Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 4, No. 7 (1930-04)

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252 The Phonograph Monthly Review April, 1930. CONTENTS FOR APRIL Photograph on front cover: Enrique Fernandez Arbos, exclusive Columbia artist. GENERAL REVIEW 217 Axel B. Johnson SOME REPRESENTATIVE FRENCH RECORDS 219 Robert Donaldson Darrell NEW PHONOGRAPHY FOR OLD 223 “Observer" PHONOGRAPUIC ECHOES 228 MASSENET AND HIS MUSIC (Continuation) 230 James Hadley CORRESPONDENCE 234 ANALYTICAL NOTES AND REVIEWS 242 Staff Critics Mart and Exchange RATES: Advertisements will be accepted for this col- umn at the rate of five cents a word with a minimum charge of one dollar. The advertiser’s name and address will be charged for, single letters and single figures will be counted as words; compound words as two words. All advertise- ments must be prepared and be addressed to the Advertis- ing Department, THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY RE- VIEW, 47 Hampstead Rd., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. Should the advertiser desire his announcement to be ad- dressed to a box number in care of the magazine, ten cents extra for the forwarding of replies must be included. WANTED HANDEL OBOE SONATAS and pieces for viola da gamba and harsichord. State condition. Box 133E, Phonograph Monthly Review. MARCH 1927 (BEETHOVEN) ISSUE of Phonograph Monthly Review. Box 128L, Phono- graph Monthly Review. SECOND HAND choral recordings. Works by Palestrina, etc. No objection to acoustical rec- ords if price is low. Give details. Box 132R, Phonograph Monthly Review. FOR SALE SEVERAL HUNDRED ELECTRICAL REC- ORDS. Mostly Victor. Some album sets. Fibre played. Location, Boston. Box 130D, Phonograph Monthly Review. OPERATIC LIBRARY, disposing at a sacrifice. Celebrity vocals, orchestral overtures and inter- ludes. Many electrical. Box 131T, Phonograph Monthly Review. Every Number is a Record Number Gkamoplimw Edited by (Enmptmt Hlarfcettzw Annual Subscription $3.50—post free Send for a free specimen copy THE GRAMOPHONE 58 Frith Street : : London, W1 are you interested in FRENCH RECORDS? then read: MACHINES PARLANTES 1 & RADIO I which contains each month complete lists of the French recordings and interesting articles on Phonograph 6? Radio. Annual subscription $1 ' Demand for free specimen to 15 rue de Madrid, Paris (France) The Music Magazine of the Pacific West Published Monthly in San Francisco Covering the Ten Western States from Canada to Mexico The biggest Western Circulation of any Music Magazine FREDERIC SHIPMAN, Publisher Hotel Sutter San Francisco SUBSCRIPTION ORDER Date THE PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY REVIEW The Phonograph Publishing Co., Inc. 47 Hampstead Rd., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. Enclosed please find check for *4.00 in pay- money order ment for The Phonograph Monthly Review for one year beginning with the issue. Name ... Street Town Yearly subscription price for Canada and other foreign countries $5.00, postage prepaid boum uvovrri niav, no.