Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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126 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. LANTERN SLIDES SENT ON APPROVAL. Messrs. Newton will be glad to send any number of Slides on approval for purchase to Customers who may find themselves unable to attend the Lantern Slide Gallery to make their own selections. Customers will be charged with the cost of Carriage only, but will be held re- sponsible for the safety of the Slides until received back by Messrs. Newton. A AW ' LIGHT. Selected and arranged by the late Rev. PHILIP Slebman, F.R.A.S., F.R.M.S., Ac. Plain Slides, 2j. each PART 1. ( Rectilinear propagation of light. I Experiment illustrating rectilinear propaga- tion. 9 Formation of Images by araall aperture*. Image* of aun through opening* in foliage. A Reversed image of landscape. • Cone of shadow of opaqu* body. T Umbra and penumbra. 8 Effect of umbra and penumbra. Chinese shadows. 9 Intensity of illumination. Law of luveree square*, 10 Intensity of illumination. Law of the cosine 11 Rumlord's Photometer. 19 Bunsen's Photometer. 19 Velocity of light. Bremer's observation*. 14 Velocity of light. Aberration. 16 Velocity of light. Fixeau'a experiment. 18 Velocity of light. Foucault's experiment. 17 Illustration of law of reflection. Id Experimental varlfl cation of the law of re- flection. t» Artificial horizon. 30 Reflection from plane mirror. II Lateral inversion by reflection. 99 Multiple Images by two plane parallel mirrors. 99 Multiple Images by Inclined minors. 94 Multiple Images by two eurface* of mlmu. 96 The kaleidoscope. 98 Scattering of light by irregular reflection. 97 The sextant. 98 Explanation or the sextant. » Goniometer. (Babinet'a). 80 Magic tetesoope. tl Folemosoope. 89 Bilberaann'a bellostai. >3 Foucault’s hellos tat. 84 Pepper's •* Ghost.''* 86 Diagrams of foci of concave mirrors. 86 Real image by concave minor. 87 Virtual image by concave mirror. 88 Caustic* by reflection. 80 Image* formed by convex mirror*. (0 Cylindrical mirror. Anamorphosis. 47 Experiment illustrating refraction of light 49 Law of refraction and verification. 48 Law of tine*. Glass and'water. 44 Phenomena of refraction. (Bent stick.) 48 Explanation of phenomena of refraction. 48 Atmospheric refraction. 47 Effect of refraction on sunset. 48 Total reflection. Limiting angle. 49 Phenomena of total reflection. 80 Totally reflecting prisms. El Illustration of total reflection by cut glam. 89 The mirage. 68 Explanation of the mirage. 84 Deviation by refraction. (Parallel plated 68 Deviation by refraction. (Successive media.) 68 The prixm. 69 Deviation by prism. 48 Explanation of deviation. 80 Deviation and rttardatiem '<0 Index of refraction. Dulong'a apparatus. 'll Index of refraction. Spectrometer. S3 Lena considered ae an assemblage of prisma. S3 Converging and diverging lenses. 84 Various foci of converging lenses. 85 Principal foci of double and plano-convex lenses. 88 Formation of Image by converging lena. 87 Fresnel’s lens. 68 Lenticular apparatus of lighthouse. 89 Diagram illustrating spherical aberration. 70 Decomposition of light by prism. 71 Necessity for use of narrow alit. 79 Unequal refnmgibility of different colours. 73 Recomposition of light. No. 1. 74 Recomposition of light. No. t. 78 Deviation without dlspenloa. 78 Anomalous dispersion. 79 Achromatic lenses. 80 Spectroscope with reflected scale. 81 Solar spectrum. (Fraunhofer). 83 Coincidences of Fraunhofer line* with thorn of sodium, Ac. 89 Chart of radiation spectra. 84 Chart of absorption spectra. 68 Thermal, luminous, and actinia ray* la sola* 88 Caloreocencw. Tyndall's apparatus. No, 1. 87 Caloreacence. Tyndall’s apparatus. No. 9. 88 Fluoresc e nce. 89 Fluorescent spectra. 90 Phoephoroaoope. 91 Phosphorescent spectra. 99 Horizontal section of the eyeball. 93 Vertical mid-section of the eye-ball. No. 1. 94 Vertical mid-section of the eye-balL No. t. 98 Diagram of nervous and connective elements in retina. 98 Diagrammatic section of macula lute*. 97 Pigment cells from the choroid coat. 96 The crystalline lena. Structure. 99 The crystalline lens. Acco mm odation. 100 Scbeiner's experiment on accommodation. 101 Formation of Image on retina. 103 Diagrams explaining long and short eight. 103 Ophthalmoscope. 104 Illustration• of monocular 'and binocular vision. 106 Diagram explaining binocular vision. 108 Corresponding points on retina. 107 Wheatstone’s reflecting stereoscope. 108 Brewster'* refracting stereoscope. 109 Helmholtx’s lenticular stereoscope. 110 Analogy between sound and light. Illustrated by persistence of vision. 111 Thaumatrope and Praxinoaoope. 113 Optical illusions. 116 8nb)ective colours, m&rreuberg't apparatus.) 114 Contrast colours. (Beina’a apparatus.) 116 Apparatus for mixing volound *' f He Unbolts.)