Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 9 -- art, literature, and miscellaneous (circa 1920)

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37, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. 2 1007 AKY AN “EXTRA” BARREL FOR YOU. A true Temperance Life Story, by Mr. J. W. Harvey Theobald. Coloured Slides, £3 15s. 0 d. the set'. Plain Slides, £\ 13s. 0 d. the Reading, Id, 1 The Railway Station 2 The Waggonette 3 The Country Lane 4 Portrait of Robert 5 In the Smithy 6 The Brewer's Dray 7 Robert in the Smithy 8 The "Extra” Barrel 9 The Sow and Young Pigs 10 Chickens in the Run 11 The Church 12 Tlie Pony 13 Robert’s Cottage 14 Horses in the Stable 15 Orchard and Field 16 Robert's Home set. 1 H AN OLD STORY. Coloured Slides, £6 10s. the set; Plain Slides, 2s. each. By S. C. Hall, Esq., F.S.A. 1 Woman anxiously watohing 2 “ Innocence." Country Soene. Mother and Child 8 A oontrast. Mother and Child. Homeless and unsheltered 4 The Spartans teaching their ohildren to shun exoess 5 A sad picture of the French Revolution 6 Drink has made another desolated home 7 The Fisherman’s Wife, a peaceful scene 8 A Happy Home. Interior of House 9 The sad end of a ruined life 10 The women’s orusade against drink 11 The Happy Band with Hope for their leader 12 The Sunday Soholar’s Prayer for her Father 18 Angel effect for the above. The answer 14 Scene outside a Public-house 15 A drunken quarrel—death of comrade 16 The Drunkard’s Daughter sent out to beg 17 A poor boy without a home 18 The Drunkard wakes and finds himself a murderer 19 A wounded Soldier on the battle-field. Temper- ance saved him 20 Mother, I’m hungry—you will make me a thief 21 A contrast.—The Temperate and the Drunkard’s Children 22 An Interior. A Village Inn 23 A Riotous Scene. Outside the Public-house 24 Interior of a Church. Two Children 25 Death in the bottle, touch not, taste not, handle not 26 A Group of Happy Water-Drinkers I I ORUIK8HANK —THE BOTTLE Coloured Slides, £2 the set; Plain Slides, 16s. the set. Reading, 6d. 1 The Bottle introduced at Home 2 Pawn their Clothes to supply the Bottle 8 An Exeoution on the Furniture 4 The Children sent into the Streets to Beg 1 I K 6 Death of a Child from Starvation 6 The fearful Quarrel between Husband and Wife 7 Results in Murder—Death of the Wife 8 The Maniac in the Asylum visited by his Children THE BIBLE AND THE DRUNKARD; OR JOHN HAMPTON’S HOME. By the late Sir G. S. Measom, J.P. Coloured Slides, £1 10s. 0 d. the set; Plain Slides, 12s. the set. Reading, Id. The Qin Shop. The Intoxicated Husband dis- covered by his Wife in the Gin Palace is en- treated by her to return Home, his druoken companions laugh at her misery 2 The Wretched Home. The Minister visiting the Husband and his Family, urges them to read the Bible, whioh he leaves with them 8 Reading the Bible. The Husband, reformed through the reading of the Bible, now reads it to his Family 4 The Houte of Ood. The Husband and his Family unite in the Public Worship of God 5 The Call to Repentance. The Husband visited by his former evil companion, exhorts him to re- pentance 6 TheHappy Death Bed. The Husband on his death bed surrounded by his family, exhibits in the presence of his former companion the serene fortitude and tranquil joy of the Christian IL CRUIKSHANK.—THE DRUNKARD’S Coloured Slides, £2 the set; Plain Slides, 16*. the set. 1 Neglected by their Parents and educated in the streets, they are led to the Gin Shop ” ”he Boy Thief squanders and gambles away his ill-gotten gams 8 From the Gin Shop to the Dancing Room, the poor girl is driven on in that course whioh ends in Misery and Ruin 4 The Boy commits a desperate Robbery and is taken by the Polioe in a lodging house CHILDREN. Reading, 6d. 6 From the Bar of the Gin Shop to the Bar of the Old Bailey is but one step 6 The Drunkard's Son transported for Life. Brother and Sister part for ever in this world 7 Early dissipation has destroyed the neglectedBoy: the wretched convict droops and dies 8 The Sister, homeless, friendless, deserted and destitute, throws herself off London Bridge I M BUY YOUR OWN CHERRIES. LIFE MODELS. Coloured Slides, £2 10s. Od. the set; Plain Slides, £1 0s. 0 d. the set. 1 "You touoh them if you dare, Sir 1 ” 2 " Yes, Sir," said the man, and soon plaoed them in his hands 5 ?£r°?, ene £ the ba * of oherries on the benoh * Well, will you have a glass of something short 7 ’’ a She went to the window Book, 3d. 6 “I say, Guv’nor, what is this leg of mutton a pound 7 " 7 “ Come, here’s a leg of mutton for him” 8 A plate of nice rosy ripe cherries 9 He himself has built a nice row of houses 10 Now in a handsome villa