Newton's lantern slide catalogue (1920s)

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43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 225 124 3road - leaved Garlick-, Allium Ursinum 125 Gipsy-wort, Lycofus Euro- peeu^ 126 Goldilocks, Ranunculus Auricomuc 127 Goose-grass or_ Cleavers, Galium Afarine. <38 Common Guelder-rose, v t burnum Ofului, T i- \29 „ X 1. J30 „ X 2, Fertile Flowers. 131 „ X 1, Cultivated. 133 Mouse - ear Hawkweed, Hieracium Pilosella. 133 Hawthorn or May, Cra- *aqus Oxyacanthus. 134 Green Hellebore, Heleborus Viridis. 135 Henbane, Hyosciamus Niger. 136 Grape - hyacinth, Muscari Racemosum. 137 Ground - ivy, Nefeta Glechoma. 138 Larkspur, Delphinium Sp. 239 Lily of the Valley, ConvaU laria Majalis. 140 May Lily, Maianthemum • Bifolium, x L 141 Yellow Water-lily, Nuphar Lutea. 143 White Water-lily, Nymphaa Alba. 143 A Liverwort, Marckanchia Palmata, x 1, male. 144 „ X 1, female. 145 Lords and Ladies or Cuckoo- Pint, Arum Maculatum. 146 Field Louse-wort, Pedicutaris Sylvatica. 147 Common Mallow, Malva Sylvestris. 148 Musk Mallow (white variety), Malva Moschata. 149 Nodding Bur - marigold, Bidens Cernua, x L 160 Marsh Marigold, Caltha Palustris, 161 Black Medick, Medicago T.ufulina. 152 Field Melilot, Melilotus Ar- sensis, x. 153 Perennial or Dog's Mercury, '^ercurialh Perennis. 154 Wild Mignonette, Reseda ^..utea, 156 Common Milkwort, Polygala "^ulgaris. 166 Sea Milkwort, Glaux Mari- t^ma. ffil The Alder, Alnus Gluti- r- 0 sa, X L * 332 „ X 1. S33 The Beech, Fagus Syl- ralica, x 4 * fSA „ X 2. 235 The Silver Birch, Betula Albat X WILD FLOWERS —Continued 157 Water ^ Mint, Mentha Aaualica. 15S Monk's Hood, Aconitum Nafellus, 159 „ X 2, Flowers, in early aad late stages. 160 ,, X 2, Flowers in sec- tion, early and late Si.ages. 161 Black Mullein, Verbascum Ntgrum. 162 Garlick Mustard, Sisym- brium Alliaria. . 163 Common Hedge-Musrard, Sisymbrium O^cinale. 164 Great Nettle, Urtica Dioica. 165 Red Dead-Nettle, Lamium Purpurieum, 166 Common Nightshade, So- lanum Nigrum. 167 Wildbeaked Parslejr, An- thriscus Sylvestrts. 168 Earth-nut Pea, Lathyrus Tuberosus. 169 Whitlow _ Pepper - wort, Lipidium Dr aba. 170 Pilewort or Lesser Celan- dine, Ranunculus Ficaria. 171 Primrose, Primula Vul- ga-<'is. 172 Horse-radish, Cochlearia Armoracia. 173 Yellow Rocket, Barbarea V ulgaris. 174 Christmas Rose, Heleborus Ni^er. 175 Common Dog-rose, Rosa Canina. 176 Trailing Rose, Rosa Arven- sis. 177 Meadow Saffron, Colckicum sAutumnale. 178 Flowering Rush, Butonus Umbellatus. 179 „ X 3. 180 Large-flowered St. John’s- wort, Hypericum Caly- cinum. 181 Sanicle, Sanicula Europcea. X k- 182 Rue-leaved Saxifrage, Saxi- fraga Tridactylites. 183 Sea Holly, Eryngium Mari- timum. 184 Sea Kale, Crambe Mari- tima. 185 Sloe or Blackthorn, Prunus S-binosa. I 186 Snakes-head, Fritillaria I Meleagris. 1 187 „ , 188 Snow - drop, Galanthus 1 Nivalis. See also page 226. AMENTIFER/E. 226 The Hazel, Corylus Avel- lana, x 4. 227 „ X 1 328 The Hornbeam, Carpinus j Betulus, X. * 229 „ X 3. i 231 The Oak, Quercus Robur, \ X i. ' 332 „ * 2 189 Soap-wort, Safonaria Offici- nalts. 190 Common Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum Multi- fiovum. 191 Wood Spurge, Euphorbia A mygdalotdes. 192 Sweet-gale or Bog-myrtle, Myrica Gale. 193 Wild Service-Tree, Pyrus Tormhtalis, x L 194 Sheep's Sorrel, Rumex Ace- iosella, female. 195 „ male. 196 Wood Sorrel, Oxalis Aceto- sella. 197 Lesser Spearwort, Ranuncu- jgg lus FlammuLa, x 4. 199 Common Speedwell, Veroni- ca Officinalis, x 4. 300 Germander Speedwell, Veronica Chamadrys. -'01. Iw - leaved Speedwell, Veronica Hederifolia. 202 Wall Speedwell, Veronica Arvensis. 203 Spiked^ Star of Ornithogalum cum, X 304 Bog Stitchwort, U lizinosa. 205 Wood Strawberry, graria Vesca. 206 Common Tansy, Tanacetum Vulgate. 307 Hairy Tare, Vicia Hirsuta. 208 Carline Thistle, Carlina Vulgaris. 309 Creeping Thistle, Cnicus Arvensis. 210 Wild Thyme, Thymus Ser- pyllum, X J. 211 Slender Yellow Trefoil, Trifolium Filiforme. 212 Soft Knotted Trefoil, Tri- folium StriatUTfi. 213 Bush Vetch, Vicia Sepium. 314 Common Vetch, Vicia Sativa, 215 Violet, Viola Odorata. 216 Wood^ Violet, Viola Syl- vatica. 217 Water- cress. Nasturtium Officinale. 218 Petty Whin, Genista Anglica. 219 Vernal Whitlow - grass, Draba Verna. 220 Rose-bay Willow Herb, Epilobium Angustifoli- um. 330 Mountain Ash, Pyrus Aucu- paria. Bethlehem, Pyrenai- Stellaria Fra- 233 The Black Poplar, Populus cr.. Nigra, X L 234 „ X IL 335 The Willow, Salix Sp., x J. 237 Dwarf Silky Willow, Salix Repens.