Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. Ill ■ GANOT’S PHYSICS— contimud. OfiFigOU Transverse section of I 474 FI*. 693, 000 Reversal of needle I S31 FI*. 773 Healey** universal ti mn.n 475 * 700 Mariner's oompa< ■ discharger 435 623 Path of ray* In the 476 „ 701,709Prismatioooinpaa* 625 „ 774,775 Lens'* Electro- 477 Flute V., page 733 Lines ol 4*7 633 <5ptlo angle . equal flip, 1606 <98 H 631 Visual angle 17B Fig. 708 Inollnallon oompasi 636 , 498 .. 633 Bobelner's expert- or dip needle meat 419 Flew VI., page 727 Lines of 627 . <30 636. 637 Prinolple of the equal h oriental force . • atweoaoope IMS 638 . 431 „ 638 The reflecting stereo- Frictional E4bctricity. ■ “OP* . . , . 480Flg. 706.706 EhotrioPendnlum 629 . 433 „ 639, 680 Prinolple of the <81 Page 736 Table of oonduoton refracting etereoscope and non-oondnotors 690 , 483 „ 631, 638 lirad atlon ex- 482 Fig. 707 Mascart’s Insulator pertments 483 „ 709. 710 Attiaation and 531 . 4S4 „ 633 Use Of concave lens repulsion. Ooldleaf tor myopia eleotrosoope 433 j,, .6 m Use of oonvsx lens 484 , t 711 Qaadnntelectrometer 532 j**-' .for byperrnetropia 483 n 712 Far.d.y’sexperiment IN 4, 633 .686 Opthalmoaoupe ol equal and opposite 533 437 687, MSPnotphorosoope charges 634 %, 839 Diagram of alnglo re- 455 1( 714 Coulomb s torsion 635 r- ' .‘.fraction balance ■^59 ‘640 Joe'and Spar rhomb 457 JIB Coulomb’s method of 536 440 m 641, 642 Fresnel’s inter- oscillations .;«• . ferenoe experiment 4SS 716 No charge inside a 537 , "'HI „ -644 Diftraotiou fringes conductor 449 „ -6 IS'Diffraction of mono* 439 717 71a Charge passes 538 , ehromat'o light by a from inner to outer narrow Blit envelope of a oon- 639 448 M 645Explanation of diffrao- duotor 540 tion by a graUi g <90 719,720 Distribution of 641 444 „ 047 Comparison of spectra electricity fii2 from a grating and a <gl 721 B-ectrio density P'«« 492 „ 724,725.726 Lines of force 643 443 „ 048 Newton’s ring* 446 „ 649 Apparatus for ex- <93 pertinents on New- 49! ton's rings 447 „ 650 Diagram explaining 495 Newton's rings 448 „ 651 Polarisation by doable <94 > refraction 449 „ 652 Polarisation by re fleo- <97 tion jao 430 „ 653 Angle ol polarisation 431 654, 655 Norremberg’s <99 poUriscope ' 459 6Sd Double image prism yy. 468 „ 657, 668 Nlool’e prism ,-454 „ 669 To arm aline tong* <*. 466 FXatelL^Rings la uniaxial and 593 466 Fig. 660, Ml, M^MsJ 664, 666 ^ Unannealed glass In polarised light ««, 457 „ 666 Fresnel’s rhomb 458 „ 668 Blot's polarlmeter «n« 459 „ 669 BoleU‘ssaooharimeter meter On Magnetism. 500 461 Fig. 674 Magnet and Iron filings 463 „ 673 Attraction and rspul- 509 ■ten between poles 610 463 „ 676 Xxpe'imenU with 611 ' bnxsn magnets <64 N 677, 678 Magnetic indue- 512 tion 465 „ 679,680.681 Lines of foroe 518 Shown by iron filings 4M „ 683 Magnetulog by sepa- rate touch 614 467 „ 683 Compound magnet or 615 -magnetic battery 468 „ 684,685,686 Magnets and 516 armatures 517 46S >, 688 Mayer’s Costing mag* .518 nets 470 ,, 690 Coulomb's torsion 619 balance 471 695,606 Earth's action on 620 magnet 472 Page 719 Lines of sqial varia- 621 tion, 1806 622 478 Fig-607 Declination oompast 623 728 Eqttipotential amface 729, 781 Electrostatic in- I duotion 644 730 Chargingelectrosoope 615 by induction 78) Faraday's Ice pail ex- 546 787 Kobe's spark Micro- meter 768 Eleotrioegg [spark 789 Heating effects of 790 Rein's electric Ther- momrter 792 Magnetic effects of onrrent 793 6park perforating 794 *ffinner»lej'i Ther- mometer 795 El eotrostrlotion 796, 797 Electric pistol 798 Ocone apparatus 799.800 Duration of the electric spark 601 Velocity of elec- tricity dielectric polarisation 786 Plate electrical me- 660 ,, c) ine 787 Armstrong's hydr>- 661 „ elecirio engine 662 „ 788,740 Eleotropboms 741 Kelvins water drop- ping collector 653 „ 742, 748 Kelvin'* tep’en- i»her 564 , 744 Holtz's electrical ms- 665 „ chine , 745, MSSaotions of Holts'* 556 „ machine , 747 Wimshur**'* maohina 687 „ , 748 Plan of Wimrhunt's 558 „ maohioe , 749 Diagram. Theory oi action of Wimshurst's 669 „ machine , 750,751.752 Ele trio *;ark 660 „ , 758 Elec trio chime , 754 755 Pith halls and 661 „ elec trio whirl 662 „ Dynamical Electricity. I Fig. 802 Oalvani'sExperiment i „ 603 8*4,805 Three forms of Voltaioourrent oells l „ 800 Volta't i’lle t „ 107 Voltaic Battery i „ BOS Local action 9 „ 809 , 810 Danlell's and Minotto’s cells 1 „ 811, 812 Calland s and Grove's oell lng out a candle 758 Aotionofeleotrioltj In 5>4 depositing smoke or log 666 759 Epintu’s oondenser 760,761 Discharging oon 566 denser 762. ?b8 Faraday’s spheres 567 764 Fnlminating pane 765 Charging a Leyden 568 jar 766,767 Leyden jar, quick end slow disohar r e 569 7G8 Leyden jar with 815,616 Bichromat* oell, Latimer Clark'* atan- dard Orll 817 Seotion of the Clark cell 818,819 LeolanohA’a oell 820, 821 Magnetic field round a current 822 Magnet rotating round a current 823 Oersted's experiment 824 Line* of foroe sur- rounding current In a circular ring 825 Tangent galvano- meter B26 Helmholtz tangent galvanometer S/7 Sine galvanometer 828,829 Astatic needles 830 Astatic neodla galva- 621 ,, 769 Lichtenberge figures 622 „ 770 R* siduai dsebarge 623 771 Leyden jar battery 5;4 „ 831,882 Kelvin's mirror galv-tnometer 666 „ 833 Ballistic galvano- meter 566 „ 834 Current equal at all parts of circuit 667 „ 835 Illustration of Ohm’s law 568 „ 83e.B37.838, 839Cells ood nected in cedes and in parallel 669 Page 866 Table of reeistanoe of different metals 670 Fig. 840 Resistance 1 in par^ all 1 -ui- 671 „ 611,842 Bhunte applied is galvanometer)