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Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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43, Museum Street, London, WX.l. 127 LANTERNS FOR EDUCATIONAL WORK. We shall be happy to advise customers as to the most satisfactory Lantern to purchase to suit their requirements, and also to supply any of the well-known Lanterns and Accessories manufactured by Newton & Co., as well as the Slides published by our bwn Firm. LI Q HT— Continued. Apjmrattts (or ml ring colouraa light. 117 Complsmentary colour*. 118 Diehroaooplc lea*. (Hai dinger). IIS Ths Dichroflseope. (Dove.) ISO Spectra of wblt« and coloured strips. Ill Utltnholu'* uulnli of compound ooloun. las Maxwell's analysis of compound colour*. 1M Maxwell's colour triangle, *0. Ill Colour drele. (Von Bexold). I2& Diagram of colour aensatuma. (Holmbolts) 198 The rainbow. M Explanation of the rainbow. 198 Refraction in rsin-dropv 1JS Camera obscura. Photographic Camera lucid nj Magio lantern US Bi-unlal Untem fur dissolving nsn 1M Duboeoq’i electric lantern. 188 Fouoault'i and Duboecq • electric lamp*. 136 Duboscq’s vertical lantern. 187 Enlarged image produced by convex lena 138 Simple microscope*. Magnifyin g glasses. 189 The compound miausoope, 140 Achromatic eye-piece. 141 Binocular tnlcroaoopea. complete binocular microaoop*. 143 Solar microscope. 144 Duboeeq'e lantern mlcrjecope, }« Ueeof Duboseq's microscope at siege nft’aria. 148 Galilean telescope. Opera tlu. 147 The agronomical teleawpe. 148 The term*trial teleaoope. 149 Reflecting telescope*. No 1. 160 Reflecting teleacopea. No. A 161 The Boeee telaeoopa. ! Di agram of plane warn. Movement of particle* is advancing wave. Diagram of pendulum. Diagram of harmonic motion. Experimental illustration of wave-moth o. Experiment*] 01 nitration of ware-motion. Crova’a wi dinal. Crora’^wave-motion apparatus. Triuij- Huyghen*' principle of undulations. Huyghena* cqnatruction for reflection and refraction. Velocity Of light In air and water. Foucault’* experiment. Diagram* explaining Interference of wave*. Apparatu* illuatrating interference of ware#. Weber'a figure of Interfering ware*. No. 1. Weber*• figure of interfering wave*. No. 8. Fraan*]’* mirror. Diagram of interference by Frenal’a mirror, Bi-priama, Ac., for interference experiment*. Jamin a Interferential refractor. Colour* of thin plate*. Soap bubble. Diagram explaining ooloun of thin pin tea Newton’* ring*. Diffraction of light. Diffraction fringe*. Young** experiment. Diagram of interference by diffraction. Diffraction telescope and figure*. Diffraction figure*. No I. Diffraction figure* No. S, Diagram* explaining diffraction fringe* Meaaurement of ware length. No t Measurement of wave length. No. L Table of war* length*. Diffraction spectra. Principle of diffraction grating. Meaa urem ent of ware length by diffraction spectrum. Comparison of diffraction with prismatio spectrum. Phenomena of polarisation by reflection. Reflecting polarisoope. Polar)ring angle and diagram of Intensities. Illustration of meaning of " polariaed ” ray 19J Polariiation br aerie* of parallel plate* Polariaoope with pll* of plate* NQmnberg’s polaiiscnpe. Plane* of polarisation and of vibration. Pola ri sa t ion by tourmalin. Dluatration of “ polarity.” by iron filing* I“l»od 1doublevsfvactiou 199 Diagram of double refraction in Iceland epar WO Optic axis and principal *ectiou. Wl Double image of aperture, projected at Effect of rotating the crystxh 903 Experiment showing opposite polarisation *4 the two image*. 904 Experiment with plate of tinr m.!*- 1 25 Apparatu* for Huygben.’ experiment. 222 Phenomena of Huyghen*’ expenmant. 907 Ordinary and extraordinary ray*. I Huyghen*- explanation of double refraction. Veniication of law of double refraction. 910 Ellip»oid* of revolution. Positive and neg- ative. 911 Wave «uxfaoe of poaitlve crystal ’•* 12 Wave *urfaoe nf negative crystal 918 Benarmont’* isothermal line* in cryrtaL 914 Sorby’a uni-focal and bi-focal image*. 916 Achromatic double-image prisma. 218 Benarmont’*, Bochoa’s, and Wollaaton't pnama. , 217 Double image micrometer. 918 Nichol’* prism. No. I.' 919 Niooi'a prism, and Foucault's modification. WO Arrangement of polariser and analyser Wl •• Depolarisation " by selenite Him 229 Crystal of selenite and ideal structure. «3 Diagram of wave* within selenite film 294 Effect of rotating, 1.—fleleaite 2. An*- t» Complementary Dolours shown by double Image pn*m. * D '*4£ | * I j 1 explaining eomplemeatary colour*. ® Du ^ explaining oomplemeatary ooloun. 29® iVheststone’s polar dock. 299 Sound vibration* in bar of glass revealed bv polariaea u«*t. ' WO Presses for heating and compressing g lass 281 Phenomena exhibited by oompremed glam. 932 Diagram explaining phenomena of cum preeaed glass. 233 Phenomena of unarmealed glam. No. 1. 284 Phenomena of unatmesled glam. No' 2. 236 Phenomena of unannealed glam. No 1 936 Starch grains, by polarised light 287 Sections of wave surface of bUxal crystal. 238 Intersecting wavs surface In biaxaj crystal. 239 Conical refrsetaun. Theory. 240 Conical refraction. External. 941 Conical refraction. Internal.