Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 4, No. 11 (1930-08)

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396 The Phonograph Monthly Review August, 1930 CONTENTS FOR AUGUST Photograph on the front cover: Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Victor artist (photograph by Bigelow) Articles The Ballets oj Igor Strawinski— 1. Petrouchka 363 William Henry Seltsam Folk Song and the Phonograph 365 R. D. D. Palestrina — Bach — Beethoven —2. Mass in B minor and Missa Solemnis 367 Robert H. S. Phillips A Smetana Discography 372 Dr. J. E. Vojan The Phonograph and the Sonal Fifyn 374 Harry Alan Fotamkin A Prize Contest in Disc Criticism 375 Catharine Arbenz Features Editorial 361 European Releases 375 Correspondence 376 Phonographic Echoes 384 Reviews Longer Reviews -384 Orchestral 387 Sonata 388 Operatic - 389 Songs 390 Instrumental > 390 Popular 391 Dance 392 Foreign 394 Book Reviews 394 Mart and Exchange RATES: Advertisements will be accepted for this col- umn at the rate of five cents a word with a minimum charge of one dollar. The advertiser’s name and address will be charged for, single letters and single figures will be counted as words; compound words as two words. All Advertise- ments must be prepared and be addressed to the Advertis- ing Department THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY RE- VIEW, 5 Boylston Street, Cambridge, Mass. Should the ad- vertiser desire his announcement to be addressed to a box number in care of the magazine, ten cents extra for the tor- warding of replies must be included. WANTED BLUE DUNUBE WALTZ (Vox). Complete re- cording. State price and condition. Box 142L, Phonograph Monthly Review. WALTON’S FACADE, Portsmouth Point, other imported records of modern works. Must be in good condition. Box 143L, Phonograph Monthly Review. THREE OUT OF PRINT issues of the first year of The Phonograph Monthly Review (November 1926, March and May 1927). Box 141F, Phonograph Monthly Review. I1NRIVAI I FIT 60,000 addresses of manufacturers publishers wholesalers retailers of instruments music talking machines radio ALL THE WORLD OVER for $4 MUSIQUE-ADRESSES LIMIVERSEL 1930 International Directory of the Music Trades JUST OUT! IS rue de Madrid, Paris (France) Back Files of the P. M. R. A very few sets of Volume 1 (9 issues) and Volume II (complete) are still available. Price $6.00 per set, postpaid. Volume III (complete), $5.00. Indices to Volumes I, II, and III, $2.00. Address the Circulation Department 5 BOYLSTON ST. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. SUBSCRIPTION ORDER Date THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW The Phonograph Publishing Co., Inc. 5 Boylston Street, Cambridge, Mass. Enclosed please find n0 ney C order for $ 4-00 in pay " ment for The Phonograph Monthly Review for one year beginning with the issue. Name . .. Street Town Yearly subscription price for Canada and other foreign countries $5.00, postage prepaid ■OHM UNO ftFl PHI**. 1*0.