Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 3, No. 10 (1929-07)

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The Phonograph Monthly Review 359 July, 1929 Hebrew-Jewish. Abe Schwartz* Orchestra (Dave Tarras, clarinet soloist) plays dances on Columbia 8193-F, and Peisachke Burstein sings comic songs on 8194-F. Victor lists dances by Schryer’s Orchestra (V-9011), songs by Muni Serebroff (V-9004), and a twelve-inch disk of solos—Treren and Kosel Marovi—by a new recording soprano, Lea Golin- kin (V-59002). Vocalion releases three disks by Aaron Lebe- deff (67140, 67139, and 67128—on the last he sings a selection entitled “America, Die Bist All-Right”), and one each by M. Schwartz (75004) and M. Michalesko (67139). Hungarian. The two Columbia releases are G-10189-F and 59013-F, by the Dobri Saxofon Zenekar, and Tulipan Daltarsultat respectively. Odeon offers the debut disk of DalF Asta Terez (folksongs on 12022), vocals by Sebo Mik- los Tanczenekarral (12021 and 12024), and gypsy dances by Fila Jeno’s orchestra. Italian. Brunswick’s headliner is a brilliant symphonic march disk by the Banda Marranzini (78008), followed by Gilda Mignonette’s invariably effective songs on 58164 and 58165). Castellucci and his Vagabonds play dances on 58115, Paolo Citarella sings Sicilian songs on 58134, and Raoul Romito sings on 58163. For Columbia the Orchestra Vene- ziana and Nullo Romani play waltzes on 14463-F and 14458-F respectively; Ria Rosa and Giuseppe de Laurentis sing Nea- politan songs on 14459-F and 14461-F; and Carlo Garuffi sings popular songs on 14460-F. On Odeon 9444 the Banda Italiana plays a mazurka and polka; Paolo Dones and Silvia Coruzzolo sing on 9441 nd 9442; and G. Cioviale-Ciavarella plays a mazurka and polka on 9443. The Victor feature, Zenatello’s record, is reviewed elsewhere. Close behind it come choral pieces by the Belmont Choir (V-62003), Fascisti marches by the Royal Italian Marine Band (V-12041), tango songs by Daniele Serra V-12040), popular songs by Mig- liaccio (V-12038), and a whistling disk by S. Brucato (V-12043). Irish. The marches by the University of Notre Dame Or- chestra (Columbia 33343-F) are reviewed elsewhere. Col- umbia also issues violin solos by James Claffey, accompanied by Robert Hood Bowers (3339-F), songs by Seamus O’- Doherty (33340-F) and Frank Quinn (33341-F), Jig and reel medleys by the Flanagan Brothers (33338-F), and flute- violin duets by McKenna and Morrison on 3342-F. Lithuanian. Columbia lists two releases by the Mahano- jaus Lietuviska Maineriu Orkestra (16135-F and 61003-F). Victor has baritone solos by P. Stankunas (V-14008) and duets by Volteraite and Krasauskiene. Porto-Rican. Columbia issues a long list of Porto Rican records mostly by the Trio Quisqueya, the Grupo Quis- queya, and the Trio Borinquen. Special mention goes to 2759-X, dances by the Euterpe Porto Rican Orchestra. Brunswick features releases by the Trio Ponceno (40680), the Reyes de la Plena (40676), and dances by the Orquesta Brunswick Antillana (40655). Polish* Odeon features its exclusive Polish artists Brominski and Mirska on 11420, Kaminski and Merchel in instrumentals on 11421, and Anton Brousek’s Orchestra in dances on 11422. From Columbia there are clarinet solos by John Wyskowski on 18330-F, popular songs by Marek Windheim on 18326-F, and orchestral selections on 1832709-F. Victor offers orchestrals by the Orkiestra Jozefa Kmiecia (V-16035) and J. Baczkowskiego Orkiestra (V-16037), sketches by Pawel Faut on V-16038 and songs by the same artist on V-16036. Portuguese. Columbia is alone in the field with jazz dances on 1063-X, band pieces by the Banda da Guarda Republicana do Porto on 1064-X, and songs on 1065-X (Margarida and Dias). Roumanian. Victor is lone with a special list including chorals by the “Carmen” Society, mixed voices, on V-19006 and V-19009, soprano solos by Alexandra Ferraru of the Opera Romana (V-19007), and band pieces by the Muzica Regimentului 2 Vanatori R. E. Russian-Ukrainian. Columbia lists folksongs by Smirnova and Dontzoff on 20177-F, folksongs by the Donskich Kaza- kov chorus on G-64007-F, and comic songs by Victor Chen- kin on G-20176-F. Odeon features the debut disk of Sinaida Palian Astrowa, a noted Russian soprano recently on tour in this country (15105); there is a wedding scene on 15106, ■ iii. —■n av comic sketches on 15585, and instrumentals by Kornienko’s Ukrainian Orchestra on 15586. Victor offers four sketch disks by Hryhorczuk and Company (V-21007), Karpato- Russki Spevokol (V-71015-6) and the Slawische Art. Kolo (V-71014). Scandinavian. Columbia 22095-F couples a waltz and polka by the Franzen-Gade Kvartett; 22096-F couples a waltz and schottische by Janrl’s Nyhetskvintett. Ernst Rolf sings a Swedish version of I Kiss Your Hand Madame on Odeon 19276; Modeen and Rolen have comic sketches on 19277; S. O. Sandberg sings on 19275; and the Svensson and Jularbo orchestras each have a side of 19274. For Victor John A. Scott sings hymns on V-24015, the Svenska Sjo- mans Orkestern plays dances on V-20008, Syvertsen and Gustavsen play accordion duets on V-20007, and the M. M. Manskoren sing Swedish choral selections on V-24014. Slovak. Gellert and Pelak offer folksongs on Columbia 24113-F and 67019-F respectively. The Vlaskij Chor gives a four-part Harvest Feast sketch on Victor V-72015-6, and the Michael Stiber Orchestra plays lively dances on Victor V-22011. Spanish-Mexican. Brunswick offers its usual extensive list of records in this class among which the following might be picked out for special mention: 40644, brilliant marches by the Banda Municipal; 40663 and 40665, dances by the Or- questa Tipica Azteca; 40669 and 40670, songs by Los Trova- dores; 40595-7 (and others) by the Marimba Chiapas Mex- ico; 46615, coupling a waltz by the Marimba Chiapas Mex- and a recitation by Rodolfo Hoyos; 40651, 40657, 40638, and 40646, tango songs by Genaro Veiga accompanied by a Tipica Orchestra. Odeon features some powerful tango songs by Hector de Lara (16364), vocals by. Milla Domin- guez (16365) and Peraza-Mansanero (16362), and fair tangos by the Orquesta Ferraro (16366). Columbia offers a long list, among which the following are noteworthy: 3383-X, by the Orquesta Tipica Lerdo; 3402-X, Pasdobles by the Or- questa Espanola; 3407-X, a pasdoble by the Orquesta Es- panola an<j a waltz song by El Trovador Romantico 3518-X, waltzes by the Orchestra Mexicana Columbia; and 3500-X, waltz songs—Christina and Coquette—by J. M. Oliver, tenor. From the Victor group the following might be singled out for mention: 46106-7, songs by the Trio Garnica-Ascencio; 46137 and 46173, dances by the Orquesta Internacional; 46131, pasdoles by the Banda del Regimiento Badajoz No. 73; 81885, 81891, 81895, 81900, and 81902, songs in flamenco or gypsy style with Moorish characteristics recorded in Spain by Angelillo, Munoz, De Valencia, Escasena, and Chacon respectively. S. F. TOO LATE FOR REVIEW A number of important works arrived from Columbia just too late for review in this issue: Schumann’s Piano Concerto played by Fanny Davies and the Royal Philhar- monic (Masterworks Set No. 114), Turina’s Procession del Rocio and Arbos’ Noche de Arabia both played by Arbos and the Madrid Symphony (67606-D and 67607-D), and Liszt’s First Hungarian Rhapsody played by Dohnanyi and the Budapest Philharmonic (50153-4-4). Complete reviews will appear next month. niC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC2IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIICailll!lllll!IC31lll!IIIIIIIC3im | The photograph on the front cover of this | | issue is of Richard Bonelli, distinguished | | young baritone of the Chicago Civic Opera | 1 Company. Mr. Bonelli is an exclusive Bruns- | | wick artist. |