Newton's lantern slide catalogue (1920s)

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230 NfiWTON & Co., Ltd., Lantern Slide LublisLefS. AKV TOADSTOOLS AT HOME. Beautifully Painted., 6s. 6<i. ,• Plain Slides, 2s. M. each. FIRST SERIES. Text Book, by Somerville Hastings, Is. net. 1 The Common Mushroom, Agaticus {Psalliota) campestrii. 2 The Blusher, Agaricus (Amanita) fubescens. 3 The Panther-Cap, Agaricus (Amanita) pan- therinus. 4 The Panther-Cap, Agaricus (Amanita) pan- therinus. 6 The Solitary Toadstool, Agaricus (Amanita) solitarius. 6 The Grisette, Agaricus (Amanita) vaginatus. 7 The Grey Parasol, Agaricus (Lepiota) rachodes. 8 The Grey Parasol, Agaricus (Lepiota) rachodes. 9 The Stump-Tuft, Agaricus (Armillaria) melleus. 10 The Beech-tuft, Agaricus (Armillaria) mucidus. 11 The Beech-tuft, Agaricus (Armilaria) mucidus. 12 The Lurid Tricholome, Agaricus (tricholoma) luridus. 13 The Muscat, Agaricus (Tricholoma) albellus. 14 The Soap-scented Tricholome, Agaricus (Tri- choloma) saponaceus. 15 The Field Darkie, Agaricus (Tricholoma) gram- mopodius. 16 The Rooting-shank, Agaricus (Collybia) radi- catus. 17 The Leaf-bane, Agaricus (Collybia) dryophilus. 18 The Oyster of the Woods, Agaricus (Pleurotus) ostreatus. 19 The Prickly-cap, Agaricus (Pholiota) squarro- sus. 20 The Soft Crepidotus, Agaricus (Crepidotus) mollis. 21 The Red Pratelle, Agaricus (Psalliota) cam- pestris, var rujescens. 22 The Wood Mushroom, Agaricus (Psalliota) syl- vaticus. 23 The Green Stropharia, Agaricus (Stropharia) ruginosus. 24 The Sulphur-tuft, Agaricus (Hypholoma) jasci- cutaris. 25 The Sulphur-Tuft, Agaricus (Hypholoma) jasci- cularis. 26 The Ground-Cap, Agaricus (Psilocybe) cano- brunneus. 27 The Bay Psilocybe, Agaricus (Psilocybe) spa- diceus. 28 I he Brown Ink-Cap, Coprinus fuscesceus. 29 The Imperial, Cortinarius violaceus. 30 The Paxil, Paxillus involutus. 31 The Slayer, Lactarius-rujus. 32 The Woolly Milk Mushroom, Lactarius tor- minosus. 33 The Slimy Lactar, Lactarius blennius. 34 The Emetic Russule, Russula emetiea. 35 The Many-coloured Russule, Russula chamce leonlina. 36 The Champignon or Fairy-ring- toadstool, Marasmius oreades. 37 The Champignon or Fairy-ring Toadstool, Marasmius oreades. 38 The Wood Woolly-foot, Marasmius peronatus. 39 The Summer Boletus, Boletus astivalis. 40 The Variegated Boletus, Boletus variegatus. 41 The Vegetable Beef-steak or Oak-tongue, Fis- tulina hepatica. 42 The Giant-tuft, Polyporus' gigdnteus. 43 Dryad’s Saddle, Polyporus squamosus. 44 The Common Polyporus, Polyporus versicolor. 45 The Horn-of-Plenty, Craterellus cornucopioides 46 The Rat’s Paw, Clavaria cinerea. 47 The Wrinkle-twig, Clavaria Rugosa. 48 The Stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus. 49 The Stinkhorn (with flies eating muscus). Phallus impudicus. 50 The Dog-stinkhorn, Mutinus caninus. 51 A Common Puff-ball, Lycoperdon perlatum. 52 The Common Earth-ball, Scleroderma vulgare. 53 The Earth-star (with some young puff-balls), Geaster seriscus. 54 The Bird’s-Nest, Crucibulum vulgare. 55 The Purple Jelly, Coryne sarcoides. 56 The Common Morel, Morchella esculenta. 57 The Black Potato, Daldinia Concentrica. 58 The Orange Elf-cup, Peziza aurantia. 59 The Black Bulgar, Bulgaria inquinans. 60 A Myxomycete, Tubulina cylindrica. SECOND SERIES. Text Book, by Somerville Hastings,. Is. net. 61 The Scarlet Fly-cap, Agaricus (Amanita) Mus- carius. 62 The Wood Blewit, Agaricus (Tricholoma) Nu- das. 63 The Cream Cot, Agaricus (Clitocybe) Dealba- tus. 64 The Trumpet Clitocybe, Agaricus (Clitocybe) Tuba. 65 The Winter Clitocybe, Agaricus (Clitocybe) Brumalis. 66 The Spotted Collybia, Agaricus (Collybia) Macu- latus. 67 The Little Cap, Agaricus (Mycena) Galericu- latus. 68 The Violet Cap, Agaricus (Laccarta) Laccata. 69 The Tawny-tuft, Agaricus (PhoUota) Spectabilis. 70 The Dung Stropharia, Agaricus (Stropharia) Merdaria. 71 The Tufted Psathyrella, Agaricus (Psathyrella) Disseminatus. 72 The Black Russule, Russula Nigricans. 73 The Scorched Russule. Russula Adusta. 74 The Brazen-faced Russule, Russula Ochroleuca 76 The Dirty Lactar, Lactarius Tiirpis. 76 The Woolly White Lactar, Lactarius Vellereus. 77 The Parrot Hygrophorus, Hygrophorus Psit- tacinus. 78 The Melon Hygrophorus, Hygrophorus Praten- si*. 79 The Snowdrop Hygrophorus, Hygrophorus Niveus. 80 The True Chantarelle, Cantharellus Cibarius. 81 The False Chantarelle, Cantharellus Auran- tiacus. 82 The Funnel Chantarelle, Cantharellus Tuba formis. 83 The Styptic Sprout, Panus Stypticus. 84 The Birch Lenzites, Lenzites Betulina. 85 The Flaccid Lenzites, Lenzites Flaecida. 86 The Saturnine Cortinarius, Cortinarius Satur- ninus. 87 The Silvery Cortinarius, Cortinarius Argen- tatus. 88 Shaggy-Caps, I., Coprinus Comatus. 89 Shaggy-Caps, II., Coprinus Comatus. 90 Shaggy-Caps, III., Coprinus Comatus. 91 The Edible Boletus, Boletus Edulis, 92 The Yellow Boletus, Boletus Flavus. 93 The Large Pine Polyporus, Polyporus Schweintzii. 94 The Varnished Polyporus, Polyporus Lucidus. 95 The Manna of the Woods, Poria Hibernica. 96 The Sweet Trametes, Trametes Suaveolenes. 97 The Jelly-Rot, Merulius Molluscus. 98 The Urchin of the Woods, Hydnum Repandum 99 The Vein Crust, Phlebia Vaga. 100 The Hairy Stereum, Stereum Hirsutum. 101 The Purple Stereum, Stereum Purpureum.