Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 1, No. 5 (1927-02)

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®fje ^fjonograpf) JWontfjlp Jkbieto CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY PAGE Editorial 193 Beethoven’s Symphonies: One Hundred Years After 194 Richard G. Appel My Musical Life (Continuation) 197 J\[athaniel Shil\ret The Chicago Symphony Orchestra 200 British Chatter 202 Captain H. T. Barnett , M.I.E.E. From Jazz to Symphony (Continuation) 205 Moses Smith Musical Spain Via Phonograph (Completion) 208 W. S. Marsh Recorded Symphony Programs 213 Open Forum 213 Record Budgets 214 Robert Donaldson Darrell PAGE Recorded Remnants 215 Is Your Favorite Work Recorded? 218 Contest Conducted by Vories Fisher Coming Events 219 Correspondence Column 220 Phonograph Activities 222 Phonograph Society Reports 224 Analytical Notes and Reviews 228 Staff Critics General Review . 228 Axel B. Johnson Popular and Foreign Records 234 Eran\ B. Forrest Bedrich Smetana and Recorded Works 237 Dr. Jar. E. S. Vojan Book Reviews 239 cMart and Exchange Column RATES: Advertisements will be accepted for this column at the rate of ten cents a word with a minimum charge of two dollars. The advertiser’s name and address will be charged for, single letters and single figures will be counted as words; com- pound words as two words. All advertisements must be prepared and be addressed to the Advertis- ing Department,THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW, 101 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Should the advertiser desire his announcement to be addressed to a box number in care of the magazine, ten cents extra for the forwarding of replies must be in- cluded. WANTED OLD-STYLE VICTROLA, Console model pre- ferred. Must be in good condition and reasonable in price. Write, giving details, Frank Kearns, 36 Hillside Street, Roxbury, Mass. BEETHOVEN RECORDINGS. The violin con- certo and the Emperor piano concerto (H. M. V.) particularly desired. Also piano sonatas and smaller works. Box 20 D, Phonograph Monthly Review. FRENCH H. M. V. RECORDINGS of Debussy’s Pelleas and of Moussorgsky’s Boris Godunoff. Also records by Chaliapin unobtainable in this country. Box 21K, Phonograph Monthly Review. PIANO RECORDS by Gieseking (Homochord), also a rare recording of Ethel Leginska for Pathe. Box 21P, Phonograph Monthly Review. VICTOR WITHDRAWN WORKS. Last two movements. Beethoven’s Seventh (Coates); Haydn’s Symphony; Russian and Ludmilla Over- ture, etc. Box 22A, Phonograph Monthly Review. FOR SALE 800 OR MORE mechanical recordings from Am- erican companies’ catalogues. Foreign, especially Spanish and Bohemian issues, in the majority. Many rare bargains in unobtainable records. Box 24R, Phonograph Monthly Review. MY UNIQUE LIBRARY of chamber music, in almost perfect condition, all records having been played with fibres only. Write for details. Box 25D, Phonograph Monthly Review. FOR EXCHANGE A VALUABLE 6 Tube Radio Set, in excellent condition. Wanted in exchange, an old-style phonograph (Victor or Columbia). Give details and make offer. The radio set is worth about $150. Records also accepted with phonograph. Box 26J, Phonograph Monthly Review. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN H. M. V. sets, for exchange for Columbia Masterworks Sets or new additions to the Victor Music Arts Library. Box 27G, Phonograph Monthly Review. BOSTON X.INOTYPK PRINT, INC.