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Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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ESSSSSSSSiiSSSS S > S 83535 23SSSSSSSSSS5 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l, 117 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS-Om/mi,**. Note —When ordering Slides the Telegraphic Code Letters should he quoted to avoid mistakes. * Magnetic needle attracted by bar magnet. 433 Magician and hi» loadstone rock. Pepper. *38 Electric chronograph. *69 Bright's Bells. 440 Box of renUUnce ceils. 441 Diagram of inlay and local circuit. *43 Machinery, do., making the Atlantic electric cable. 44* M a nh-m ny for taking the electric eabis o board the Great Eastern. 444 Btouln^th* cable In tba hold of the Great 44b Breaking of the Atlantis electric cable on board the Great Eastern. U» Preparing for the final attempt to grapple the lost cable. UT 'Soots and grapnels need to racorer the i Usd tic electric cabla. 441 JReeelTing messages from the Great Eastern in the Instrument room at Valencia. 449 Jam ins' magneto-electric machine. 450 Electro il)-nnmonirter, with Helmholls*e imuiif mt-nl uf mill 451 Peltier*.. El«l roeeme. 459 Thumeou'* repl^insri^r. 463 Marry** muduication of XJppmen'e slsctrw meter. 454 Dewar's modification of Lippman’a electro- meter. 456 Halley's first raagnetta map. Date 1700. 465 JsblochkolTi electric wndle end lantern. 457 JablochkotTs • Ire trio candle, arrangement for holding the candle 450 JsblochkofTe elrotnc candle, diagram of lamp, machine and shunt 459 Jeblochkoff’e electno candle, the auto ms tie shunt 450 Gramme’s portable electro-magne# k machine with locomotive. A A P MAGNETIC CURVES. Photographed from the Actual Figures made with Iron Filings, by Professor S. P. Thompson. D.Sc. Magnetic curree of bar magnet Magnetic curves of bone shoe magnet Magnetic lines of force of single pole. Curves of attraction of two tnrgnet*. Curves of repulsion of two magnets. Two parallel magnets attracting. Two parallel magnets repelling. Lines of force of dissimilar poles. Line# of force of similar poles. Homontal section of electro-magnet. Lines of force of electro magnet Action of magnetic field on a small magnet. Circular lines of force round a galvanic current lines of force of current in borlroutal win. Magnetic field of a looped conductor. Field of two parallel attracting current*. Field of two parallel repelling cumnU. Attraction of two parallel bomontal current*. Repulsion of two opposed parallel current*. *80 Magnetic field of oblique vurrenta. 481 Field of borisontal and vertical current*. 489 Line* of force of currant deflecting a needle, 483 Stable position of needle near vertical currents. 484 Neutral position oi needle near vertical current 485 UnitahU position of needle near vertical currant. 485 Field of force of a galvanometer. 487 Field of magnetic needle in a circuit. 488 Field of magnet attracting currant <89 Attraction of North pole into a simple circuit 490 Repulsion of Booth trot of a simple circuit 491 Mutual rotation of currant and magnet pole. 493 Spiral field of magnet rotated by current running through it 49S Converse spiral field of Booth pole rotate! by oturant running through it SOUND. aiu K»fraction of sound. 611 liuurram *»f refraction bv a sound leos 619 Experuusnl to ascertain thr vrliwit) sound id air IIS Experiment to arwrtain the velocity i sound in water. 61* Gyroscope producing series of tap* j shown. Propagation uf sound from a bell to the ear. Bell struck in vacuum. Propagation of a pulse or wave In a tubs. Speaking tube mouth-pleet and whlstls. •Ihe invisible woman. The born of Alexander, gneakmg trumpet in the merchant service. Ear trumpets. Btetheeoope (Kflnig**). Gsnot 187, 188- Beflaction of sound, diagram. Oanot, 165. Reflection uf sound. Echo Reflection of sound. Reflection of sound by an elliptical root Echo with seven repetitions. Variation at echoes. { Elcqtricity, see pages 111-112 andS8: Magnetic Curves, seepage £9. ^ Sound, see page 108. 616 Bsvart’s toothed wheel experiment 616 Bavart's apparatus far pndueing low tone* 617 Rocking lire-shovr experiment 618 Travelysn's Rocker 619 Bee beck’s Brran. 620 Dice of Beebeck’e Byren witl. nine pipe*.