Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 7 -- Industries and Manufactures (circa 1920)

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844 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. aqq the manufacture of^linen. Plain Slides, 2s. each. Reading, Is. ! Flax Plant. 2 .Spinning Mill. 3 Bale of Rough Flax. 4 Striking up. 5 Hackling Machine. 6 Hand Hackling. 7 Spreader Machine. 8 Equalizer Machine. 9 Roving Frame 10 Spinning Frame. 11 Spinning Wheel. 12 Reeling Machine. 13 Tow Breaker Machine. 14 Tow Balling Machine. 15 Long-stool Bundling. 16 Twisting Frame. 17 Twine Balling Machine. 18 Mechanical Engineers’ Workshop. 19 Compound Corliss Engine. 20 Boilers, Bleaching House. 21 Washing Reels and Squeezing Machine. 22 Bleaching Liquor Reels. 23 Yam Bleaching on Grass. : 24 Souring Cave. 25 Peaking. 26 Boom Yard. 27 Beating Mill. 28 Short-stool Bundling. 29 Lorry with Load of Yam. 30 Warp Winding Machine. 31 Warping. 32 Dressing Machine. 33 Drawing. 34 Plain Power Loom. 35 Dobbie Loom. 36 Jacquard Loom. 37 Pirn Winding Machine. 38 Cop Winding Machine. 39 Pim Wheel. 40 Damask Hand Loom. 41 Cropping Machine. 42 Inspecting Cloth. 43 Damping Machine. 44 Calender. 45 Beaming Machine for Stone Mangle. 46 Stone Mangle. 47 Stripping Machine for Stone Mangle. 48 Hydraulic Mangle. 49 Web Measuring Machine. 50 Web Rolling Machine. 51 Lapping. 52 Marking the Webs. 53 Hydraulic Pump. 54 ,, Press. 55 Bale of Linen under Pressure. 56 ,, ' ready for Export. For “Flax and its Preparation,” see below. “ Cotton Growing and Manufacture, ” page 842. In view of the interest aroused in the publicatio'n of the series of Slides on Industries and Manufactures detailed in this Catalogue (pages 805 to 845) Messrs. Newton have arranged to issue additional sets illustrating:— Jute. Fruit Culture (Messrs. Bunyard & Co., Ltd., Maidstone). Silk Making (The Continental Silks Co., Ltd.). Plate and Sheet Glass Making. Other subjects will be added from time to time. (See new Lecture Sets on the Chilean Nitrate Industry, page 845.) The Slides in the following sets on Industrie’s and Manufactures which were listed in detail in the previous Educational Catalogue, are still available, and can be supplied at the ordinary price of 2s. per Slide with printed or typewritten notes for each set. The Series includes the following subjects:— Wool Manufacture. Cotton Manufacture. Cutlery Manufacture. Soap Manufacture. Boot Manufacture. Glass Making. Shipbuilding. The Manufacture of Salt. Manufacture of Iron. Manufacture of Steel. Manufacture of Tiles. Manufacture of Bricks. Glassware. Granite and Granite Quarries. Matchmaking. The Motor Gar Industry. Manufacture of Chocolate. Manufacture of Looking-Glass. Brush Making. Manufacture of Grockeryware. Flax and its Preparation.