Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2 (circa 1920)

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128 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. LI G HT— Continued. Tourmalin pioeetto. NOrrenberg's polariaoopa arranged for oon* Tergeot light. Mlari-nvcroaeop*. (Hoffmann). Phenomena of unlaxal crystal by convergent light Explanation of ring* ana rroat No. 1. Explanation if ringa and croaa. No. 3. Phenomena of hlaiud errata] by convergent light No. 1. Phenomena of btaxal a-ratal by convergent light No 1. Lemaiacate Measurement of angle of optic area. Table of angles of optic area. Iiiaperaion of optic axea. No. 1, Dispersion of optic axe#. No. 2. Phenomena of quartz plate in polarised light Diagram nf aueceaeion of coloura on rotating quarts plate. Diagram of an occasion of coloura on rotating analyaer. Diagram of intensity of oolonra in quarts plate. 1 Diagram illustrating production of circular motion by two rectangular Titration*. *J! Wheatstone's apparatui for Illustrating dr* cnJar ware-motion. *63 Apparatus for illustrating plana and circular ware-motion. JiM Right and left-banded quart* crystal*. MS Q^sts wedge*, tiablnet'a compensator. *66 Band* of colour in quarts wedge*. JOT Hyperbola exhibited br quarts plate*. 168 Amethyat. Superposed lamina. 160 Phenomena of quarts In convergent light. 170 Airy'■ *ptrain, m Fraaual’a rhozalk >73 Dislocation of crystal ring* by circularly polarised light. 274 Explanmtion of dislocation of crystal rings >76 BUuroacope and Brexin* plate. >79 Rotation of plan* of polarisation. Blot*a apparatus. 277 Soled’* aaceharometer. 278 Eoleil’a aaceharometer. (Section. 270 Wild’* polari-atrobometer. 280 Hoffmann'* polarimeter. 281 Laurent'* aaceharometer. 282 Laurent's saooharometer. Section. 283 Electromagnetic rotation of plana of polar* isation. Faraday’s experiment. 284 Electromagnetic rotation of plana of polar* laation. Verdet's apparatus. 'a polarimeter. ... _ _igeria‘‘bruahe*.’* 287 Polariscope for prolection. Reflecting. 288 Polariacope for projection. Dubosoq’a 289 Polarising apparatus with Urge Nlool prisms for projection with eleotrio light. (Rst. P. Sleeman). 290 Apparatus for spectra of polarised light 291 Bands in spectra of polarised light No. 1. 292 Bands in spectra of polarised light No. >. 293 Polariaoope with routing analyier. (Mach). 294 Selenite plate, seen with rotating analyser, 296 Quarts plate, seen with rotating analyaer. 299 Spiral spectral bands, seen with rotating analyser. 297 Identity of light and radiant heat Reflee* tM Identity of tight and radiant heat Double • refraction. 600 Identity o' light and radiant hsat Polar* Isation. For additional Slides on " Light," see pages 110 and 112 and 100 to 104. CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS. Arranged by W. P. Bloxam, B.So. (Lond.), Lecturer in Chemistry, London Booiety for the Extension of University Teaohing. Plain Slides, 2s, each. aqf air. Printed Reading, lj SERIES 1. 1 Demon ft rst ion of Weight of Air. 3 Demonstration ol Weight oi Air. * Demonstration of Air Pressure (Crush Tin]. 4 Demonstration of Air Pressure (Air Pump). 5 The Baroinaier. 6 The Barometer. 7 The Barometer. 8 Properties of a Mechanical Mixture. 9 Preparation of Nitrogen Dioxide. 10 Action of Nitrogen Dioxide on Air. SERIES 2. 11 Composition ol Air. 13 Composition of Air. 13 Detection of Ozone. 14 Production of Otone. 16 Action of Heat upon Osona. 16 Presence of Carbon Dioxide in Air. 17 Presence of Carbon Dioxide in Air. 10 Presence of Water Vapour In Air. IS Decomposition of Carbon Dioxide. 20 Diffusion ol Gases. AQQ 1 Combustion ol Hydrogen in Oxygen. 2 Liberation ol Hydrogen from water. 3 Liberation of Oxygen from Water. 4 The Carendish Eudiometer. I The Cavendish Eudiometer. 11 The Freexing of Water. • 12 The Boiling Point ol Water. 13 Th* Bolting Point of Water. 14 The Water Hammer. WATER Printed Beading, Is. SERIES 1. 6 The Cavendish Eudiometer. 7 Electrolysis of Water. 8 Evaporation of Ether. 9 The Cryophorut. 10 The Cryophorut. SERIES 2. 1 16 Temporary Hardness of Water. 17 Temporary Hardness of Water. IB Th* Softening of Water. 19 Deposits from Hard Water