Newton's lantern slide catalogue (1920s)

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206 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. C B 1 Home-made Wire Frames for View 2 Types of Fowls: Good layers—Minorcas 3 Table Birds—Indian Game with Dorking 4 General utility Birds. Plymouth Rocks 5 tf „ „ 2ncl view 6 Hatching. Incubators at work 7 „ Turning the Eggs 8 „ Birth of the Chick 9 From Incubator to Foster Mother 10 Cold Brooders as Fo^ter Mothers 11 Artificial Feeding. The Sussex Machine. Fowls in Pen 12 Feeding. The Machine at Work 13 Killing: How to Hold the Bird nZ American Poultry'Farm”and'Run 28 Large Poultry House. 29 Brooder House. 30 Feeding Time. 31 House among the trees. POULTRY REARING From Direct Negatives. Plain Photographs, 2s.' each. Fowls. General J4 Plucking and Shaping theBirds 15 Trussers at Work, 1st view „ „ 2nd view 17 Packing f«ir Market 18 Greenwood’s Incubator Spratt's Patent Hen Coops, 19 Fen Roost, portablfor field use 20 Slanting Roof Hen Coop II I, Hen Coop with weather cover 22 ,, „ Hen Coop Wit.ifeeder 28 V ,, Hen Coon with folding doors 24 Chicken Coop, square, portable 25 Chicken Run, square 26 „ portable with cover 32 Texas Roost House. Front View. T- ” ’» ” Back „ 34 Feeding Turkeys. 35 A Fine Turkey. ^ BEE CULTURE. Ihe Koyal Agricultural Society’s Silver Medal awarded 1893. Beautifully Painted, 6s. ; Plain Slides, 2s. 3rf. each. arranged under the inspection of the British Bee-keeper AssoMation, and with tl^ courteous and able assistance of T. W. Cowan, EEQ,,r.G S. E L S ^■^Ali^the I T' Esq., Editors of the British Bee Journal. ' ’ atMr Brouo.htn^r«r^''"^®’’^n^®^^^ Photographs, principally taken ^4 35 36T7°42 43 freshwater, EE.M.S., except Nos. by'the Association.’ ' ‘he diagrams published ^V^'^'fccieA,ucaiionalcode of Bee-lteeping." Bek Journal. 1 The Queen, Drone, and Worker Bee - - 2 Tongue of Honey Bee (Apis Mellifica) o Eye of Bee 4 Tip of ditto, showing Sroon fl showing Antennae Cleaner b Hind leg, showing Pollen Basket and Comb 7 Bee s Wing, Booklets and Folded Membrane 0 Sting of Honey Bee 9 Lancets and Sheath of Sting of Bee JO Abdomen of Bee J1 Salivary Gland 12 Parasite of Honey Bee—Braula Cceca 13 Foot of Braula Coeca 14 Apiary of Straw Hives 15 Old-fashioned Cottage Apiary 16 Modern Apiary of Frame Hives 17 Bee-keeper Folding Sections 18 Putting Foundations in Sections 19 Sections in various stages of progress 20 Fitting Comb Foundations in Frame [clearers oi Supers and Sections: showing super jf Manipulating in Bee-dress and veil 23 Hiving a Swarm under difficulties 24 Hiving Bees in Frame Hive 25 Ditto (watching for the Queen) 26 Uncovering the Frames, using the Smoker «7 Manipulating Frame, hanging position 29 Catching the Queen 30 Driving Bees from the Hive into an empty Skep 31 Subdued Bees after driving 32 Driven Bees entering Skep. (Looking for the Queen Bee) 33 Frame of Comb, with Queen Cells 34 Group of Queen Cells, showing the opening at the os [Queen Cell do Development of Larvffi, Queen Cell, Section 36 Egg attached to Cell Base 37 Pupa and Larva 38 Uncapping Combs for Extracting 39 Comb showing Foul Brood 40 Bacillus Alvei (Foul Brood in Bees) 41 11 ,, (Rods and Spores) 42 ,, ,, (Sjiores) 43 Section of Bee 44 ,, Eye of Bee 45 Heads of Bees 46 Egg and Pupa 47 Legs of B-'e showing Comb 48 Various Glands 49 W’ax Plates 50 Foot of Bee 51 Rows of Hives in a Fruit Orchard. 52 A Cluster of Hives, Modern Method. 53 The late Mr. Broughton Carr. 26 ,, ,. bottom upwards Text Books.--" British Bee-keepers’ Guide,” 2s. 6d. (practical), by T. W. Cowan, Eso T W?c7wAN^i:sq^ Natural History, Anatomy, and Physiology," 2s. 6d. (scientific'), by A R WASPS. (Vespa Vulgaris.) A Series of direct Photographs and Photo-micrographs. Plain Slides, 2.s. esch. 1 Wasp's Nest, showing eight or nine tiers of Cell Comb, separated bypiliars or columns 2 Wasp’s Nest, a single tier of comb, showing the empty cells and those containing grubs 3 Wasp’s Nest, underside of one of the Comb Tiers showing the pillars or props to keep the tiers apart 4 Wasp’s Nest. In this, four or five of the tiers of Dell Comb have been removed to show cells and grubs in crown of nest 5 The Wasp, whole insect 6 Head and Mouth 7 Antennae 8 Abdomen with sting in hUii 9 Sting 10 Compound Eyes 11 Tongue 12 Foot 13 Wings 14 Hornet and Wasp For additional slides on Insects, see pages 184 to 186 and also 168, 169.