Newton's lantern slide catalogue (1920s)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 185 AX BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. Photographed from a very beantifal and accurate Series of Original Drawings, Beautifully Painted 6s. ; Plain Slides, 2s. each. 1 Sliae containing 12 Butterflies and Moths for Wing Development 2 Swallow-tail Butterfly. Papilio Machaon 3 Swallow-tail Scarce Butterfly. Papilio Poda- lirius 4 Apollo Butterfly, Parnassius Apollo 5 Clouded Yellow Butterfly. Colias Hyale etEdusa. On Clover 6 Red Admiral Butterfly. Vanessa Atalanta 7 Camberwell Beauty Butterfly. Vanessa Antiojja 6 Peacock Butterfly. Vanessa lo 9 Tortoiseshell and Comma Butterfly. Vajiessa Vrticce et G. Album 10 Painted Lady Butterfly. Vaness Cardui. On thistle 11 Silver-washed Fritillary Butterfly. Argynnis Paphia. On pansy 12 Purple Emperor Butterfly. Apatura Iris. On poplar spray 13 Marble White Butterfly. Melanargia Qalathea 14 „ „ Hipparchia Circe 15 Death's Head Moth. Achcrontia Atropos 16 Convolvulus Hawk Moth. Sphinx Convolvulus 17 Humming Bird Hawk Moth. Larva and pupa Mic7'oglo8sa Stellatarum et G^roatica. On be straw 18 Broad and Narrow Bordered Bee-Hawk Moths. Hemaris Bombyliformis et Fucifortnis. On honeysuckle 19 Burnett Moths, six and five spot. Zygania Fill' pendulce et Lonicerm. On clover 20 Scarlet and Jersey Tiger Moths. Callimarpha Dominula et Hera. On nettle 21 Garden and Cream Spot Tiger Moths. Arctia Caja et Villica. On blackberry spray 22 Emperor Moths, male and female. Saturnia CarpinL On spray of wild rose 23 Oak Egger Moths. Lasiocampa Quercus, On blackberry 24 Puss Moth. Cerura Vinula. On willow 25 Common Yellow TJndecwing Moths. Tiipluena Pronuba. On primrose 26 Crimson Underwing Moth. Cdtocala Sponsa. On oak spray 27 Clifton Nonpareil Moth. Catocala Fraxina. On poplar ABT LIFE HISTORY OF VARIOUS INSECTS. A Series of Lantern Slides photographed direct from the actual objects, and showing on the one slide the perfect insect, male and female, the caterpillar, and the chrysalis. The colouring is copied from the insects themselves, to secure accuracy, and the resulting slides are exquisitely delicate and beautiful. Plain Slides, 2s. Moths. Male and Female, Pupa and Larva. 1 Eyed Hawk, Sphinx Ligus- tri. 2 Lime Hawk, Smermthus Tilise. 3 Poplar Hawk, Smermthus Populi. 4 Privet Hawk, Sphinx Ligrus- tri. 5 Lappet Moth, Bombyx Quer- ciiolia. 6 Drinker, Odonestris Pota- toria. 7 Oak Egger, Lasiocampa Quercus. each; Beautifully Painted, best 8 Poplar Grey, Acronyeta Megacephala. 9 Six Spotted Burnet, Anthro- cerce Filipendulae. 10 Magpie or Currant, Abraxus . Grossuiariato. 11 Silkworm, Bombyx Mori. 12 Buff Tip, rygaera Bucephala. 13 Puss Moth, Cerura Vinula. 14 Red Underwing, Catocala Sponsa. 15 Tiger Moth, Arctia Caja. 16 Sycamore Tussock, Congli Demas. 17 Goat Moth, Cossus Ligni- perda. 18 Gipsy Moth, Porthetoia Dis- par. uality, 6s. each. Butterflies. 19 Swallow Tail, Papillio Machaon. 20 Red Admiral, Vanessa Ata- lanta. 21 Small Garden White, Pieris Rap®. 23 Mole Cricket, Flying, and in Burrow. 23 Scorpions from Spain. 24 Great Silver Beetle. 25 Goat Moth. 26 Swallow-tail Moth. 27 Privet Hawk. 28 Great Water Beetle. For additional Slides on “Insects” see Index. SPIDERS. AFE From Direct Negatives. 1 Spider’s Nest, showing Eggs just before Hatching. 2 Spider's Nest, showing the Shells directly after the Spiders have left the Eggs. 3 Garden Spider and its Web • 4 ,, „ Magnified. 5 ,, ,, The Spinnerets. 6 ,, „ The Foot, showing the Comb Formation of the Claw. 6a Spider's Foot, x 28. 7a ,, Tongue, x 35. 7 ,, „ Mandibles of the Male Spider. 8 „ ,, Eyes of. 9 Spider, Bush. 10 „ Cellar. Plain Slides, 2s, each, 11 Spider, Crab. 13 „ Ground. 13 ,, Tumping. 14 „ Trapdoor, Young. 15 „ Water. 16 Wolf. 17 ,, Spiney, from Trinidad. 18 Foot of Bird-catching Spider. 19 Hair of Bird-catching Spider, showing the fluted ends and fine hairs, x 300. 20 Nest of Harvest Spider in Seed-head of Grass. 21 Spider, Zebra. BYP LIFE HISTORY OF THE ANT. A series of 30 Slides. Detailed list will be sent on application. Coloured Slides, 6i. Plain Slides, 2s. each. Typewritten Notes, price 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides.