Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 3, No. 9 (1929-06)

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324 The Phonograph Monthly Review June, 1929 CONTENTS FOR JUNE Photograph on front cover: Arturo Toscanini , Conductor of the New York Philharmonic-Symphony PAGE GENERAL REVIEW 289 Axel B. Johnson THE MUSICAL LADDER 293 Robert Donaldson Darrell HOW SOUNDS GET INTO YOUR RECORDS 296 Experts oj The Western Electric Co . PHONOGRAPHIC ECHOES 300 CORRESPONDENCE 304 ANALYTICAL NOTES AND REVIEWS 311 Staff Critics BOOK REVIEWS 323 Mart and Exchange RATES: Advertisements will be accepted for this col- umn at the rate of five cents a word with a minimum charge of one dollar. The advertiser’s name and address will be charged for, single letters and single figures will be counted as words; compound words as two words. All advertise- ments must be prepared and be addressed to the Advertis- ing Department, THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY RE- VIEW, 47 Hampstead Rd., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass Should the advertiser desire his announcement to be ad- dressed to a box number in care of the magazine, ten cents extra for the forwarding of replies must be included. WANTED STOKOWSKI AUTOGRAPHED SET of “La Grande Paque Russe.” Unplayed records only. Give number of set and premium above published price desired. Box 102S, Phonograph Monthly Re- view. OLD CATALOGUES and supplements of domes- tic and foreign companies. Only those of phono- graphic historical value unprocurable elsewhere, desired. Box 1030, Phonograph Monthly Review. SCRIABIN SONATAS issued by Japanese Phonograph Society. Box 100F, Phonograph Monthly Review. VOCALION record of song of The Cottonfields played by Duke Ellington’s Washingtonians. Con- dition of disk not important if it is playable. State price. Box 97D, Phonograph Monthly Review. FOR SALE SALON PIECES AND OVERTURES— large acoustical library including many waltzes. Write for particulars. Box 101T, Phonograph Monthly Review. Every Number is a Record Number (EUf Okautupiimu' Edited by (Enntptmt Jftarktfttzw Annual Subscription $3.50—post free Send for a free specimen copy THE GRAMOPHONE 58 Frith Street : : London, W1 The key to the Music and Phonograph Trades 3000 Pages-60000 Addresses "Price $4 15 rue de Madrid, Paris The Music Magazine of the Pacific West Published Monthly in San Francisco Covering the Ten Western States from Canada to Mexico The biggest Western Circulation of any Music Magazine FREDERIC SHIPMAN, Publisher Hotel Sutter San Francisco SUBSCRIPTION ORDER Date THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW The Phonograph Publishing Co., Inc. 47 Hampstead Rd., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. Enclosed please find check f or « 4 0 o in pay- noney order * J ment for The Phonograph Monthly Review for ont year beginning with the issue. Name Street Town Yearly subscription price for Canada and other foreign countries $5.00, postage prepaid BOSTON LINOTTPB PRINT, INC.