cailietet's apparatus 287 „ 374 Liquefaction o/gases, Pictet's method 288 „ 876 Liquefaction of gases, Wruble wiki's appar- atua 239 Page 874 Table of Bolling and Melting points 240 Fig. 876 Tube lor containing liquid air 241 „ 377 Linde 4 Sampson's -apparatus for lique- fying gases 242 „ 878 Guy Lttssac's appa- ratus illustrating Dalton's laws 243 „ 870 Leidenfrost’s pheno- mena 241 „ 390 Boutigny'a experi- ment 245 „ 381 Density of Vapours, Guy Lnssao'smethod 246 „ 882 Density of Vapours, Hofmann’s method 247 n 883 Density of Vapours, Dumas’ method 248 „ 384 Density of Vapours, Meyer's method 249 Page 687 Table of Densities of Vapours 250 Fig. 383 Chemical Hygrometer 261 „ 386 Danlell’s Hygrometer 232 „ 387 Regcault's Hygro- meter 233 „ 388 Mason's Hygrometer 264 M 889 Sauna are’s Hygro- meter 6 Fig. 890 Conductivity of BoUds Ingenious' apparatus 6 „ 391 Conductivity of BoUds Dexpretx apparatus 7 Page 400 Table of relative conductivities 8 Fig. 392 B^narmouV* experi- ment 9 „ 393 Oorduetivity of . liquids 0 „ 894 Conductivity, Guth- rie's apparatus 1 „ 393 Convection 2 „ 896 Conductivity of gates, Gtove's Experiment 3 „ 897, 393 Thermo Electric pairs 4 „ 399 Melloni's Thermo multiplier 6 „ 400,401 Radiation in vacuo and Intensity of radiant heat 8 „ 402, 403 Law of Inverse square - 7 „ 404 Leslie's Experiment 8 „ 405 Diagram of Angle of Reflection 9 „ 406 Experimental demon- stration of the laws of reflection of beat 0 „ 407 Experiments of the conjugate mirrors 1 „ 408 Renectlon in vacuo 2 ,, 409 Leslie's oube expert meut 3 „ 410 Ritchie's experiment 4 „ 411, 412,418, 414 Melloni's researches 6 „ 415 Thermal analysis of Sunlight 6 „ 416, 417 Tyndall's ro- se arches on the heat ot the Spectra of Electric and Son Light 7 ,, 418 Langley’s observa- tions 8 „ 419 Absorption of heat rays by solids and liquids 9 ,. 420 Absorption by gases 0 „ 421 Radiometer 1 „ 422, 423, 424, Relation of radiant heat to Bound 2 „ 425,426,Blaok's and Lavo- isier's calorimeters 4 „ 429,490 Bpeciflo heat, Regnault's apparatus 5 „ 481, 482 Specific heat, Dulong and Joly'r methods 5 „ 433 Bpeciflo beat of gases 7 ,, 434,435 Latent heat of vapour. Despreu's and bertbolet'e ap- paratus 3 „ 486 Latent beatofvapour- Uation of liquified } „ 437 ISS, and Bilber- nun’s calorimeter 0 „ 488 Method of graduating . the mercury caiori- meter 1 489, 440 Cornish boiler, seo- tlonal drawings 3 „ 411 Comlth engine 3 „ 449 H rixontal engine with Watt’s governor 4 „ 443, 444 Slide valves, seo- tlonsl drawings 3 „ 443 Looomo'ive 3 „ 446, 447,448 Indicator and ilinrrams