Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 7 -- Industries and Manufactures (circa 1920)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 845 1 Map of South America. 2 Map of Chile. 8 General Bast and West 8eotion of the'Nitrate District of Chile. Vertical 8cale exaggerated. 4 Part of the South Amerioan Continent with Chilean Nitrate Fields in the foreground Looking from the South-west. 5 Nitrate Grounds and Works. General view of an o6oina. ® Boring te«t holes. Pneumatic Drills at work. 7 Blasting a test hole with gunpowder. 1 8 Opening up trenoh after blasting: showing extraction of oaliohe by piece work. 9 A oaliobera or trench opened. 10 An “ Acopio.” Store of selectid oaliche. 11 Loading caliche into oarts. 12 Loading oaliohe into railway trucks. 13 Electric Railway for bringing in caliche 14 Delivering caliche to the crushers. 15 Unloading cars of raw material into the Crushers. £ op , of oal *che hopper; carts tipping caliche. 17 Crushers. 18 Interior of a boiling-tank. 19 Loading boiling-tank with caliche from deposit 20 Gang ready to enter boiling-tank to discharge refuse. 21 Gang in tank clearing leaching vat of refuse. supplied with the Slides. 22 Conveying refuse from underneath boiling-tank to dump. 23 Dumping refuse. 24 Cable*way to the refuse dumps. 25 Running off saturated solution of nitrate of soda from boiling tanks. ' 26 Draining Pans and Drying Floors 27 Crystallizing pans-fuil, tilling and empty. 28 Crystallizing pans running off mother-liquor showing deposit of nitrate crystals. ~r ra P t y* n .E crystallizing pans into cars. 30 Piers with cars for conveying contents of _ ° r y sttt Uizing pans to Drying Floors. 31 Delivering the Nitrate of Soda to the Drying Floor. J 6 82 Drying floors and bagging of Nitrate of Soda. 33 Bagged Nitrate of Soda on the Drying Floor. 84 Inclined plane from upper part of pampa. Odcina "Calctn Buena.” 85 Loading railway trucks for conveyance to port of shipment. 86 Train fully loaded with Nitrate of Soda leaving works for port. 37 Nitrate Railway lo Port Agua Santa. 38 Loading Nitrate of Soda at Tocopilla. 39 Nitrate Plant. 40 “Maquina," Draining Pans and Drying Floors. BX \ TH £ MANUFACTURE OF CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA Newton are indebted to the Chilean Nitrate CommitteTforpermission to^ If thl NiSte n SeM^nd e +h° f ^« deS ? SU * Uzing the varied sta g es from the opening up i tne JNitrate Fields and the different processes through which it passes in the fartnrv to the shipment of this useful fertiliser to all parts of the world P ** Plain Slides, 2s. each. Printed Notes can be P wT?L°V* f Chilean Nitrate Committee Messrs. Newton are permitted to publish, the two following series i B X Let« grassland and rotation crops. 36 Shd f s ’ T 1 * 11 lecture notes, showing comparisons of crops treated with varied fertilisers and untreated, carried out under test conditions. For details and full list of Slides see Section 3, Agriculture. BY h ? R ,9fIX ABL ^ CULTIVATI0N OF THE SUGAR BEET „ r. 8 Shdes, with lecture notes, of exceptional interest to all Agriculturists The Production of sugar beet culture into the farm rotation has determined the °£ her branches of agriculture in those Countries where it has become established. It has been truly said that the culture of the sugar beet cron has been the finest school for rational agriculture.” (Extract.) P For details and full list of Slides see Section 3, Agriculture. OF BXR THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT w • * WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. we are indebted to the Marconi Wireless Teleeranh Cn T tH w „ • • ^publish this magnificent series of Slid™ tom tfmJto rime y ' Add,tlonal SMes wiU be Provided showing the progress made . Plain Slides, 2s. each. Typewritten Lecture, price 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides Section 2'of'twsCaSogue. & other Slides ™ Wireless will be found in “Science,” Him foTEntSment ^osS; PrePami Speda “ y SeUcted set! ° f Slides H M ?1 Brorh Ci r “ include _ Fair y Stones, etc., illustrated by Leslie Brooke, Caldecott H M. Brock Greenway, Lawson Wood, and others; also examples from famous Shdes? eS ' Bird ^ Animal Studies - and carefully chosen miscellaneous and humorous be °5 ^M^ality and in good taste, and Messrs. Newton will bC S m° forward particulars of the Shdes and Readings in each set. When making application kindly state average age of children