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986 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. The foilowng sets B C Y to A Z I are intended for children. In addition to these we publish a large number of Childrens’ Addresses on Sacred and Serious Subjects: details of which will be found in Section 10 of this Catalogue. ®CY "THE POST OF HONOUR” Richard Wilson. (Published by Messrs. J. M. Dent & Son.) Uniform with the series of stories entitled ’’Told in Gallant Deeds;” we have now prepared a new set of Slides to illustrate the book, ” The Post of Honour.” The stories have been written for boys and girls, and will provide a stirring record of brave deeds done in forgetfulness of self and at the call of duty. There are 125 Slides in this new series, but for hiring purposes the Slides have been d.vided into two sections which can be supplied separately if desired. Beautifully Painted Figure Subjects, 10s. to 11s. each. \ Cheap Series Coloured, 5s *• >> Views, 7s. 6d. each. j to 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. 6 d. each. Printed Book, 2s. HCT TANK TALES A senes of Lantern Slides illustrating the book by “Tank Major” and Eric Wood. (Published by Messrs. Cassell & Company, Ltd.) Extract: “The first impression of the public was right—we had produced some- thing winch was to prove of immense value on the battlefield, something which was indeed to mean almost a revolution in warfare, and was destined before the glorious end of the struggle to convert the War of Trenches into a War of Movement.” ♦ Beautifully Painted Slides, 7s. 6 d. to 11s. each. Cheap Series Coloured, 5s. to 6s each. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. 6d: each. Typed Reading, 3s. 6 d. INTRODUCTION (10 Si des). THE HIGH STREET OF FLERS (14 Slides) “FOR VALOUR” (12 Slides) September, 15th, 1916. 1017 HELP FROM THE AIR (9 Slides) October, 1918. TOLD IN GALLANT DEEDS. BEING CHILDREN-S STORIES OF THE WAR. °»? Iid t S f ° illustrate the inspiriting stories of gallant deeds written for boys and girls by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. Price 6s. (Nisbet & Co., Ltd., 22, Berners Street, W.) These will be let on hire on our usual terms (3s. per dozen). A Y X to A Z I. Beautifully Painted Fipire Subjects, 11s. to 9s. each. £Cheap Series Coloured, 5s. each. »» it Views, 7s. bd. each. AYX BELGIUM. 42 Slides. Plain Slides, 2s. each. THE WHITE ENSIGN, 60 Slides. A Y Y