Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 119 u NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS— Coniinutd. BopUn*: expertmeeff mod intemrenoo |0 ehrt w witwwrtia..i portion* of m Mn* dl*0. Llsaejcas' exvirimeu augmenting of tonod of vibratory dl*o y holding hood* aver alternate sectors. Bounding- and quo eh toy a t aming fork experimentally sh j*rn_ Uw joutf method t f combining two root* ta wUr Tibmtion ■. IJaeajou*' figure* pi odnood by the oomhia- eiionof two wot angular vibrations. l>«n Sootfa Pbtm* itograph. Tracing* by the Ph/joautogr*ph. KOnlg'i manometrle Dome apparatus. Manometer! e flame a. Imago of flame, fun- damental note a ad octave. Qanot, S41.S49 Manometrle flams*. Istan of flame, note and octave together, and note and third. Mimwaatric flames. Image of flame, rowel • sung on note o and it* octave. Qanot, •40,948. Manometrlc flam/jo. Image of flame, rowel o rung on note a _nd it* octavo. Ganot, •47,948. Apparatus for tha comparison of the vibra- tory movement* of two sonorous tube*. KOnlg's apparatus for the analysis of sound. Qanot, IBS. i Helmbiilti's apparatus for synthesis of sound. G» not, 190. I Detail of construction of Helmhalts's ap- paratus. Qanot 300. ielruhoUx*a vibration mieroaeope. Helmholtz* electro-magnet and tuning fork. Helmholtzs electro-magnet and tuning ferk breaker. Elljke’a exp ertment. Glass tube oontalning heated wire gaure. Chemical baraonJcon. The human ear. Section of the bone and MtmoU DOT. BUtraof the ancient Egyptian*, Old arrangement for chimes. Modern keyboard carillon at St. £ L’Auxerrol*. The violin, longitudinal and •ection. Bavayt’s trapesoldal violin. African violin. Mechanism of the harp. The harp. Piano, mechanism of ths hammers and keys, The flute, longitudinal and tnuurene een> tionof mouth-piece. i Clarionet and Hautboy Trombone. Ophiclelde. I Comet-«-pi»ton and section. Formas of pipes of different stops in th* o rgan. > Wind chest furnished with pipes. I Transversal section of sound board, wind chest and valve. ' Experimental organ. I The Barbary organ. I Wheatstone's telephonic eon cert at ths Polytechnic. I Graphic method of registering the vibrations of a violin string. L Natural Gamut. I Beale of equal temperament. I Graphic method of representing a so ana composed of a note and it* octave. I Graphic method of representing a sound composed of several sounds. i Pbonautograph tracings. The vowels sung on note o; Clarionet; Trumpet. I Tracings by the Logograph. Buna* (too Hohenlind-a. ' Tracings by the Logograph, faintly, fortabry ordinary, and loudly. 1 Faber's Euphoria. AAR THE TELEPHONE. MICROPHONE AND PHONOGRAPH, Also LAMPS, MAGNETO AND DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT, fr Vr '- ‘ Not previously included in the Electrical Series. £ • «n DiarramonuiZsElsctTO-magnatioTslsphon* {TV ITS Hsu's Musical Telephone (American form) W-‘ . «• . Gray** Mualsal Telephone, tranimtttinf m a*?: Musical Tslephons, another form of transmitting apparatus. 678 Gray** Musical Telephone rsoelver. ■76 Gray's bathtub experiment. 677 Gray's physiol ogioal rvoaiver. •71 Gray's artic ulaong Tslephons traasmitter, also early form of Bell’s. •7* Ora; m (U Graj so early ay's artianlatisg Telephone, diagram, also sarly form or Bell’s, fray's articulating Tsla phone, a* pa Unted, Fob. litis, 1S78, *61 Gray's Battery artioulating Telephone. Ul Gray's articulating Telephons with U Magnet. *S Bell’s experiment, the Human Ear a* a Pbonautograph. 884 Bell's tracings of the vowel sounds. 686 Bell's inoperative Telephone. 688 Boll’s 1st articulating Telephone, transmits 687 Bell's first artiaulatiu Telsphons, receiver. 688 Boll's articulating Telephone, with per* manent Magnet. 689 Bell's artioulating Telephone, form used la sending meeaages from Belem to Boston. 690 Bell’* articulating Telephone,powerful form, 891 Bell's erticulsting Telephone, exterior and section. 693 Bell's artioulating Telephone, section. 698 Bell's artioulating Telsphons,various forma. 694 Bell's articulating Telephone, In circuit diagram. 691 Dolbear’e articulating Telephone. 696 Del bear', articulating Telephone, plea. 697 Do I brer's Telephone, with paper diaphragm and electro magnet armature. 696 DolbeaZ* Battery Telephone, section. Particulars of boxes of all kinds for storing and carrying Slides tyill be found on page 135.