Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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110 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. ■i® QANOT' Principle of tba 389 Fig. dynamometer Quentin* WO „ * ML**w 461 TmdalJ* experiment. Heat doe to friction W1 „ , MO „ <61 Pneumatio or Are 343 tl *"W syringe •• 458 Pjroheliometer 948 „ 1 n 4M Doberemer’s Hydro- 344 „ ten Lamp 003 |, 454 Heat disenraced dur- ing chemical action, 8(6 „ Farm A Bllbertnann'i arrangement 804 „ 456 Buasen’sA Berthetot’s 346 method* 804 „ 456 Drausbt of fire-plate* 341 806 n 459 Heating by Hotair 807 „ 460 Heating by Hot water 34S „ 806 M 461 Cooling by expansion mg of ga»ea *' 809 „ 4119 Mechanical equivalent »» of heat, Jnle 7 * expert- " men! ,.1 810 „ 468 Him'* experiment »• tai „ 464,465 Tindall'* export- meat* to »how that " work and beat are qrq convertible 003 " 813 n 466,467 I so thermal and adiabatic line* ... 818 m 466 Carnot’* Cycle " 814 Pig. 469, 470 Diagram* Shadow and Penumbra 857 „ 815 „ 471,479 Bolir Eclipse*, total and partial 856 .. 816 „ 473, 474 Annular Eclipse 817 „ 476,476 Image* produced by imall aperture* 859 „ 818 „ 477 Velocltj of light, Romer'i deduction* 360 ,, 819 „ 478, 479 Foucault'* ap- paratus diagram 361 lf 810 „ 480,481 Law* of Intenrity mj of Light ” 811 „ 469Rumlord'* photometer ygj 828 „ 468 Bunion'*photometer ,,, ' 328 „ 4M Wheatstone's photo- " image* by plane M7 » mirror* 490 Multiple images from 9 plane mirror* 491 Multiple image* from 55 s >1 9 parallel plane mirror* , 491 Befit ctlon of a ray by 3,19 •• a rotating mirror 370 ,, 498 Diagram to illustrate 571 „ r'8 PHY8ICS — continued, t-449 Calculation of the 880 P magnitude of Images. 609 Spherical aberration by reflection 381 I 610, 511 Parabolic mirror* 389 613, 513 Phenomena of Refraction 615 De-cartr's App'ratu* 383 , 316,617 Appa ent sballow- ntia of water caused 384 , fay refraction 385 , 518 Cause of vlslb-Uty of *t*r* when below the BM horiaoa 887 , 319 Multli'Ie Image* from glass mirror 690, 691 Total reflection 888 , critical angle 629 Mirage 889 F 528 Wollaston's pokrr P experiment 694 Refraction at aourred surface 891 516 Path of ray through a glass plate 597 Path of ray through a prism 893 528, 329 Pnlyprltm and 89* prism with variable 89 J angle 630 Right-angled prism 899 n*ed a* reflector 631 Condition* of emer- BB7 gence In prism* 689 Angle of minimum deviation 898 688,631 Refractive index of eol Ida Spectrometer 899 636 Refractive index of liquids, Blot's expert- m*nt 686 Refractive index of *°1 638 Formula for lenses 498 639,640 Principal focus ... and conjugate foci ful 541 Parallel beam ... 649 Virtual foci 645, 640 Optical centre A Beoondary Axl* 400 547,648 Formation of real 409 virtual image* of object* by convex 410 len* 619 Formation of Image 411 of objiot by oonoave 412 lena 660 Spherical aberration 413 661 Laryngoscope 669 The Spectrum, New- ton** original expert- 414 menl 416 333 Bimple Spectrum colour* 414 661 Colour* not equally 417 Page 676 Table ehosring the re- sult* of mixing pure, colour* Pig. 666 Spectra*00pe » 667 Dtigram ihowing E *tty of ray* In a pectrosoof e ,1 668 Blit and comparison prism - ■> 669 Train of 9 prism* ,, 670 Direct vision Bpeotro- aoope „ 671 Cinnamlo Ether prism •• 672 Apparatus for ob- serving speotra of ■alt* „ 671 Qelwitr'i Bpeotrnm tube Frontispieoe,. Table of spectra Fig. 374 Reversal of the So- dium line, Bunaen’a apparatus 1 , 375 Double slit for quanti- tative spectrum analysis n 670 Anomalous dispersion » 577 Fluoreecenoe „ 578 Chromatic aberration „ 680, 681 Achromatic prism and achromatic Jens , 689 Bimple magnifying ■lens ,1 688,664 B imp le microscope and Wollaston’s doublet 1, 585,588 Apparent magnl tads of an objeot n 687 Measure of magnifi- cation „ 588 Principle of the com- pound microscope ,1 689, 690 Oqnpound minrpsoope ,, 691 Principle of Huy- gfaen'* eyepiece n 699 Magnifying power micrometer „ 693 Principle of theastro- nomioal telescope „ 694, 695 Telescope with finder i, 696 Principle of terres- trial eyepiece ,, 596 Principle of Galileo's telescope m 699 Gregorian telescope u 600 Principle of ths Gre- gorian telescope i, 601 Prinolple of New- tonian teleroope ,, 601 Newtonian telescope scopes with sixes of objeot g las s e s Fig. 004 Camera obeonra 1, 606, 806 Camera luoidaa, Wollaeton'e A Amloi'i i, 607 Magi* lantern „ 608 Erecting prism „ 609, fliO Dissolving views „ 611,619 Bolarmiorosoone. and diagram of path of rays „ 618 Photo eleotrio micro- soope „ 914, OlSIdfbthouse lenses „ 616, 617 Fbotogmphle camera „ 618,620Trough* for Lipp- msun's colour photo- graphy process „ G19 Lippmsjin’s method of photographing the spectrum In natural