Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 113 BWR OUR DEBT TO THE CHEMIST. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. 6 d. each. A Series of 44 Slides. A detailed list will bo sent on application. Typewritten Lecture Notes have been written by F. W. Turner, M-Sc. fLond.) and an be supplied, price Is. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides. AAO ' NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND EXPERIMENTAL / PHYSICS. Plain Slides, 2s. each. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY. 1 Dr. GObtrf■ method of making • Magnat (OM print date 1*00.) 1 Iron filing* attracted bj a bar magnet • Hypothetical poalttt m of the magnetic fluid* tn a magnet 4 Magnetic pendulum, i Attraction of a magnoti* bar by Iron. • Magnetisation bj lnflueno* of magnetism. T Magnetisation by lnfluanca at a distance. I Magnetism neutralised by tba oontaot of oppoait* pole* > Bar-magnetSrith consequent point*. If Magnetu tatlon of a horseshoe magnet U Magnetisation by *hih*mel'a procaaa and that of Alpiou* U Compound magnat form ad of twain ban. If Magnotiormedoftwo compound bar magnet# 14 Iron hane-eboe magnat with lta armature and keeper II Batura) magnet furnished with lta armature. 14 Magnotlo need la allowing both inclination and declination. If Declination oompas* Oanot, SO. U Qambay'i daolination oompas* 19 Ship or marineri* oompaaa. II The binnacle of a man of wax. 11 Variation oompaaa. it Portable daolination oompaaa. SI Barraytng oompaaa. 94 Frindpla of tba mirror daelinomatw; U 0*ua»' blfilar magnatomatar. 94 Layaar'a portabla magnatomatar. 9T Leinonti* magnatla theodolite. 94 ' Coulomb'* magnatio toralon balance. 99 Waber'a lnatrumant for obaarrlng tba aartb'a •0 Oadllating magnat for datarmlning tba earth's magnetism. H Dip circle. 19 Isogonio Unaa far tha ysar ISM. U laoclinlo Hnaa for tba year ISM. M Electricity axdtad by friction. II Attraction of light bodle* ** Pbanomana of attraction and.repulalm* .. Paradar’a experiment If electrification by lnflueno* 11 Balaa* Induction experiment apparatus. U Diagram of tbaory of sloe tricsi attraction. If Electrical induction tbrougb a aorta* of eonduetor* 14 Tension of ele&rtdty *t different points of various figure* tf Haatris wind. If Baatrla fly. 47 Quadrant alectroaoo^ 48 Gold leaf electroscope. 49 Gold leaf electroacopa In no* 60 Straw-*talk alectrometar. 61 Coulomb'* ton Ion baianc* etaetrom*t«r. 69 Dellmann'* tortlon balance alactromatar. It Experiment •bowing tba distribution af electricity on * surfac* 14 Experiment ahowing else trifles Use by influence. Ganot, 67L 16 Experiment with four lea pall*. Oanet, I7A M Bpacific inductive capacity, Faraday'* ex- periment 67 Electrophones, 68 Otto tod Guariok’* elrctri* machine. 69 Ramadan'* plat* electric machine. 66 GrUeVa cylinder electric machine 81 Nairn*' olectrio machln* 82 Winter** electric machine 88 Bolts'* alectrio machine, front view. 64 Bolts’* electric machine, back slew. 66 Bertacb'* electric machln*. Genet, 617 68 Carre'* dielectric*] machln*. 87 Armstrong'* Hydro-elsctrical machln* 88 Electric Spark* 89 Forma of Hoc trie discharge*. 70 Electric brush after Van Mamin. 71 Poeltiv* and nojjstirs brush** 79 Discharge In a Torricellian nouam. 76 Elactric Egg for showing (park in rarefied *b 74 Apparatus for showing tba electric light t* Tirious rase*. 76 Electrical Chime*. 76 Electrical Ball 77 Luminous Tub* 76 Luminous Glob* 79 Spangled Luminous pan* 80 Klnnorsloy’s tbermomstarAalactrls aretes 81 Volta's Pistol. 61 Cunaus* experiment, tha Laydan Jar. 61 Charging tba Leyden Jar. •4 Instantaneous discharge of a Laydaa Jar gg the discharger 85 Successive dischargee of Laydan Jar, ahlma* 68 Battery of eieotrioal Jar* IT OnlTaraal diacharger. 86 Experiment of perforating a earl. 89 Experiment of perforating gist* 98 Franklin's portrait experiment. 91 Fulminating Pan* 99 Condenser of Afpinua. 96 Charging tba condenser of Aptau* 94 Leyden Jar with morabl* ooaUng* 96 Lana's unit Jar. 96 R*iss‘ method of using the unltl^ 97 Harris' unit Jar. ftaaot it* f M SLIDES ON HIRE, catalogue can be Special Terms to Schools. See page 134- '* . . Mo8t of the Slides in this catalogue can be hired on terms given at the end of this* volume.