Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. mr. LANTERN SLIDE EXHIBITION SCREENS ON LOAN. * or elective table display of Slides in Public Halls, or Institutes, etc. The Cabinet screens are fitted with two mahogany frames which hold about 200 Blides. They will be found particularly useful for propaganda work in connection with HEALTH WEEKS and WELFARE CLINICS, etc. They win also prove attractive for demonstration purposes in displaying Slides which are the property of Members of NATURAL HISTORY, SCIENTIFIC, and PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETIES. Screens are 5 ft. by 2 ft. 9 ins., and are furnished with the necessary electrical littmgs, Mid are so arranged as to secure a brilliantly lighted effect. wnf Screen f a , re portable, and suitable cases are provided for easy and safe transit. Whenever desired Messrs. Newton will be glad to loan suitable Slides for the Screens. ^Ertract from a letter received from the North of England Educational Conference " Congratulations on your attractive Display Screen.” Extract from a letter received from a Medical Exhibition :— ” Admirably adapted for personal talks.” Full Details on application. A A S HEAT. For additional Slides on” Heat,” see pages 108 to 110. “Steam Engines,” "Industries,” Section 7 of this Catalogue. Selected and arranged by the Rev. P. Slbeman, F.R.A.S., F R.M.S., &c. Plain Slides, 'Is. each. i fllmpl* pyrometer. I B'Grareaand’e Rinx. I Experiment with pla 1 Unequal expandon of different metek. I Hetellla thermometer*. I Oompen eating pendulum, No. *. T Ooap«nHtis| pendulum, No. 3. I Pendulum with oompent*ring bar*. I Compensating balance wheel. 10 lCeaeurament of coefficient of linear expan* don. No. 1 (Larolder aad Laplaoe), 11 Measurement of ooeffldent of linear capta- tion, No. 1. (Roy and Ramadan). It Expandon of a-yitals. LI Oontraation of india-rubber by heat 14 Trrrelyan’e rocker. 15 Rocking flrwehorel experiment 18 Expansion of liquids and nui by beat. . IT Expandon of liquids, projected on the aereen. II Filling a mercurial thermometer. 18 Bolling the quicksilrer. H Determination of freed ng point It -Drteniunn-jr.ii of boiling point II Thermometer teal**. W Weight thermometer. It Air thermometer. Abaoluta aero. 11 Differential thermometer*. If Maximum and minimum thermometer*. (Rutherford). V Maximum and minimum thermometer*, ,Wolf«rdln). II Apparent and real expanelon. IS Pierre's ap|*r>itu«. 10 Utuumoml of oo—fflcient of abeoluu ex- paction of mercury, No, 1. (Dulong and PetiL) 11 Measurement ot ooeffldent of abeolut* ex* pension of marcury, No. 1. (Rognault). U Maximum deadly of water. Hope'* aspen- U Maximum density of water, tisanhia IDa» (ration. M Graphic charts of expandon. U Expandon of air by beat 14 Expandon of bladder by beat IT J it aught in fireplace. I# Heating and renblatinjj star*. 15 Hot air heating apparatus 10 Hot air balloon. 41 Ventilation of mine*, Ac., by heat 42 Expandon of gases. Gay Lusaao** apparatus. 41 Expaneion of rase*. Regtiaultii apparatus. 44 Expansion and danelty of [un. Beenaulfe apparatua. 41 Cold produced by expandon of gases. la* machine. 44 Influence of preunn on melting wdwt (Oersted.I 4T Charge of Tolume on (olidlflcation. 45 ElaaUc force of rapour. 49 Formation of rapour In Tacuo. M Saturated rapour*. Maximum of tendon M Non-eaturated rapour*. A1 T*ndon of aqueoue rapour below aero. QaT Lussac'e apparatus. 53 Tendon of rapoura. fDelton Regnanlt). M Tendon of rapour*. (Dul nr and Arsgo). }} Teneion of rapour*. fRegnault abort l6o*l. 54 Tendon of rapour*. (Magnus). 5T Tendon of rapour in communicating ranwle at different temperature* 51 Ebullition; water “sinring." 59 Ebullition ; water boiling. 40 lionny'e experiment on dtsaolred air. 41 Tension of rapour during ebullition. 4* Icflumee of procure on boiling point S3 Influence of pressure. PraukUa'* experimmit 61 Franklin's pulsometer. •ap-runwa 45 Hypeometir. 84 Dtaeram of effects of haat noon ** 1 *.