Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1926-10)

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48 THE PHONOGRAPI-I MONTIILV REVIEW Ol)£ jpb ono 9 ra Pb Review CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER Page Beethoven's Debuts in America 2 Richard G. Appel How THE Sounds Get into Your Records by the Electrical Process Experts of the Western Electric Company My Musical Life* Part I ? Natlianicl Shilkret Does America Appreciate the Best Music A. Robert Donaldson Darrell The Columbia Library of Master Works George C. Jell From Jazz to Symphony, Part 1 Moses Smith The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra... Brunswick Electrical Recording Elmer C. Nelson Pag k 4 8 11 13 1G 19 Peter Ilich Tchaikowsky’s Biogralmiy and Recorded Works, Part I K. E. Britzius Coming Contests WTiat Is the Panatrope?. ... ......A Book Review An Odeon Evening • • • ; Topics of General Interest. . . . v The Managing Editor Correspondence Column • • • % Mart and Exchange Column Phonograph Society Hints ...... ... . . William S. Rarks Phonograph Society Reports ...... ... . . Analytical Notes and Reviews Staff Critics 22 26 27 28 29 30. 31 32 32 31 Can vou as a music lover and phonograph enthusiast or dealer, afford to be without a magazine that conta^s’article! of the of .1,1/ THK PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY Ell.V.F.W wiir co.o tinue to have many special features of equal or even greater v ^h g^mn^ ^.lkret s MY MUSI- CAL LIFE”; Richard G. Appel’s Historical Studies; Moses Smiths 1 ROM <>A// IO SI MI H - \ , Self-Education in Music bv means of the Phonograph; Robert Donaldson Darrels articles on American Music and Recordings of vital interest to every American music lover and record buyer; and many others, all in addition to the usual reviews, technical suggestions, and open forum. Ihe influence of I HE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW will he far-reaching and epoch-making. It has a real message for you, and for every one interested in music and the phonograph and their great future in this conn try; A blank is printed below for your convenience; Subscribe Now ! COMING Continuation of Britzius’ “Tchaikowsky” ; studies of composers, recording orchestras, and artists. A contest: Comparative tests of instruments and appliances. Special articles on Beethoven and his festivals. -corded works in connection with this season s H ethoven SUBSCRIPTION ORDER Date.. THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW The Phonograph Publishing Co. Inc. 101 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Enclosed please find (border) for $4.00 in payment for The Phonograph Monthly Review for one year from date. Name. : [ Yearly subscription price for Canada"! and other foreign countries $5.00, post-1 age prepaid. J Street Town l