Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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uiv., Lantern bhde Publishers. ‘NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS— Continued. Graphic method of registering vibration* of I 573 Jan of different bright* which reap** ■W* a tuning fork. I each to It* own rate of vibration. r» kit Xisaajou*' method or showing vibration* of I <71 Bonorou* bell and cardboard resonator. .. .. . I 374 HelmbolU'* resonator. g a tuning forlr on a screen. ? SIS Diagram of *ound ware* produced by tuning fork IS# Syren of Oagnlard da la Tour. 1ST Brren Motion. 138 HelmhoH*’* double Syren. 1X9 Experiment ihowing the trensmlaeion of aound* by liquids. ISO Arrangement* for aoundlng a pip* la a liquid. SX1 Sonometer. MS Weber - * wave canaL US vibration* and node* In a string ah own by damping the oentra. Mi Vibration* and node* In a string shown by damping one third. IU Vibration* and node* In a string shown by damping on* fourth. US Vibration* and node* in a string shown by damping one fifth. 437 Helds’* experiment. String mttached to tuning fork US Vibration* and node* produced by string in Meide't experiment. IS8 Mold*'* experiment with the strain on the •tring varied. H9 Toting'* figure* of vibration* of wire* Ml Transvsr** vibration of a rod fixed at both MS Tran-verae vibration of a rod fixed at on* sad. MS Kaleidophona. 644 Pendulum vibrating in two direction*. MS Figure* produced by th* kaleidophona MS Diagram of vibration* of a wooden ruler. MT Claque-bo L*. MS Glass harmoniseru MS Vibration* of a tuning fork. •49 Ghladnf* sand figure*, method of showing vibration* of square plate. Ill Band figure* on four square plate* held in the centre. SU Sand figure* on four square plate* held not In the oentra. I US Three figure* on square plaU* obtained with sand and gum. IM Three figures on square plate* with sand and lycopodium powder. US Band figure* on square plate*. IM Band figure* on plate* of various form*. fundamental note and overtone*. 477 Pan’s pipe*. 471 Square organ pipe and round stopped pip*. 479 Organ pipe responding to excited tuning fork. ISO Hopkins’ experiment to ascertain th* poo- Ition of nodes in a vibrating column of air. SB1 Organ pipe with gas Jet* to ascertain th* position of node*. 49) Diagram of vibration! in open pip**, fun- damental note and overtone*. 4 41 Free reed. 644 Organ pipe with free reed, end arrangement for experimentally altering the reed. 543 Section of organ pipe with striking reed and arrangement for altering th* reed. 444 Vertical and horisontal section of glottis, vocal oord*, A a. 447 Vertical section showing the vocal organa. SS4 Muller'* India-rubber imitation of vocal cord*. 649 Xundt’s method of showing vibration* of a glass tube 690 Bound figure* In glass tube*. 591 Bavart’s experiment, musical flow of water through small aperture*. 493 Bunsen burner and Ha tub* for mnsloel flame experiment. 494 Glue tub* with paper *Uder to musical flame experiment. 494 Image* of twinkling flame. 194 Experiment for showing the Image of ~ twinkling musical flame. 694 Blow pip* Him* affected by whistle. 497 BeasiuT* flames, fish tail burner. 598 Sensitive flames, bat's wing burner. 699 Experiments with sensitive flame* from round aperture*. 400 Effect of sound of short duration on sensitive 401 Sensitive flams In it* original and affected condition. 003 Sensitive unokejeU. 009 Sensitive water veins. 4M Band figure* on plate* of various forms. 004 Bmisltivo water JeM. 447 figure* on membrane, produced by Ml Propagation and reflection ef liquid wavs* vibration of the air. Genet, X3T. on Urn surface of an tIHpttcal bath *4 < 148 Band figures on membranta. 449 Diagram of vibration of belL 400 Proof of vibration of glass bell. ML Vibration* of a metal clock belL 103 Velde’s experiment showing vibration of liquid molecules. 449 Faraday’s experiment, vibration* of watar Impressed on * layer of sand, 444 Longitudinal vibration of a rod. 146 Diagram of longitudinal vibrations of rods. 460 Harlots'* harp. 407 Konig > s ocular demonstration of th* longitu- dinal vibration of a rod. 648 Fracture of glass tube by sonorous vibrations 499 Tube held and rubbed so as to produo* Its octave. , , (TV Action of sonorous vibrations on polarised tight. Ifl Bssonsnce experiment, to ascertain tha mercury. 406 Propagation and reflection of liquid wave* on the surface of a elronlar bath of mercury. 407 Diagram of vibrating tanlng forks in a state or coincidence and inUrfcrenc*. ! 401 Experiment for dividing a stream of sound into two br anc h**. 009 Method of showing beats with twa organ 010 B imp {^method of compounding the vibra- tion of two forks. _ 611 Tracing* of oomblnstion of two parallel vibratory movement*. 013 Tracing* of combination of two netangular vibratory movsmsnt*. 411 Apparatus for showing tha action of beats of flame •14 LUsaJous* method of showing beat* of tw* toning fork* When ordering Slides the Telegraphic Code Letters should be quoted to avoid mistakes.